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TALK: Rocks - The Future of VR (SPAN LONDON 2015)

Google Design2015-12-02
material#design#google#designers#vr#filmmaking#cardboard#span15#span2015#google design#london
1K views|8 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Jessica Brilhart from Google VR discusses the challenges and excitement of VR technology, spatial audio, and stitching footage. The importance of quality content over gimmicks, the psychological impact of camera positioning, and the value of movement in creating immersive experiences are highlighted. The use of rocks as storytelling tools, close-ups, and eye contact in VR, and the concept of probabilistic experiential editing are also explored. The potential of VR to create intimate and engaging experiences is emphasized, focusing on sharing personal spaces for meaningful interactions.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Discussion on VR technology and designing in the VR space by Jessica Brilhart from Google.
Introduction of 'Jump,' a 360 stereoscopic rig for seamless VR experience on YouTube.
Challenges of rapidly evolving VR technology highlighted, with focus on excitement and frustration of reinventing the wheel.
Distinction made between Cinematic and Positional VR experiences, using 'Henry' by Oculus as an example of positional content.
Emphasis on the dynamic nature of VR development, urging patience and adaptability.
Creating immersive VR experiences with multiple cameras.
Differences in mono 360 and stereoscopic 360 setups impact immersion and playback ease.
Importance of spatial audio and microphone quality in VR design.
Process of stitching footage from multiple cameras, with examples of good and bad stitching.
Challenges of removing stitch lines for a seamless experience, including potential hiccups and imperfections.
Use of algorithms and computer vision in creating VR experiences with VR headsets like Samsung Gear and Google Cardboard.
Challenges of stitching VR footage and the importance of spatial audio for an immersive experience.
Anecdote about Nathan Fillian at ComicCon and unique proximity effect in VR.
Despite technical challenges, VR provides an awesome experience when audio is synchronized with head motion.
Challenges faced in real-time rendering for VR include the requirement of 90 frames per second and one frame every 11 milliseconds.
Difficulty in creating high-quality VR content is attributed to the lack of good content and availability of rigs.
Emphasis on overcoming equipment limitations and gimmicks to focus on creating engaging content for VR experiences.
Placing traditional content in a 360 environment does not automatically guarantee a great VR experience.
Prioritizing quality and engagement over simply showcasing content in a new VR environment is crucial.
Importance of Context and Design in Virtual Reality Experiences.
VR rocks filmed in Iceland were surprisingly engaging, highlighting the significance of context.
Children playing soccer in Paris showcase the layers of experience that enrich an environment.
The speaker challenges traditional notions of interesting experiences, emphasizing meaningful engagement beyond surface-level observations.
Importance of location and movement in creating meaningful experiences.
Unexpected elements in a location can be more interesting than the main event, such as a locker room scene at a basketball game.
Movement, whether present or lacking, shapes one's perception of an experience.
Example of being in Paris and observing children playing soccer illustrates how movement enhances immersion in a location.
Value of actively engaging with surroundings to derive meaning from them.
The impact of camera positioning and composition in VR experiences.
The camera in VR acts like a person, influencing viewers psychologically.
Different camera placements can create varying effects on the viewer.
Dealing with additional elements in VR can enhance the overall experience.
Complex and messy compositions can improve the immersive quality of the VR environment.
Impact of OCD tendencies on media production.
Importance of chaos and movement in media production for viewer engagement.
Methods of transporting equipment for filming to create a comfortable experience for viewers.
Highlight on constant velocity and mechanics for viewer comfort, with comparisons to car sickness and VR experiences.
Embracing discomfort as a tool for psychological engagement in media production for artistic effect.
Utilizing rocks as a tool for immersive storytelling experiences.
Emphasis on the concept of discovery within a story, allowing viewers agency to explore and uncover elements themselves.
Creating a dynamic and interactive narrative where the audience plays an active role in shaping their understanding and connection to characters and plot.
Highlighting the importance of rebellion and emergent meanings in experiences, challenging traditional storytelling methods.
Impact of close-ups and eye contact in VR experiences.
Psychological effects of proximity and shared experiences are emphasized.
Power of creating connection and engagement through mysterious elements and collective experiences is highlighted.
Misconception that VR cannot be edited is addressed.
Editing in VR is considered a unique and evolving process compared to traditional methods.
The concept of probabilistic experiential editing is discussed, involving the rotation of different psychological worlds to create cohesive experiences.
Points of interest are identified to guide viewers through an experience, using scenarios like Shoots and Ladders.
Understanding where someone enters and exits an experience is emphasized as crucial for effective engagement.
The use of windows in a scene is highlighted as a tool to psychologically interpret a person's journey.
This approach allows for strategic cutting to important elements, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
The importance of intimate moments in enhancing virtual reality experiences.
Connecting with others in personal spaces can make VR more engaging and immersive.
Sharing environments and ideas through VR can create meaningful interactions and connections.
Experiencing familial settings in virtual spaces is highlighted as valuable for making VR truly awesome.