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UX Evening at Google : UX & Inclusion

Google Design2021-01-05
4K views|3 years ago
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The video covers various topics related to UX, inclusivity, leadership, and personal experiences. It highlights the importance of diversity, empathy, and understanding in creating inclusive environments and products. The speakers share insights on cultural challenges, biases, and the impact of inclusivity in design and leadership. The video emphasizes the need for open communication, feedback, and community efforts to promote diversity and break taboos. Overall, it encourages a shift towards prioritizing equality, diversity, and inclusivity in all aspects of design, development, and leadership.

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Highlights from the Last UX Evening for 2020:
Julie Schiller welcomes viewers to the last UX Evening for 2020, emphasizing the strong community connections built throughout the year.
The event's goal is to foster closer connections in the UX community in APAC and encourage interactive discussions with viewers.
The focus is on connecting individuals with fresh insights from industry leaders and gathering feedback on topics for 2021.
Margaret Lee, Director of UX Community and Culture at Google, is introduced as a key speaker with a successful track record in the tech industry, leading impactful projects recognized internationally.
Margaret Lee's leadership journey shaped by her father's immigrant experience.
Childhood environment influenced by family's work in Chinese laundry and sweatshop.
Father's transition from dishwasher to waiter in Chinese restaurants.
Challenges of adapting to different roles and personas.
Navigating cultural expectations and social norms in a diverse workplace.
Importance of Bringing Authentic Self to Work
Speaker highlights duality of personas from upbringing and workplace expectations.
Shared experiences of feeling mismatched at women's leadership retreat.
Emphasis on broadening perspectives on leadership and inclusion.
Encouragement of diversity of thought and benefits of diverse teams in driving business success.
Unconscious bias affects perception and the importance of facing discomfort for progress towards fairness.
Listening styles, such as listening to win or fix, may hinder understanding in unfamiliar situations.
Listening to learn is essential for inclusivity, expanding understanding without assumptions.
Lack of voice is a common struggle for underrepresented groups, underlining the importance of listening.
Expanding our frame of reference is necessary to avoid fixed perspectives.
Importance of avoiding double standards and biases in categorizing people.
Emphasizes the need for curiosity and open-mindedness in understanding diversity.
Corporate diversity programs should be a mindset for all, not just extracurricular activities.
Responsibility for diversity and inclusion should be shared by all individuals, not just HR.
Metrics should not create a false sense of progress, and inclusion should be a collective accountability.
Importance of balancing visionary and humble leaders for creating collaborative environments.
Walt Disney valued different leadership types to realize dreams.
Embrace discomfort, listen, learn, and expand perspectives for inclusivity.
Valuing leaders who are not jerks in fostering a diverse and inclusive culture.
Personal anecdote shared about daughter being recognized as a natural born leader by preschool teacher.
Nurturing leadership qualities in her daughter Sophie.
Sophie is praised for her fearless, disruptive mindset and strong point of view.
Emphasizing the importance of balancing natural abilities with other qualities for well-rounded leadership.
Encouraging fostering potential in individuals from diverse backgrounds for authentic and inclusive leadership.
Urging the audience to value themselves and open up possibilities for others.
Speaker works on strategic national projects like Life SG and Moments of Life for the Singapore government.
Their focus is on tech stack products such as whole of government applications analytics and COVID projects.
Speaker's team is interested in social sector projects to support vulnerable groups.
Joined by a UX designer to discuss inclusivity in product work during a pandemic.
Sharing insights on design and development of common government products.
Importance of inclusivity in design.
Features in design categorized as must-have, should-have, or could-have based on stability, occurrence frequency, and cost.
Examples include enlarging tap targets for elderly users with dexterity issues and developing new hardware for a deaf elderly user.
Aim is to provide inclusive solutions, with considerations for multilingual features to cater to diverse language needs.
Challenges of translation for a government project during the COVID pandemic.
Importance of quality and difficulties in finding reliable translators emphasized.
Website successfully launched within 24 hours to combat the virus.
Multilingual feature implemented with the help of volunteers proficient in various languages.
Use of sentiment tool for valuable feedback and real-time citizen engagement.
Benefits of in-house translation capabilities for products and inclusivity.
Organization's participation in events promoting inclusivity and involving everyone.
Emphasis on mindset over perfection when implementing inclusivity, with tips for teams and measuring results.
Importance of prioritizing inclusivity in design and involving the entire development team.
Importance of inclusivity in design and front-end concerns at scale and during COVID period.
Addressing needs at scale requires speed of execution, accuracy of information, reusability, and implementation at a national level.
Gowhere has evolved into a tech stack with components like React Gowhere, Identity Gowhere, Poster Gowhere, and Benefit Engine to streamline information distribution.
Tech stack approach ensures centralized benefit information and seamless integration with different functionalities.
Benefits of picking and choosing reusable elements for tech stack implementation.
Emphasis on mindset shifts towards acceptability and inclusivity features.
Importance of operator cooperation for maximizing impact.
Examples of enhancing government operations and citizen interactions.
Addressing the importance of easily accessible and accurate data to prevent usability issues.
Prioritizing accessibility, uptime, usability, and evaluation in government services.
Emphasizing the importance of automating processes for high-frequency touchpoints.
Making accessibility and usability standard to optimize user experience and inclusivity.
Highlighting the importance of reusability, acceptability, and impact in product design.
Urging for a shift towards prioritizing equality and diversity in design and development.
Importance of Sexual Health Awareness
The speaker shifted from product design to product management and managed a healthcare startup in Singapore.
They shared a personal story of mistaking a rash for an allergy, which turned out to be a poison.
This experience led them to prioritize their health and highlighted the significance of regular check-ups and vaccinations.
Emphasized the importance of sexual health for overall well-being and pursuing dreams and relationships.
Lack of knowledge about pap smears and HPV vaccination leads to shame and lack of information on sexual health.
Taboo nature of women's health topics motivates the speaker to start a healthcare startup addressing the lack of information and services available.
Emphasis on understanding user needs, especially regarding sexual health, and the challenges women face in accessing birth control due to cultural and religious barriers.
Need for platforms for women to communicate about sexual health issues and the importance of avoiding bias in design.
Importance of sexual health products in promoting responsible relationships.
Questions arise due to varying perspectives and lack of information among users.
Cultural context in places like Singapore affects the delivery of sexual health products.
Privacy and discretion are crucial factors for sensitive services.
Regulations and religious beliefs impact healthcare practices, necessitating respect for diverse cultural sensitivities.
Importance of empathy and emotional support in providing effective medical services.
Miscommunication led a woman to be advised against a pap smear, only to later realize its importance.
Another individual faced insensitivity from a doctor after being diagnosed with fertility issues, causing emotional distress.
Designers are urged to consider emotional needs of users in creating solutions.
Stories of judgment and trauma faced by individuals seeking medical care emphasize the need for empathy in healthcare.
Importance of Understanding Users' Unspoken Needs
Removing stereotypes and biases allows companies to better understand users and make them feel comfortable sharing their needs.
Company aims to break taboos around women's health and provide accessible solutions.
Highlight on the importance of inclusivity in UX organizations, going beyond gender splits and considering who is not being included.
Tips are provided for creating more inclusive UX organizations.
Strategies for Successful Inclusivity in Organizations.
Inclusivity movement requires both top-down and bottom-up approaches for success.
Setting strategic inclusivity targets aligns the organization to provide digital services.
Hiring based on inclusivity mindset is vital for organic growth.
Building diverse teams involves considering gender, ethnicity, age, education, and perspectives to cover various angles and demographics.
Team culture plays a significant role in encouraging diverse opinions and collaboration.
Team leaders face challenges in fostering a comfortable environment for sharing among individuals from different backgrounds.
Promoting inclusion within teams to create a culture of diversity and collaboration is crucial.
Building a community that cares involves gathering like-minded individuals to form a movement.
Creating a movement involves hiring people who share the same values and care about inclusion.
Inclusive design is important for products to cater to diverse user bases, illustrated by launching a product in multiple regions with different languages.
A diverse team helps in understanding and catering to various cultural nuances in marketing messages.
Importance of inclusivity in product development.
Diverse and inclusive environment is necessary for creating products for a broader audience.
Selling ideas beyond profit, focusing on reputation and talent attraction.
Inclusivity can be achieved without high costs, with tools like Google Lighthouse for accessibility checks.
Collaborating with large organizations in Singapore requires meeting high inclusivity standards, challenging the perception that inclusivity is expensive.
Importance of inclusive design and accessibility in expanding user bases and enhancing usability.
Designing inclusively can benefit a wide range of users beyond the intended group, such as wheelchair users.
The concept of reusability in design for inclusion is explored, with examples of how work done in one place can be used in other contexts to maximize impact and increase usability.
Concrete examples, like using a content management system (CMS) to address feedback on font size for elderly users, are highlighted as effective strategies for inclusive design.
Importance of inclusive design in automated scanning for accessibility.
Different tech stacks are required to run automated scanning and tests.
Value of considering diverse perspectives and ensuring inclusivity in design.
Xi Liu shares insights on designing for stigmatized services and limited user groups.
Significance of inclusive research practices in addressing taboo user needs effectively.
Importance of empathy in research.
Researchers should show understanding and provide options for participants uncomfortable with sensitive topics.
Anonymity and confidentiality are crucial for honest responses and protecting both researchers and participants.
Ethical considerations like keeping identifiers separate and ensuring data privacy are essential.
Accountability and using feedback to assist others in similar situations are valuable aspects of research.
Importance of open communication and feedback in breaking taboos and stigma.
Participants express gratitude for valuable experience and encourage suggestions for future discussions.
Challenge to promote inclusion and diversity in the UX industry, emphasizing community effort.
Closing remarks thank Google team for contributions and look forward to upcoming events in 2021.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year.