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Global UX: Designing for Gender Equity

Google Design2017-12-20
6K views|6 years ago
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The video discusses the challenges women face with technology access, household responsibilities, and privacy concerns. It emphasizes the need for inclusive research, user-friendly privacy settings, and the importance of empowering women to break societal norms. Safety measures, like fake phone calls for security, and the use of technology for feeling secure are also highlighted. Overall, the video calls for listening to marginalized voices and subgroups for better product development and understanding user engagement across genders.

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Gender issues in technology research.
Research focused on women's access to technology and included men's perspectives.
Patriarchal attitudes were found to limit women's technology use, such as men monitoring phone usage.
Women were also found to use technology for entrepreneurial purposes.
The research emphasized the importance of addressing societal norms and biases affecting women's technology access and usage.
Gender disparities in household work and childcare responsibilities are more pronounced in India and around the world.
Sensitive topics such as health, finance, and well-being are often stigmatized and considered taboo for women.
Women benefit from having relatable role models in their communities to inspire them to break norms and pursue non-traditional paths.
Privacy concerns for women extend beyond online platforms to the physical world, affecting reputation and physical safety.
Importance of privacy controls and online safety for women.
Emphasis on flexible and user-friendly privacy settings to protect against social scrutiny, stalking, and abuse.
Need for safe alternatives for sharing personal information to ensure online safety.
Significance of safety measures in both online and real-world scenarios, such as helplines on bus tickets.
Usage of technology to help women feel secure in various situations.
Importance of Safety Features and Meaningful Follow-Ups in User Security.
Safety features like fake phone calls are essential for creating a sense of security, especially for women in vulnerable situations.
Meaningful follow-ups are crucial to ensuring user safety and well-being.
Inclusive research is emphasized through balancing gender issues, creating safe spaces for minorities, and analyzing data by subgroups.
Measuring growth in initiatives and trends using metrics is important for understanding user engagement across different genders, with a call to action to listen to subgroups and marginalized voices for better product development.