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Making Material Design: Crafting Material

Google Design2015-05-28
material design#Google Design#Google#Analogue#Design (Industry)#Craft
70K views|9 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores the process of creating digital surfaces, emphasizing the importance of z space in material design. The team experimented with paper lifting in space to enhance user flow and hierarchy and focused on light angles and shadows for consistency. They studied how folds and shadows reveal object forms and cut out physical objects for branding and iconography. Real-life interactions had a significant impact on design decisions and problem-solving.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Importance of exploring z space in material design.
Experimented with paper lifting to enhance user flow and hierarchy.
Focused on light angles and shadows to maintain consistency.
Studied how folds and shadows reveal object forms.
Highlighted the impact of real-life interactions on design decisions and problem-solving.