00:00okay this is not a video I'm excited to make but
it's something I've need to make for a long time
00:05this is one of those videos that you're going
to want to watch till the end because you can be
00:10you might be in danger there are many people that
watch me that call themselves Christians that are
00:14believers but might end up dying and going to hell
I don't think I can name something more terrifying
00:21than standing before God on Judgment Day thinking
you're going to heaven when in reality you're
00:25actually going to hell I'm going to show you five
verses these are what I call landmine verses in
00:30other words if I invite you over my house and said
hey I want you to come hang out but there's five
00:34landmines hidden throughout my house let's have
fun you would be like I want to know where these
00:40landmines are so I can avoid them you want to
avoid being one of these people that we're going
00:45to talk about in these verses no fancy editing
in this I just want to share my heart with you
00:49I don't want no one to be deceived I don't want
no one to go to hell and there's an easy gospel
00:54going around that says everybody's saved easy is
the way it's very close to universalism Jesus did
01:00not teach which easy is the way in fact Jesus said
difficult is the way I don't take any pleasure in
01:06making this this might be one of my most serious
videos I've ever made so I really want you to
01:09take it serious and I want you to really think
about the verses that I'm going to give you and
01:14what we're going to talk about so I want to start
with let me just put on screen to help you here
01:18first one we're going to go with is Luke 13 22 and
he went through the cities and Villages teaching
01:23and journeying towards Jerusalem then one said to
him Lord are there few who are saved so they're
01:27asking how many are actually saved and he said
to them being Jesus strive to enter through the
01:32narrow gate for many I say will seek to enter
and will not be able to so there's going to be
01:37many seeking to enter but only those that strive
are going to enter well we don't need to strive
01:43brother well Jesus says the opposite when Once
the Master of the House has risen up and shut
01:48the door and you begin to stand outside and knock
at the door saying Lord Lord so these people here
01:53call him Lord could this be us that call him Lord
open for us and he'll answer and say I don't know
02:01you where you are from then you'll begin to say
we ate and drank in your presence and you taught
02:06in our streets we went to your services we were
at your meetings but he will say I tell you I do
02:12not know you where you are from depart from
me all of you workers of iniquity there will
02:17be weeping and nashing of teeth when you see
Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets
02:21in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust
out so there's something about seeing Heaven
02:25seeing the prophets but then you get a glimpse of
the glory and you yourselves get thrown out they
02:31will come from east and west north and south and
sit down in the kingdom of God and indeed those
02:35who will be first will all those who be first
they're our first who will be last this is scary
02:41Jesus says strive work hard don't just seek well
I'm just seeking God don't just seek he says
02:48strive to enter through the narrow gate I want to
go to the second verse here that I have saved is
02:54going to be Matthew 7 21 another landmine in my
opinion if you're a Christian these verses should
03:00be absolutely terrifying Paul said knowing the
terror of the Lord I persuade men Matthew 7 21 not
03:06everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall inherit
the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will
03:11of my Father in heaven so just because you say
Jesus is Lord It's because you repeated a prayer
03:16doesn't mean you're going to enter the Kingdom
of Heaven who enters the ones that do the will
03:20of my father many will say many means a lot of
people will say Lord Lord have we not prophesied
03:27in your name cast out demons in your name done
many wonders in your name then I'll declare I
03:34never knew you depart from me you who practice
lawlessness so although you're doing Miracles
03:40you're casting out demons you're prophesying
you're radical you'd be considered radical
03:47he says I never knew you now what does that word
new mean because it's very very important I did
03:52a help word study it's a Greek word gonosco
it means to properly know especially through
03:58personal experience or first-hand acquaintance so
you got to know Jesus not just through a sermon on
04:04Sunday but you need to know him personally and
then the helps word study let me quote it word
04:09for word here says experientially no it's used in
example in Luke 1 34 when Mary said to the angel
04:16how will this be since I don't know I didn't I
don't know a man and then it says gnosco equals
04:22sexual intimacy now it's used in that way but
in this verse it's not saying you need to have
04:27sexual intimacy or intercourse with God that is
not what it's saying that's weird it's saying you
04:31need to be intimate knowing him personally you
need to personally know him it's gonosco it's
04:37experientially no it's intimacy it's to properly
know it's not enough that you just go to church on
04:43Sunday it's not enough that you have a 90-minute
God how is it possible so many Christians will
04:48go to hell it's because they think they know
God but they don't know God personally they
04:53don't really know him these are landmine verses
guys you really need to know him Hebrews 10 26.
04:59for if we sent sin willfully look at this after
having received the knowledge of the truth there
05:05no longer remains a sacrifice for sin so
you can call yourself a Christian all you
05:09want if you keep on sinning after receiving the
knowledge of the truth there no longer remains
05:14but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and
fire and ignition will devour the adversaries if
05:21we keep sinning as Christians after knowing the
truth this is what the Bible says there no longer
05:27remains a sacrifice for sin he says it should not
be taken lightly as a joke First Corinthians let's
05:33look at this one First Corinthians chapter
6 verses what verses do I have down here
05:39um uh no that's the wrong verse let's go First
Corinthians 5 12. I think I want to look for 12.
05:45here it is all things are lawful me but all things
are helpful oh that's not it where am I going here
05:51I have it written down first Corinthians 6 9-10
I don't know why I saved it wrong okay First
05:57Corinthians 6 9-10 here we go do you not know
that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
06:02of God do not be deceived and now it's going to
list those that won't inherit the kingdom of God
06:07do not be deceived neither fornicators nor
idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor
06:15sodomites nor thieves nor Covetous nor drunkards
nor revilers nor extortioners one here at the
06:23kingdom of God and such were some of you but you
were washed you were Sanctified you are justified
06:29in the name of the Lord Jesus and the spirit of
God so you were those things but you're not any
06:33longer so what happens to the Christian that is
still those things what happens just because you
06:38call yourself a Christian you will not inherit
the kingdom of God do you not know that the
06:42unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God
it's no joke guys it's possible as a Christian
06:49you can think you're good and die and go to hell
Matthew 25 let's go Matthew 25 31. last one here
06:55from Jesus when the sunny man comes in his glory
and all the Holy Angels with him and he will sit
07:00on his throne of Glory all the nations will be
gathered before him and he will separate them
07:04one from another as a sheep divides his sheep from
the goats as a Shepherd divides his sheep from the
07:09goats and he will get the sheep on his right hand
and the goats on his left then the king will say
07:13to those on the right Come Ye blessed my father
inherit the kingdom of God prepare for you for I
07:17was hungry and you gave me food I was thirsty and
you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me
07:22in I was naked and you clothed me I was sick and
you visited me I was in prison and you came to me
07:28then the righteous will answer Lord when did we
see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give
07:33you drink or when did you see you as a stranger
and take you in or naked and clothe you or when
07:37did we see you sick or in prison and come to
you and the King will say and as much as you
07:41did the least of these you did it to me so it's
doing these actual things for the least of them
07:47then you'll say to those on his left hand depart
from me you curse into Everlasting fire prepared
07:52for the devil and his angels so what makes them
cursed and thrown into the Everlasting fire I was
07:58hungry and you gave me no food I was thirsty and
you gave me no drink I was a stranger you didn't
08:02take me in naked you didn't clothe me sick and
you didn't visit me in prison you didn't visit
08:06me sick you didn't clothe me um sorry sick and
in prison and you didn't visit me then you'll
08:11answer and say Lord when did we see you hungry
thirsty these are Christians calling him Lord
08:16when did we see you hungry thirsty or stranger or
naked or sick in prison and did not minister to
08:22you then you'll say and as much as you did not do
to the least of these you did not do it to me and
08:28these will go away into Everlasting punishment
but the righteous in your eternal life what is
08:32it all about not doing things for the least of
these it's like Lord I didn't do anything with
08:39my Christian Life I never helped those who didn't
have food I never helped the poor I never visit
08:43anybody those that were sick those are in prison
but the Lord recognizes those that you do for
08:47others you've done it under me it's about action
some Christians will go to Everlasting punishment
08:54because they neglected the action they did not do
anything that's what this is about are we doing
09:01something do we know God are we continuing on in
sin Guys these five passages of scripture should
09:08terrify all of us we should look at these and
go man I don't want to be one of those now I'm
09:13not wanting you to doubt your salvation but these
verses show these people said Lord they thought
09:19they were saved but they weren't actually saved
they didn't truly know the Lord now I know some
09:23people say oh you're adding Works to Salvation I'm
literally telling you what Jesus said don't be one
09:30of those that say Lord Lord we did all these
things but you never knew him today is the day
09:36take this as a sobering warning it's time to get
a real relationship with Jesus it's time to stop
09:42with the sin stop with the compromise and it's
time to actually do the things Jesus said to do
09:48it's time to actually help those in need minister
to the broken minister to the poor Minister those
09:54in prison and actually reach out to people it's
not enough to be idle or just follow a preacher
09:59on YouTube we need to actually do the works that
Jesus said to do I hope this has been a sobering
10:04warning for you I don't want to keep it long 10
minutes very important versus this has been on
10:09my heart the Lord's been telling me Isaiah there's
some that follow you some that are Christian that
10:13are actually going to hell actually going to hell
not because I'm saying it but because the word of
10:25play games with I'm live Monday Tuesday and Friday
and we'll see you guys in the next video God bless