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Getting Effective Session Outcomes

Google Design2018-12-07
material#design#google#designers#form#Getting Effective Session Outcomes#keynote#Tom Chi#Design Sprint Conference#getting effective outcome and organizational change#prototyping rules#rules when making prototypes#magical moments#quickest path to experience#create experiments#how to make effective decisions#actual experiences#actual experiences drive decisions design sprint#rapid prototyping#Google Design Sprint Conference 2018#GDS: Yes;
6K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses Google X projects like self-driving cars and AI contact lenses, emphasizing rapid prototyping and innovative approaches. The importance of direct experiences in decision-making is highlighted, along with the significance of succession planning in organizations. The speaker shares insights on leadership development and fostering innovation through prototypes and experiments. The benefits of fast experimentation, user feedback, and creating impactful product experiences are explored. Examples from companies like Schneider Electric and Uber demonstrate the value of optimizing learning loops and focusing on the "magic moment" in product development. Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of agility, collaboration, and strategic decision-making for successful outcomes in business and technology.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Experience as founding team member of Google X.
Speaker worked on projects like self-driving cars, Project Loon, and AI contact lenses.
Rapid prototyping process for Project Loon, with 100 hardware prototypes created in four months by just five people.
Innovative and cost-effective approach taken by the team, showcasing Google's ability to explore ambitious projects with limited resources.
Key team members mentioned like Sergey Brin and Sebastian Thrun, known for their expertise in robotics and technology.
Larry and Sergey present a project spec for Google to be in one's brain.
Discussion sparked on technology for instant information without devices.
Ideas included heads-up display, contact lens, improved voice assistance AI, and diverse query processing methods.
Meeting seen as innovative and impactful, different from traditional meeting-heavy culture at Yahoo.
Introduction of "meetings per linear foot" as a new unit of measure.
Contrasting engineering background with political nature of meetings at Google.
Unproductive meetings at Yahoo based on arguments rather than expertise.
Sergey Brin decisively choosing red display color at Google meeting.
Innovative decision-making process in a corporate environment.
Emphasis on freedom to work without bureaucracy and traditional constraints.
Creation of a device in a single day using unconventional materials like a coat hanger and plexiglass.
Utilization of a pico projector for interactive floating images and a glove for interaction.
Highlight of quick turnaround and collaborative, innovative approach by the team.
Experiment on color choice for heads-up display conducted by the speaker.
Red was universally disliked due to red photons being least energetic and least effective for reading.
Smart people provided smart reasons for their guesses, but accuracy was not guaranteed.
Majority of cognitive work is wasted on evaluating others' statements.
Direct experiences should hold more weight than guesses in decision-making processes.
Importance of direct experiences in decision-making processes.
Sprint process introduced as a method to transition from poor to enriched quality material through prototypes.
Smart individuals may be offended by being called 'guessing' but receptive to 'conjecture.'
Transforming conjectures into experiments to facilitate direct experiences and drive decision-making is emphasized.
Schneider Electric's HR retention issues were caused by a decentralized organizational structure, lack of succession planning, and innovation stagnation.
The company was losing 70% of top executives every three years due to separate P&Ls and CEOs in different countries.
Decentralized decision-making hindered the organization's ability to address the retention problem effectively.
Lack of succession planning and innovation led to further challenges in retaining top talent.
Succession planning and early innovation were identified as crucial for executive roles, emphasizing the need for strategic organizational alignment and proactive talent development.
Importance of Succession Planning in Organizations.
Emphasizes the need to identify and groom potential successors early on.
Selecting a new CEO can lead to a loss of talent among existing top executives.
Speaker shares personal experiences with retention proposals and challenges of implementing new ideas.
Underscores the significance of strategic planning and foresight in leadership transitions to retain top talent.
Proposal of executive exchange program to address operational issues in different countries within the company.
Importance of real-time action and problem-solving highlighted during the meeting with CEOs.
Encouragement for CEOs to participate in role-playing scenarios to gain insight into decision-making processes and empathize with employees.
Emphasis on practical solutions and hands-on approach to drive change and foster leadership development within the organization.
Importance of Transparent Communication in Professional Settings.
A CEO offers an employee an executive exchange program instead of a promotion, leading to frustration for the employee.
The employee feels pressured to uproot their life for career advancement and ultimately decides to quit.
The video emphasizes the challenges of working with symbolic currency and the value of concrete experiences in the sprint process.
It highlights the need for realistic expectations and clear communication between employers and employees.
Importance of Energy Levels in Productivity and Collaboration
Five proposals were organized into subgroups for prototyping, each group trying every proposal multiple times in 30 minutes.
Despite high quit rates, there was no energy or excitement in the room.
Participants acknowledged a lot of negative energy in the room, signaling potential for a breakthrough in behavior change.
The speaker emphasized the impact of energy levels on productivity and collaboration as a key takeaway from the segment.
Importance of positive energy in product design sprints.
Positive energy indicates a strong connection to user needs and improvements.
Negative energy signifies threats or reductions in user preferences.
Addressing emotional responses can lead to innovative breakthroughs and successful outcomes.
Understanding core motivations and concerns can result in more impactful user experiences.
Importance of strategic decision-making in executive leadership.
Executives prioritize team success and productivity for impactful decisions.
Successful program developed after 45 minutes of iteration focusing on key aspects.
Decision-making likened to high-stakes game with potential cost of failure leading to stress.
Embracing change and innovation in organizations involves taking calculated risks for significant gains or losses.
Importance of increasing the number of rolls to improve chances of winning a million dollars in a game.
Transition from hesitancy to confidence in gameplay, highlighting the impact of taking risks.
Emphasis on conducting experiments and creating prototypes to achieve near-perfect certainty in outcomes.
Example of creating 100 prototypes for Project Loon to determine if further investment is justified.
Strategy of setting a rate of experimentation and dividing it by available time to reach goals efficiently.
Importance of fast experimentation in business setting.
Quick decision-making and prototyping are key benefits of fast experimentation.
Rapid and frequent experiments lead to near-perfect certainty in outcomes.
Leadership plays a crucial role in promoting a culture of fast experimentation and innovation.
Learning loop is introduced as a key component for continuous improvement and adaptation in the business world.
Importance of Speeding Up Product Development Cycle
Speaker advised company to focus on quickly building new variations, testing with customers, observing interactions, and adjusting based on feedback.
Slow approach led to nervousness and misinterpretation of customer responses.
Proposed more efficient approach to prototype and iterate on new products for faster development and market success.
Rapid Iterative Design Process for New Product Box Design.
A team of designers and product personnel created the first version of the box design.
Five away teams, each with two people and a tablet, showcased the design at various locations and gathered feedback every two minutes.
Feedback was communicated in real-time to the home team, resulting in quick modifications with an average of 15 pieces of feedback integrated every 30 minutes.
The process involved rapid editing and refreshing of the design based on consumer input.
Optimizing the learning loop for product development and testing.
Decreasing the learning loop from 15 months to 30 minutes by prioritizing customer feedback and real-time adjustments.
Spending three hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays in front of customers to streamline design and coding processes.
Emphasizing the significance of this approach in saving time and avoiding unnecessary arguments during development.
Importance of user excitement in product design.
Emphasizes creating products that elicit positive reactions from users over achieving mere usability.
Recruiting strategies involve meeting people in malls to target specific demographics for user testing.
The goal is to ensure users are impressed and excited by the product's capabilities.
Aim for users' eyes to 'light up' during the experience.
Importance of addressing energy and emotions in product development.
Finding the 'magic moment' in a product's usability is crucial for creating a memorable user experience.
Features should amplify or detract from the magic moment, prioritizing those that enhance it.
Early discussions on scalability can hinder the discovery of the magic moment by shifting focus from the core user experience.
Prioritizing user emotions and the magic moment leads to more impactful and successful product development.
Importance of conducting 100 experiments for building a global internet with balloons.
For simpler tasks like creating a webpage, 20 or 10 experiments may be sufficient.
Choose a number that ensures near-perfect certainty in the results.
Emphasize the value of putting users in real-life situations for meaningful feedback rather than guided tours in product testing sessions.
Importance of realistic scenarios in user experience.
Schneider Electric's example shows that allowing users to experience failures leads to better feedback.
Uber's success is attributed to key moments, like the 15-second difference in user experience compared to traditional cabs.
Crucial moments such as pulling out the phone and quick payment contributed to Uber's $50 billion company value.
Every employee at Uber plays a role in optimizing these crucial moments, from routing algorithms to payment systems.
Building a Culture of Innovation and Experimentation.
Uber began with a basic black car service and a simple web app, emphasizing the importance of finding the 'magic moment' for success.
Emphasizing the significance of creating and showcasing prototypes over endless meetings, the speaker recounts their experience at Yahoo and implementing creator-only meetings.
This approach at Yahoo encouraged creativity and collaboration among team members, resulting in more impactful outcomes and a more engaging work atmosphere.
Encouraging experimentation and collaboration within the organization.
Creating an underground network of individuals focused on trying new things and supporting each other.
Showcasing new prototypes weekly despite constraints from higher-ups.
Cultivating a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization.
Emphasizing the importance of allowing experiential currency to thrive within a team, even with limited control from leadership.
Importance of energy and productivity in the workplace.
Emphasizing benefits of bringing new ideas and prototypes to meetings.
Optimizing one's schedule and focusing on producing tangible results can shift organizational dynamics.
Personal anecdote shared about successful implementation of ideas at Yahoo through quick action and collaboration.
Implementing rapid prototyping and organizational design changes.
Utilized a team to quickly implement ideas and optimize physical space.
Introduced concept of 15% time for employees to study relevant topics with a learning budget.
Prioritized critical prototyping tasks to make real changes in a short timeframe.
Development of a fast and efficient system for accessing real data while maintaining privacy.
Utilization of a Greasemonkey injection method and development of a framework for overlaying prototypes.
Quicker learning loops and reduced design iteration times as a result of the approach.
Ability to quickly test and apply ideas to projects like self-driving cars and balloons.
Versatility and effectiveness of the approach in enhancing speed and quality of development.