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Increasing opportunity cost | Microeconomics | Khan Academy

Khan Academy2011-12-29
522K views|12 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores how opportunity cost changes as the pursuit of rabbits increases for a hunter-gatherer. It demonstrates the concept of increasing opportunity cost and its graphical representation using the production possibilities frontier. The example shows that as more rabbits are pursued, the cost in terms of forgone berries increases, leading to a bow-shaped curve in the opportunity cost.

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📊 Transcript
The opportunity cost changes as we move from scenario to scenario.
In scenario F, the opportunity cost of going after an extra rabbit is 20 berries.
In scenario E, the opportunity cost of going after a second rabbit is 40 berries.
In scenario D, the opportunity cost of going after a third rabbit is 60 berries.
The more rabbits are pursued, the higher the opportunity cost in berries.
This demonstrates increasing opportunity cost as more rabbits are pursued.
The concept of increasing opportunity cost is common in economic models.
In the example of hunting rabbits and gathering berries, the opportunity cost changes as more rabbits are pursued.
This idea of increasing opportunity cost is a simplified economic model that reflects real-world choices and trade-offs.
The example demonstrates how the pursuit of additional rabbits leads to a higher opportunity cost in terms of forgone berries.
The phenomenon of increasing opportunity cost is a fundamental concept in economics and applies to a wide range of decision-making scenarios.
The phenomenon of increasing opportunity cost is demonstrated in the pursuit of rabbits and berries.
Obtaining two rabbits a day will require more time and will result in giving up easier-to-get berries.
Trying to get five rabbits a day means pursuing the quickest and smartest rabbits, while ignoring the nearby berries.
The production possibilities frontier graph shows the bow-shaped curve of increasing opportunity cost as more rabbits are pursued.
The slope of the curve indicates the increasing cost of rabbits in terms of forgone berries.
The concept of increasing opportunity cost is demonstrated through a bow-shaped curve in the production possibilities frontier.
A bow-shaped curve in the production possibilities frontier indicates increasing opportunity costs as more of one good is produced.
The curve shows that to produce more of one good, increasingly larger amounts of the other good must be sacrificed.
This concept reflects the real-world trade-offs and choices that occur in economics.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the example used to illustrate changing opportunity cost?

The example provided in the video is about the opportunity cost of hunting rabbits versus gathering berries, where the opportunity cost changes as more rabbits are pursued.

2. Why does the opportunity cost change in the example?

The opportunity cost changes in the example because as more rabbits are pursued, the hunter-gatherer has to give up more berries, which were the alternative choice for food.

3. How does the concept of increasing opportunity cost relate to the example?

The concept of increasing opportunity cost is demonstrated in the example as the hunter-gatherer faces a higher cost in berries for every additional rabbit pursued.

4. What does the bow-shaped curve in the production possibilities frontier indicate?

The bow-shaped curve in the production possibilities frontier indicates increasing opportunity costs as more of one good is produced, reflecting the real-world trade-offs and choices in economics.