00:01car here from homestead how in the
00:02carnivore diet documentary and this is
00:06my last meal on Carnivore I am stopping
00:09carnivore now and I'm not doing
00:11lying I'll tell you what I'm doing here
00:24second I'm on day 202 of being a
00:28carnivore and the last couple days I've
00:30been feeling bad for the first time in
00:34202 days I've started having this lower
00:36back pain which I haven't had for 202
00:40days before doing carnivore I had this
00:42lower back pain for years and years and
00:44years I thought it was some injury I had
00:45well it turns out it was just
00:46inflammation for some reason I'm
00:48starting to get some inflammation again
00:49I think it's maybe from I went out to
00:52eat the other day and I told them don't
00:54put any oil or anything on it but
00:56started feeling it after that um or it's
00:59from eating bacon so I eat a lot of
01:00bacon and eggs here's what I'm doing I
01:03am legit this isn't clickbait I'm
01:05stopping carnivore I'm not doing lion
01:08diet right now I'm doing something else
01:10if you guys watch a video I did with my
01:11friend uh Jeffrey de prosperous he has
01:14stage four cancer uh sadly he was told
01:17you have cancer in your colon and it's
01:20spread to your liver it's inoperable
01:23it's incurable you're terminal and you
01:25have a couple months left to live he
01:28took his health into his own hands and
01:30he started uh fasting and doing
01:33carnivore and doing exercise and every
01:35week for 28 weeks he's been doing chemo
01:39on every other Wednesday and he does a
01:405-day water fast leading into uh the
01:44chemo and the chemo is on the Wednesday
01:46and then the day and the day after so he
01:56yeah he starts that chemo on Wednesday
01:59and he's starts the fast on Monday
02:03Sunday is the last time he eats today is
02:05Sunday I got two steaks going those are
02:08my last Stakes I'm going to eat I'm G to
02:11I'm going to go in solidarity with my
02:13friend Jeff um not just for that reason
02:15but he's had to do it 28 times and we
02:18become good friends we're talking on the
02:19phone and texting each other all the
02:21time and he doesn't have a choice he has
02:24to do it uh I'm able to do it a water
02:27fast for 5 days see what my friend
02:29friends going through and also it's just
02:32really good for you and also I've done
02:34water fast before I'm not jumping into
02:35something completely foreign here I've
02:37done a 5-day water Fest before I ever
02:39went on Carnivore I've done a three-day
02:41water fast and I felt amazing and people
02:43have fasted for generations and
02:45generations there's all sorts of health
02:47benefits and autophagy and things that
02:48can happen when you water Fest I want to
02:51get rid of this inflammation I want to
02:53support my friend Jeff and I want to try
02:56something different and switch it up and
02:58the other reason is this
03:00I believe carnivore diet is the proper
03:02human diet humans have been eating since
03:04the start of time if you look around
03:05here my property I believe
03:08humans many many generations ago would
03:11have hunted and caught a big animal they
03:12would have killed the animal they would
03:13have eaten the meat and the organs and
03:15the fat and then they might have fasted
03:18probably for a week or a couple days
03:19until they could find another animal I
03:21don't think that was uncommon and then
03:23maybe every now and then in the middle
03:24of summertime they'd get a handful of
03:26berries but it was mostly meat and it
03:27was a lot of fasting and I've done so
03:30much to get back to that natural proper
03:32human State eating carnivore um but
03:35carnivores back in the day wouldn't eat
03:37two steaks here and then a bunch of
03:39ground beef and uh bacon and eggs every
03:41single morning it'd be a little meal
03:45there speaking of meals this thing is
03:47going to be fantastic look at
03:54Focus going to be a fantastic last meal
03:57uh before I do my fast I got a strip sck
04:00and a ribeye going so I'm gonna fast
04:02with my friend Jeff Jeff has an amazing
04:05YouTube channel an incredible story I've
04:07done two videos with him now his channel
04:09is called blessings on my journey I will
04:11leave a link in the description below
04:14you guys got to check out his work his
04:16content what he's sharing his regimen
04:18that he's come up with and he's uh
04:20educated me so much and I'm learning so
04:22much more about cancer and carnivore and
04:26from Professor Thomas sea freed uh Jeff
04:29put me on to Professor SE I've watched
04:31so much of his content but the fact that
04:33cancer is a metabolic disease with a
04:37metabolic solution was completely news
04:39to me I've lost loved ones from cancer I
04:42had Squam cell cancer on my ear which is
04:44nothing like what Jeff's going through
04:46um but it is one of the more uh it's one
04:48of the bad worse uh skin cancers that
04:51can metastasize thankfully they're able
04:53to remove it and get rid of it but this
04:55cancer I had on my ear was caused the
04:56same way Jeff's cancer was caused and
04:58most cancers are caused
05:00mitochondria damage and from what
05:03Professor seed's decades and Decades of
05:05work say in all of his
05:07research that mitochondria
05:10mismanagement um malfunction damage is
05:14from chronic inflammation and chronic
05:17inflammation is most often from eating
05:20horrible food carbs and sugar and Seed
05:23oils and processed food that everybody's
05:26doing and then the solution in many
05:28cases to cancer can also
05:31be metabolic eating proper Foods fasting
05:34and getting your body into ketosis
05:36Professor C's done so much work on the
05:39how effective chemo can be and how um
05:43how cancer thrives on sugar and what a
05:47what an amazing thing a fasting regimen
05:49exercise regimen like Jeff is doing can
05:52can help for cancer and extend and
05:54prolong people's lives um even maybe
05:57reverse things in some cases nobody
05:59knows about that though you go out in
06:01the world if God forbid any one of you
06:03watching this gets cancer they're not
06:04going to tell you about this stuff
06:06they're going to give you chemo and then
06:08you're going to get upset at chemo like
06:10Jeff did when they come around with a
06:11big plate of cookies and ensure for you
06:14giving the cancer sugar doing exactly
06:16the opposite of what they should be
06:18doing it's it's criminal and it's insane
06:21and the fact it's happening to children
06:24that get cancer as well they just throw
06:26them on chemo and there's no other
06:27solution that's worth discussing
06:30and you ask them how how are these
06:31cancers where did you how did I get my
06:34cancer and they tell you it's a fluke we
06:37don't know and from what Professor caed
06:39saying in many cases it's not a fluke
06:41and in many cases we do know sure you
06:43can get cancer from other things not
06:44just your food of course if you smoke
06:46cigarettes your whole life that causes
06:47inflammation inflammation damages the
06:49mitochondria if you sniff some weird
06:51chemicals and toxins and things like
06:53that that could cause inflammation that
06:54could damage your mitochondria you could
06:56get cancer but most of it my friends is
06:59from the the foods we are eating so
07:01cancer is just this reflection or
07:03microcosm of the bigger picture going on
07:05in this world with nutrition and
07:07everyone is has poor metabolic Health
07:0988% of people out there have poor
07:11metabolic health and they're eating the
07:14wrong foods and they're getting sicker
07:15and sicker heart disease is the number
07:17one killer diabetes numbers are going
07:19through the roof depression and anxiety
07:22everyone you know has it aches and pains
07:23and ailments and inflation inflammation
07:26everyone has it and God forbid you do
07:28that long enough with that chronic
07:30inflammation you're going to end up with
07:39too my thing is I'm not telling anybody
07:41what they should do my only thing is if
07:43I were to get cancer or a loved one of
07:45mine was to get cancer I'm not telling
07:47them what they should do they should
07:49make their own decisions and do their
07:50own research on their cancer treatment
07:52chemo or natural or both or
07:54whatever my thing is it's a tragedy that
07:58most people don't know that this isn't
07:59an option Professor C's been doing this
08:02work for years and years and years the
08:03video I just watched is eight years old
08:05I'd never heard of it and I had cancer
08:07and I lost loved ones from cancer and
08:09I'd never heard of it and that's a
08:10tragedy people should have the option it
08:14be coring them into a hole and the only
08:17option they have is chemo medicines and
08:20things that make the hospitals billions
08:22and billions of dollars and any sort of
08:24talk about anything natural or improving
08:26your metabolic health or fasting or keto
08:29is completely blown off Professor stried
08:31he said when I talk about kids and the
08:33fact that these kids are going on cancer
08:35and they're basically getting tortured
08:37and it's damaging all of their other
08:39cells why can't we just present this to
08:40them as an option he is told keto that's
08:44too dangerous for kids could you believe
08:47that the proper human diet that people
08:49have eaten since the start of time is
08:51too dangerous for kids uh but we can
08:53throw them on medication pills
08:55chemotherapy and radiation and that's
08:58fine that toxic stuff is perfectly fine
09:00but we can't talk about eating a proper
09:02human diet with them it's insane so long
09:05story short wasn't clickbait I am
09:08legitimately stopping carnivore right
09:10now I will be eating nothing for 5 days
09:12I will only be drinking water uh I'm
09:14going to be talking to my friend Jeff
09:15and we're going to be supporting each
09:17other throughout the week and in fact
09:19we're doing a cancer uh video together
09:21on Tuesday a live stream so we'll see
09:23how my energy is on Tuesday that's going
09:24to be a tough one um and I'll let you
09:27guys know how it goes I'm probably going
09:28to do several short throughout the week
09:30the timing of this is a little weird
09:32because after this I'm going to be
09:33heading to Canada to to uh meet and do
09:36some work on Maggie's Ranch the
09:3882-year-old carnivore and learn more
09:40about her story uh so that's it for me
09:43please leave a comment down below if any
09:45of you have done water fasting or if you
09:46have any thoughts on this whole thing
09:49and uh I'm also the the reason the title
09:51isn't clickbait besides I'm stopping
09:53carnivore is I'm stopping carnivore as
09:56well not just for my 5-day fast when I'm
09:58done with that I'm back on Lion diet in
10:00fact I'm eating lion diet today and I
10:02did yesterday and the day before when
10:04that inflammation started creeping up
10:06and it it started to go down and feel
10:08better I just feel so much better on
10:10Lion diet I know my friend Dante fno who
10:13inspired me and said the same thing uh
10:15bacon and eggs and stuff I'm fine I get
10:17a little inflammation hey I am a
10:20thousand times better than I was before
10:21even if I get some inflammation here or
10:23there uh but I just feel better and I
10:26think it's more natural doing the lion
10:28diet it's so much easier too eat a huge
10:31meal today I got two steaks I'm eating a
10:34huge meal one big meal and I'm going to
10:36be done so I'm stopping carnivore on two
10:38fronts I'm doing a 5-day fast and when
10:40I'm done with that I'm back on Lion diet
10:41so thank you guys so much for watching I
10:43appreciate all of you please visit www.c
10:46carnivore diet movie.com if you want to
10:48help support our carnivore diet
10:50documentary uh I'm so excited to
10:52continue filming we got some big plans
10:54when we're done uh visiting Maggie in
10:57Canada and uh but we're we're still
10:59trying to raise funds for the
11:01documentary so that we can film it
11:02properly we've come a long way we have
11:03enough funds to keep going but we need
11:05more so you can donate at www.c
11:08carnivore diet mov.com you can click on
11:10the GoFundMe link you can purchase
11:11t-shirts you can join our YouTube
11:13channel you can for free sign up for our
11:17newsletter and uh we have our our little
11:20portable travel size Redmond's salt
11:22shakers for sale as well people have
11:24been loving those they weren't just for
11:26sale on the 24-hour live stream you can
11:27get them on the website www.c Carnivor
11:30diet.com thank you so much for watching