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Google Design2018-09-28
material#design#google#designers#ux#material design#web#design components#material design ui#google design#material web design#web design#designing for the web#website design#web designer#designer vs developer#material design website#material design css#mdc web#material design developers#chrome developers#web development#web developers#google developers#developer tutorials
5K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video emphasizes the collaboration between designers and developers in solving industry challenges, highlighting adaptability in design, dynamic web experiences, and adding artistry for extraordinary creations. It discusses rendering triangles with JavaScript, incorporating functionality within white space, and directs viewers to the Chrome Developers YouTube channel for more insights and resources.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Importance of collaboration between designers and developers in solving industry challenges.
Emphasizes the need for adaptability in design and building dynamic web experiences.
Adding artistry to make creations extraordinary.
Process of rendering triangles with JavaScript and incorporating functionality within white space.
Encouragement to visit the Chrome Developers YouTube channel for more insights and resources.