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Managing grief and loss in organizational change - Design Sprint Conference 2019

Google Design2019-12-03
material#design#google#designers#form#Design Sprint Conference 2019#SYPartners#managing grief#managing loss#organizational change#unconference#Design Thinking and Innovation#Design Thinking#Innovation#open discussion#frameworks#Google#Google Design#Bree Groff#Grief#workplace psychology#human#human needs#GDS: Yes;
2K views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores managing grief and resistance to change in organizations, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging past achievements and the emotional process of loss. It discusses the challenges of adopting new ways of working and the potential negative effects of change on employee well-being. The speaker highlights the need for transparent communication, support, and celebration during difficult transitions. Overall, the video stresses the significance of embracing change, honoring the past, and effectively managing transitions to navigate uncertainties and foster growth in organizations.

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📊 Transcript
Bree Groff discusses managing grief and loss in organizational change.
Change is difficult and people resist it due to various reasons.
Company values must be turned into everyday behaviors for successful change.
Translating innovative ideas into reality is a challenge in change management.
An experiment with wine corks is used to illustrate perception and decision-making in change.
Debate on natural cork vs synthetic cork for wine stoppers.
Some prefer natural cork for its traditional and historical connection to wine.
Others argue for the superior functionality and design of synthetic cork.
Concerns raised about the negative environmental impacts of both options.
Overall, the debate showcases the complex considerations in choosing between natural and synthetic cork for wine bottles.
Introduction of synthetic corks in the wine industry.
Consideration of value and tradition associated with natural corks.
Demonstration of benefits of newer technology versus beauty and function of traditional methods.
Personal experiences shared as a 'change junkie' and importance of understanding resistance to change as resistance to loss.
Addressing potential consequences of resistance in a company or career.
Different perceptions of change within organizations.
Six types of losses linked to change, with loss of control being a significant factor.
Anecdote about failed implementation of innovation curriculum in a school.
Importance of involving employees in the change process.
Negative impact of imposing change without considering perspectives of those affected.
Importance of Acknowledging Achievements and Strengths During Change.
Focusing solely on the future can lead to feelings of loss and pride within organizations.
Clients may face challenges transitioning from print to digital advertising, requiring a shift in narrative and adaptation to new realities.
It is crucial to recognize and celebrate individual and team accomplishments, even during times of change and uncertainty.
Maintaining a sense of pride and motivation for the future is key to navigating through changes successfully.
Importance of prioritizing employee well-being during organizational change.
Overburdening employees with additional responsibilities can lead to feelings of overwhelm and loss of confidence.
Example of a woman taking on two full-time roles resulting in sleep deprivation and misery.
Leaders should recognize the impact of organizational changes on employees and ensure they are not forced to operate in a constant state of uncertainty.
Organizations need to prioritize employee well-being to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work environment.
Challenges of adopting new ways of working in organizations.
Resistance to change is often due to fear of failure and loss of familiarity.
Handling transitions effectively is crucial to prevent employee dissatisfaction and disorientation.
Poor management of change can lead to morale issues, as seen in the CEO's experience post-merger.
Change agents should approach transitions with authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy, ensuring clear communication and support for employees.
Importance of Acknowledging the Past in Change Management
Change process consists of three steps: ending, adjustment, and new beginning.
Leaders often want to skip to the new beginning, but it's essential to go through each step.
Leaders who have already gone through the process should provide support and permission for others to transition.
Recognizing past achievements and contributions is crucial for successful change management.
Importance of Acknowledging Loss and Adjusting to Change
Companies like Ben & Jerry's create physical and digital graveyards for discontinued products to honor past work.
Guidance and support are crucial during difficult transitions.
Exploring different routes and choices is key to moving forward in times of change.
Celebrating new beginnings is essential after addressing grief and loss, to avoid staying in a state of mourning indefinitely.
Embracing New Beginnings and Letting Go of the Past.
Importance of acknowledging and processing emotions related to loss and change in organizations.
Need for support from colleagues during transitions.
Addressing departures with transparency and celebration in organizations.
Balancing privacy with open communication and gratitude during difficult transitions from an HR perspective.
Importance of Celebrating Transitions in the Workplace
Leaving a job should be viewed as a positive step towards new opportunities.
Organizations should be transparent about layoffs and communicate openly with employees.
Celebrating employees who choose to leave can create a positive transition.
Celebrating the past can help employees feel ready for change and acknowledge the end of an era.
Embracing change and transformation through rituals like 'death festivals' to celebrate the end of eras and old ways of working.
Acknowledging past training and experiences while preparing employees for future automation and new workforce requirements.
Communicating that previous efforts were essential for reaching the current point.
Managing change effectively, retraining employees, and transitioning to new organizational structures.
Emphasizing positive messaging and framing to value old-school skills and help people see the future.
Avoiding antagonizing old-school skills and focusing on the importance of guiding people towards the future.
Speaker expresses gratitude to the audience for their time and concludes the session with applause.