00:00if you text girls like a Jeffrey you're
00:02screwed sending her memes having a
00:04Snapchat streak oh but B Hamza bamer
00:07it's good to build a connection with
00:08girls like this shut up bro building a
00:11connection with girls like this you do
00:14realize the guy that she's sleeping with
00:17doesn't have a Snapchat streak with her
00:20first of all my name is Hamza and I help
00:22young men go through the Jeffrey to
00:24Adonis transformation through
00:25self-improvement scroll down right now
00:27and go click on the Subscribe button and
00:29then you'll get more of these videos
00:30sent to your YouTube homepage all of the
00:32texting advice out there is just either
00:34so cringe or just pure degenerate these
00:36other guys are telling you that you
00:38should be sending her memes and acting
00:40like like such a weakling s or the
00:42degenerates are telling you no no only
00:44sex her send her a picture of your dick
00:45only keep things sexual and only for
00:47Logistics I think all of these texting
00:49strategies are so much worse than what
00:51I'm going to present to you in this
00:52video because you've experienced the
00:53same thing that every other guy has
00:55you're texting this girl things are
00:56going well you send a reply she sends a
00:58reply you come back from the gym he sent
01:00you another text and then she stopped
01:02replying things were going so great so
01:05why you know she's just busy yeah she's
01:07probably just busy okay okay I'll text
01:08her again you know something casual like
01:10ha I just saw this thing ha no reply
01:12again H now you're on YouTube watching
01:15[Â __Â ] texting guides like overthinking
01:17about it think oh you know like what
01:18does Hamza say what does what would how
01:20do how would Andrew Tate text a girl and
01:22suddenly coming off in this like weak
01:23needy mindset you used to be more of an
01:25attractive guy who was focused on his
01:27goals who was focused on improving and
01:29being m masculine and here you are now
01:31searching up a guide on how to
01:32communicate with this girl and this is
01:34when your new character of being like a
01:35masculine man breaks down and you start
01:37telling her the truth oh wait you know
01:38I'm so sorry did I did I offend you that
01:40joke wasn't funny it was only a joke and
01:41you know why aren't you replying and
01:43she's like oh wait relax I was just busy
01:46with something haha PS you're a chump I
01:48did this once as well actually I was in
01:50um maybe I was about 16 17 years old and
01:53there was a girl in my class who I had
01:54to work with that day like we had to
01:56like do some tasks together and I went
01:58and found her on Facebook afterwards and
02:00sent her a message like oh hey you know
02:01it was so fun working on a task with you
02:03and stuff and she was like haha yeah it
02:04was good and I said so what are you
02:06doing right now and she said I'm getting
02:07ready for something and she said what am
02:09I doing I said I'm texting a cute girl
02:11on Facebook no reply 5 minutes 10
02:15minutes she's online by the way she's
02:17seen it 15 minutes and then here I am
02:19I'm like a little [Â __Â ] oh you know I'm
02:20sorry if that was too forward and she's
02:22like haha no I was just you know I was
02:23just having some problem with my hair
02:27[Â __Â ] I'm going to tell you a lesson
02:29here and see this as a piece of advice
02:31from like a big brother figure
02:33overthinking is the worst thing you can
02:36do when it comes to texting a girl you
02:38need to be living the kind of Life as a
02:40young masculine man where you don't even
02:42have the kind of time or patience to be
02:44analyzing that okay it's been 7 minutes
02:46since she sent her text so I'll wait for
02:48five more minutes or any [Â __Â ] like
02:50this you should be living a masculine
02:52life of growth basically on the Adonis
02:54protocol the Adonis protocol is like a
02:56self-improvement plan that I've made for
02:57free you should be on the Adonis
02:59protocol call ruthlessly improving
03:01yourself becoming successful making
03:02money putting on muscle be going out
03:05there doing hard workouts and feeling
03:06proud of yourself and just naturally
03:08sending text to girls when you've got
03:10some time through your day maybe it's in
03:12between a gym session and you don't mind
03:14you know losing a little bit of focus
03:15maybe you're like walking over to
03:17somewhere you'll quickly check your
03:18phone maybe you got 10 minutes whil
03:19you're having a [Â __Â ] so you quickly
03:20reply to a few girls that's absolutely
03:23fine but it's when guys start obsessing
03:25over it and they start doing all these
03:26games where they like they're trying to
03:27calculate okay so she sent me a message
03:291401 and that YouTube video said to wait
03:32at least 5 minutes so 1406 but then she
03:34spend 7 minutes so I'll I'll double it
03:36up to 14 it's like when guys play that
03:37game they think that they're going to
03:39come across as more attractive but in a
03:41weird way girls can just tell if you're
03:44like overthinking they can tell if
03:45you're trying to play with one of these
03:46games like you're trying to double how
03:48long it took her to reply to you do you
03:50think James Bond does this [Â __Â ] do you
03:52think Andrew Tate is sat there okay so
03:54she replied in seven do come on do you
03:57really think any guy that you've ever
03:58looked up to has actually used these
04:01tactics or is it that these cringe
04:02YouTube videos that you watch which have
04:04all got like faceless YouTube channels
04:06where it's got some like AI [Â __Â ]
04:07cartoon voice or something you can't
04:09even see the human being making the
04:10video because he'd look like a cringe
04:11[Â __Â ] all these videos telling
04:13you to obsess and to overthink and
04:15here's the texting strategies I'm going
04:17to let you know how a Chad texts girls
04:19you want to know the one word that would
04:21explain a Chad's texting game
04:24authenticity he texts her when he wants
04:28to talk to her it's that simple but so
04:32many of us brain dead little Jeffree
04:33simps are like overthinking it how
04:35Chad's text girls they'll literally just
04:38send a text to the girl when they feel
04:40like talking to that particular girl
04:42it's that simple meanwhile me and you
04:44are writing scribbling onto the okay so
04:4617 minutes time like we're doing all of
04:48this [Â __Â ] Chad just texts her when he
04:50wants to see her and you might be
04:51thinking oh but okay that works for
04:52these high smv attractive guys it's not
04:54going to work for us no no no you need
04:55to be replicating as much of what what
04:57these like natural Chad Alpha for male
04:59type of guys are doing because that's
05:01what's attractive you can say like oh
05:02well he's already got abundance he can
05:04act like this exactly so that's what you
05:06should be imitating and now you might be
05:08wondering what exactly should you text a
05:10girl let's say you cold approach the
05:12girl today and you got her number or
05:13maybe there's a girl that you know from
05:15school or from work and you've got her
05:16on Instagram and you want to like hit
05:18her up and you know see if something can
05:20happen from that ask yourself this right
05:22now what is the greatest first message
05:25that you could send to a girl is it a
05:27compliment is it straight autistic
05:30Logistics just come meet me please is it
05:32sending her a meme or anything else that
05:35shows that you've got low testosterone
05:36which one of these is it it's the
05:39compliments it's the genuine compliment
05:42it's something that seems a little bit
05:43sweet but not simpy so that's for
05:46example it's not you sending her oh my
05:47God you're so beautiful and I've liked
05:49your ass picture on Instagram have you
05:50got a sale on only fan soon it's not
05:52nothing like that it's more that okay
05:53you had a a nice conversation with her
05:55today so you literally send her
05:57something like hey what's funny today
05:59that's it imagine like broken English
06:01that kind of text will actually progress
06:03you so much more in a potential
06:05relationship with a woman when you
06:06literally send her something like just
06:07sweet and just basic as like hey was
06:10funny talking to you today about
06:12whatever hey that project that we worked
06:14on today in school was so hard it's like
06:16you're almost just stating a fact about
06:18like something that happened today and
06:19what's very important is this keeps you
06:21safe because there's something that if
06:22you've texted a lot of girls you know
06:23that girls do girls do this [Â __Â ] bad
06:26habit bro they screenshot [Â __Â ] and they
06:27send it to their group chat you never
06:29really want to be like screenshot
06:31material unless it's for a good reason
06:33so for example if you're like some big
06:34famous guy imagine some Hollywood movie
06:36star if he texts a random girl she's
06:38going to screenshot it and send it to
06:39everyone because it's like whoa look how
06:40amazing he is and he's texting me but
06:42you never want to be like the opposite
06:44way around where you are like the simpy
06:45kind of low status Jeffrey guy and you
06:48send something which is a bit too
06:49dangerous and she screenshots that and
06:51sends that into her group chat when you
06:53send like one of these like hey you're
06:55so beautiful like it's just a bit too
06:57much or if you send a girl like a a hard
06:59logistic like you know we youve just
07:01matched on Tinder hey come meet me
07:02tonight well are you free tonight we
07:04should come meet to tonight it seems a
07:06little bit too forced so the way that
07:08I'd go about texting is to start with
07:10some kind of genuine compliment where
07:12you've just talked about the fact that
07:13you liked something that you did
07:15together today if you know each other
07:16from school or if you've seen her online
07:18or something you just kind of like State
07:19the obvious with a very low effort
07:22message even with broken English because
07:25it sense it's so low effort it gives her
07:27a chance to reply without it's seeming
07:29like it's so serious when you get a
07:31girl's number from a cold approach you
07:33send her hey was nice seeing you today
07:35when you've worked up on something like
07:37a homework or something together in
07:38school hey was funny working on that
07:40today if you had if you guys had a laugh
07:41about something because that just gives
07:43her the space to send you another low
07:45effort reply so it doesn't feel big or
07:46scary for her for her saying like haha
07:49yes it was and when she sends you that
07:50response you know at least she's got
07:52some level of interest in you she
07:54doesn't reply to a Lowe text that you've
07:55sent her then she's just not interested
07:57at all and it was better that you notice
07:59that from this low effort text that
08:01isn't screenshot material then one of
08:03your [Â __Â ] proposals for love hey
08:05please baby please come on come love
08:08me now let me tell you a story 2020 Co
08:13lockdown everyone's scared you've got to
08:15stay inside of your house and you've got
08:16to wear a mask the Corona virus is the
08:18biggest threat this country has faced
08:20for decades so what did I
08:24do I'm on Tinder right swiping girls I
08:29match with a girl and I tell her hey
08:31let's go for a drive tonight and she
08:32says down she comes to pick me up we
08:34drive into the big Park walk into the
08:37woods and a [Â __Â ] in the woods and then
08:39we do this about two to three times a
08:41week every week through Co awesome time
08:43of course degeneracy is bad and whatever
08:45I didn't know about degeneracy casual
08:46sex problems and stuff back then right
08:48but the point of the story here I am
08:50being this girl's Chad basically she's
08:52driving to come pick me up to basically
08:55just like suck my dick in the middle of
08:57the woods again it's Degen and you
08:58should be like doing these you know like
09:01degenerate casual [Â __Â ] right but like
09:02listen every time I'd meet this girl and
09:04I'd be sat in the back of her car I'd
09:05notice her phone you know randomly she
09:07gos go on their phone every now and then
09:09she's replying to this quick message
09:10whatever and I'd see on Snapchat that
09:12she would always have at least 10 unopen
09:15messages mostly from guys and I used to
09:17find that so interesting I used to
09:19literally I called it the 10 unopen
09:21Snapchat phenomenon basically every girl
09:24your age right now has at least 10
09:26unopened messages from guys you don't
09:29want to be that [Â __Â ] guy who she's
09:31with another guy right now and your
09:33unopened message is there on her phone
09:35that she doesn't want to open it right
09:36now and another guy is there in the
09:37backseat of her car with her you don't
09:39want to be the guy who's on her phone
09:41sending her another message but what
09:43happened was she actually had another
09:45guy in her Snapchat called Hamza not me
09:49but like a different guy right this was
09:50a few years ago so I was a lot more red
09:52pill back then but I used to think to
09:53myself that's the beta male Hamer and
09:55I'm going to prove prove it so so I
09:57started asking some questions okay so
09:58who's you know what's ham like and stuff
09:59she opened up his Snapchat he literally
10:01looked like a beta male version of me
10:03skinnier neck no muscle and stuff right
10:04so I grabbed her phone and send him a
10:07selfie of me saying something silly I
10:08forgot what I said but he blows up her
10:10phone who's that who's this what's going
10:11on what is this what is this and she
10:14starts almost getting defensive and
10:16pissed off at him and she literally
10:18responds with it's Hamza he's my friend
10:24brother if you get a message from a girl
10:27with something like oh he's just the
10:31trust me I've been just a
10:34friend that's what just a friend looks
10:36like in this modern day he's just a
10:38friend now this same guy would keep
10:41texting her for the next few months
10:42while I'd be meeting this girl fullon
10:44red pill mode I'd be seeing this girl
10:46casually [Â __Â ] her and everything and
10:48and he'd keep on messaging her and I I
10:50would just kept on seeing the response
10:53that she'd give of like oh yeah like he
10:55kind of doesn't get it and you know what
10:57the the lesson of the story was the the
11:00moment one time when I really looked at
11:03a phone I learned what a Snapchat streak
11:06was I didn't know I had already deleted
11:08Snapchat by then he had 42 on his name
11:12on Snapchat and I asked they like oh is
11:13that how many times you guys have like
11:14sent a text and she went I no it's like
11:16how many like days consecutively you've
11:18taken a picture to send to each other on
11:20Snapchat he had sent her a selfy 42 days
11:24in a row and she had never even met him
11:26in person never mind like done anything
11:28sexual with him whereas my texts to her
11:31were as simple as meet tonight question
11:34mark want to go on a drive tonight
11:36question mark how much of a brutal red
11:38pill is that now of course this was all
11:40degeneracy casual sex whatever you want
11:42to avoid that but I really do think that
11:44the lesson transfers into even looking
11:47for a high quality woman you've got to
11:49be careful of not being that chump who's
11:51constantly texting a girl because you
11:53must know this right now basically all
11:55women are meeting guys like every week
11:58they might comment below and they might
12:00lie about this and say no actually I'm a
12:02loser no guys ask me out but in general
12:04most girls are meeting at least one guy
12:07every single week I'm telling you right
12:09now even the the good quality girls even
12:12the religious seeming girls even like
12:13those kind of girls they're all going on
12:15at least like one date they they don't
12:17many of these girls are it's so weird
12:18their brain works like this many of them
12:20literally don't even register it as a
12:22date whereas the guy's getting like
12:23horny he's got a semi next to her when
12:25they go for another walk around the park
12:27or something and he's trying to get laid
12:28many girls won't see this as a date but
12:30I'm telling you right now most girls are
12:32with some kind of man at least once a
12:34week if not even more and especially the
12:37girls were a bit more degenerate if you
12:39are that guy who's the unopened Snapchat
12:41or unopened DM in their phone think
12:44about how just embarrassing and doesn't
12:46that make you feel sick that there's
12:47another guy out there right now that
12:48she's spending time with who's texting
12:50her less than you are who's texting her
12:52just authentically not trying to play
12:54some some like strategy of you know
12:56reply back in 5 minutes or something
12:57he's literally just texting her ex
12:58exactly what he feels like texting her
13:00and that is irresistible to women
13:02because it shows such a power and
13:05abundance the reason why I'm telling you
13:07this is because you can be that man when
13:09you're on self-improvement when you're
13:11on the Adonis protocol like I said it's
13:13a free self-improvement plan that I made
13:15like a strategy for self-improvement
13:16it's a top Link in the description when
13:18you're on that you start to become like
13:20a masculine hard Driven Man Who most
13:23importantly is busy and when you're busy
13:26that's when you don't have time for this
13:28like weak [Â __Â ] 42 day Snapchat
13:31streak I don't even have Snapchat
13:33because I'm not [Â __Â ] 18 years old
13:34anymore if you're under 18 Snapchat's
13:36fine it's kind of cool and stuff but for
13:38the young men who like for the men who
13:39are watching this who were over 18 and
13:41they still got [Â __Â ] Snapchat they're
13:42still cold dming girls and stuff the
13:44reason why you suck with women now this
13:46video was supposed to be about texting
13:47but I'm just going to hit you with a
13:48hard truth right now you want to know my
13:50most brutal Truth for why you suck with
13:52women you really want to know you want
13:53me to hurt your feelings you live a
13:56boring life comment below and tell me if
13:58this is is the truth I guarantee all you
14:00do is either wake up go to school or
14:02work come back go to the gym consume
14:04content and go to sleep when you're
14:06trying to date a girl when you're trying
14:07to text her when you're on social media
14:09or on dating apps what you're basically
14:11saying to a girl is you should come and
14:13join my life the reason why so many
14:15young men struggle with girls is because
14:17your life is impeccably boring you do
14:20nothing that's actually fun this is why
14:23the Adonis protocol that is the top Link
14:24in the description completely for free
14:26it's a plan that I've made that actually
14:27gives you not only self Improvement
14:29progress discipline business fitness but
14:31also a fun life where once a week you go
14:33and do something fun that you can
14:35actually invite girls to that you can
14:37take pictures at so you've got some like
14:38good Instagram or Tinder or SnapChat
14:40material so you look and actually are
14:42doing something fun with your life and
14:44then that's where you can invite the
14:46girl to cuz if all you're doing is just
14:48coming home going gym and then watching
14:50[Â __Â ] Hamza videos what are you going
14:52to invite like the girl to now of course
14:54like sit the girl down make her watch my
14:55videos too and and she'll probably like
14:57you more that's like a fun date fine but
14:58AP from that bro most guys are living
15:00such boring lives that you've got
15:01nothing fun to invite her to and then
15:03you you wonder why you're so lonely
15:05because any person any girl who enters
15:08your life is going to be more bored than
15:10if she wasn't in it another lesson with
15:12that story of the beta male Hamza is
15:14that if she's texting you but not
15:17meeting you stop texting her now you can
15:20text a girl for fun and it's awesome but
15:22she needs to be receptive to when you
15:25eventually say like hey let's meet up I
15:27asked this girl that I was seeing right
15:28and I was seeing her just casually but I
15:30asked her oh have you ever seen him in
15:31person like have you slept with him and
15:33she said no I've never even met him and
15:35I said oh has he tried yeah he tries
15:36every day he tries to ask me to come to
15:38bowling to come to the park you know
15:39like what what was still open in Co
15:41there was a few random things that you
15:42could still do back then and he'd keep
15:44inviting her to that and she kept on
15:46saying no if that's happening to you and
15:47you keep inviting a girl to come do
15:49something and she keeps saying no what
15:51what's the message that she's telling
15:53you now I'm going to tell you something
15:54again totally misogynistic I'm crazy
15:56toxic alpha male misogyny [Â __Â ] right I'm
15:58going to tell you something something
15:59which is a brutal just offensive fact
16:01about many women even men too but about
16:03many women there's a lot of women who
16:04are so brain dead that they are
16:06genuinely addicted to notifications on
16:09their phone it makes them feel really
16:11good they don't want the human
16:13connection with you they don't want to
16:14date you they don't want to meet you in
16:16person but they love that you send them
16:17a message and they have another
16:19notification in their phone because it
16:20gives them a sense of security girls
16:23love notifications even men do as well
16:25people are just brain dead these days
16:27the people love notif ifications on
16:29their phone don't be a notification man
16:31don't be the kind of guy that she only
16:32likes texting just because when you send
16:34her a text she leaves it unopen and it
16:36gives her a sense of [Â __Â ] Pride that
16:37she's got 10 [Â __Â ] jeffes sending her
16:40messages don't be that guy if she's not
16:42meeting you when you send the invite
16:44once maybe twice if she says no both
16:46times if she keeps canceling if she says
16:48like yes and then cancels last minute
16:49two three times then stop sending her
16:51messages beta mail Hamza send her
16:53messages send her a cute little selfie
16:5542 days in a row can you imagine imine
16:58this this guy imagine me with a skinny
17:00neck with no muscle with no like
17:02masculine aggression without the sexy
17:04bath imagine me just pathetic
17:06Hamza pouting 42 days in a row
17:10saying want to meet me yet and her
17:13saying no 42 times and then on those
17:17same day coming to meet another guy who
17:20looks like the more masculine version of
17:22me and getting plowed by him it like I
17:25don't mean to be a degenerate in this
17:27video and I would probably sound like
17:28one I'm telling you a story of something
17:30that happened literally about 4 years
17:31ago but it's important that you do know
17:33some like red pill like dark truths of
17:36of sex of game of women and men and I
17:38remember that time in my life being such
17:40a redpilling moment and I used to think
17:42to myself don't be the beta male Hamza
17:44don't be the guy who's got a Snapchat
17:45streak don't be the guy who's constantly
17:47asking her to meet up she says no and
17:49you keep texting her anyway so here's
17:51your action plan how exactly do you text
17:53girls first number one like Step Zero
17:57you have to go and start living a more
17:59fun life get onto the Adonis protocol
18:01follow it perfectly and I've prescribed
18:03that once a week on the Adonis protocol
18:05you have to go on some kind of weekly
18:07Adventure you have to go and do
18:08something fun once a week you go into
18:10the big city in your country by yourself
18:12and go into like the fanciest hotel and
18:14go get a coffee there or once a week you
18:15do do some brutal gym workout or you go
18:18run around your city or you go to this
18:20event or you go rock climbing or you go
18:21hiking you've got to do something fun
18:23and something different at least once a
18:25week just once a week go dress up with
18:27like one of your other friends and go to
18:29a restaurant where you both look like
18:30really nice and you can take some
18:32pictures do something fun other than
18:34just [Â __Â ] coming home going gym and
18:35just like watching content now the thing
18:37is truthfully those things are kind of
18:38fun going to the gym is fun learning is
18:40fun fine but girls don't want to be
18:41invited into this girls don't find it
18:43cool if you're selling them like hey
18:45want to watch YouTube hey want to come
18:46gym going gym with a gym girl can still
18:48be nice but it's like you want to have
18:50something that you're doing Special now
18:51imagine how easy it would be for me to
18:54attract a gym girl when I'm texting her
18:55saying hey I'm going to do this big
18:57Fitness Challenge on Saturday I'm going
19:00to record it for content and take
19:01pictures another girl's coming with me
19:03my female friend another guy's coming
19:04with me we're all going to get food
19:05afterwards you should join us suddenly
19:07this girl is like thinking oh [Â __Â ] like
19:09that actually sounds kind of fun whereas
19:11you're just like hey like uh I I've got
19:13nothing fun we can do but you want to
19:15just like be my girlfriend and and suck
19:17my dick it'd be really nice of course
19:19not so Step Zero start planning
19:21something fun in your weekly life step
19:24one when you start texting this girl
19:26whether you got her number from cold
19:27approaching that game social game
19:29whatever you've got her number you've
19:30got her on Instagram or SnapChat tell
19:32her I'm going to do this thing on
19:35Saturday you should join me so you're
19:37not asking her like hey do you want to
19:39go on a date that can still work but
19:42this Dynamic where it's like hey I'm a
19:44fun guy I'm going to do something fun
19:46like it's already planned I'm doing
19:48something fun on Saturday do you want to
19:50come into my fun life that is so much
19:52more attractive like there's a
19:54difference right so for example if I'm
19:55going on holiday I don't want to say to
19:56my girl like hey do you want to go on
19:58holiday with me no no I say okay I'm
20:00going to this country to do this
20:02specific big like work task thing you
20:04should come with me and think about how
20:06attractive that is to a girl because she
20:08realizes like you're the man who's got
20:10something set up like you've already got
20:12your life set up you've got the plan all
20:13sorted and she just has to come along
20:15like a little girl and enjoy the time
20:17with you you invite the girl that you're
20:19speaking to to do that fun thing with
20:20you once a week and if she's got this
20:23huge desire like if she really likes you
20:25she'll say Yes and she'll be down now if
20:27she really likes you but she just
20:28happens to be busy she'll tell you and
20:29say like oh I'm so sorry you know any
20:31chance you could do it on Sunday can we
20:32do it next Saturday that's still fine
20:34now if she just says like oh no you know
20:35I'm busy you can still try and
20:37reschedule once or twice but once you've
20:39tried to tell her like oh yeah come meet
20:41me twice three times at that point
20:43you're very much going into like Jeffrey
20:45chump simp mode and you really really
20:48got to do the hard difficult thing
20:51you've got to cut her off when there's a
20:53girl who's not meeting you in person and
20:54that's what you wanted you wanted like a
20:56relationship you wanted something out of
20:57this the hard thing that most guys can't
20:59do you've got to cut her off and you
21:01know why this is difficult because when
21:03you don't send her another message
21:04what's going to happen most likely that
21:06girl is going to message you first hey
21:08what you up to haha and most guys get
21:10stuck in this vicious cycle where they
21:12like this girl and they've basically
21:13been friendzoned by her and they keep
21:15texting her inviting her to do something
21:17the girl says no and they keep texting
21:18her anyway and they're in the 42-day
21:20Snapchat streak eventually the guy gets
21:21a little bit of pride of himself and
21:23thinks you know what I'm not going to be
21:24a a [Â __Â ] anymore because clearly she
21:26doesn't like me it's time for me to
21:28respect myself so I won't text her
21:30anymore and then one 2 days later she
21:33sends him a text oh hey where have you
21:34been stranger and he's like he's gu's
21:36phone again I love you so much believe
21:38you meet me outside okay when she sends
21:41out that little feeler text of like hey
21:43where have you been stranger what she's
21:45saying is hey are you still a beta male
21:47text me if you are and most guys will
21:49say of course I am honey here I am let's
21:51redeem our 42-day Snapchat streak whilst
21:54you're deep throwing in another guy in
21:55the back of your mother's car which man
21:57do you want to be you don't have to be
21:59the degenerate but you probably want to
22:01be the kind of guy who actually gets the
22:02girl and meets her up in person rather
22:04than just the notification
22:07man I apologize if I've given you a
22:09sense of disgust in this video but
22:11sometimes you need those brutal hard
22:12disgusting like Primal lessons because
22:15when it comes to sex it is all Primal I
22:18mentioned the Adonis protocol a few
22:19times in this video it's genuinely
22:22completely for free it's the top Link in
22:23the description basically I put together
22:25a massive two two and a half hour course
22:28which teaches you how to really get onto
22:29self-improvement to basically be reborn
22:32to create a new version of your life and
22:35also actually have fun whilst doing it
22:37so that you've got something to invite
22:38girls to you can have a vibrant social
22:40life it's so much better than normal
22:42self-improvement it's better than monk
22:43mode and everything else it's the top
22:45Link in the description scroll down
22:46right now and go click on that to go
22:48start the Adonis protocol click and
22:50watch this video do the hard work
22:52especially when you don't feel like it m