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Design Is [Vision] – The Power of Storytelling in Product Design and Business Strategy

Google Design2018-01-10
material#design#google#designers#form#google design#design is#design series#design events#visioning#human centered#overview effect#cognitive foundation#narrative journey#fluidity of visioning#vision design#thought leadership#pivot#product narrative#ecosystems#context#product design#optimize#UI#user interface#coding for designers#UX designer#designer vs developer#website designs#tech design#app design#technical designers#GDS: Yes;
17K views|6 years ago
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The video features speakers discussing human-centered design, product vision, and transforming experiences. They emphasize the importance of design in crafting the future, aligning teams around shared narratives, and the ethical approach to design. Google's product visioning process, the evolution of the Google Assistant, and the impact of vision on organizational structure are highlighted. The segment also explores the importance of continual visioning, breaking down organizational silos, and the role of responsibility in design. Visioning work, creating meaning through branding, and the impact of technology on transportation are discussed. The video concludes with reflections on values, the importance of trust in collaborations, and balancing short-term and long-term goals in business planning.

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The importance of design in shaping the future and transforming experiences is highlighted by experts Rotten Idec, Steve Seltzer, and Forest Young.
Rotten Idec from Google focuses on product vision and strategy, Steve Seltzer from Airbnb is passionate about human-centered design, and Forest Young from Wolff Olins is the head of design.
The speakers emphasize how well-designed products can positively impact and transform people's lives.
The segment stresses the ethical approach to design and the responsible advancement of the human experience.
The importance of shifting perspectives to gain life-changing insights is highlighted through the 'overview effect' discussed after interviewing astronauts.
Filmmaking parallels, using 'The Godfather' as an example, emphasize the significance of taking a holistic approach.
Francis Ford Coppola's meticulous planning process showcases the value of focusing on every detail to convey a cohesive vision.
Google's evolution from a search engine to a conversational assistant demonstrates a shift in modalities and ecosystem perception, transitioning from an answer engine to an action engine and from first party to third party connections.
Google is developing the Google Assistant to assist users with tasks like scheduling and navigation.
The Assistant is designed to offer personalized help and improve its usefulness with more use.
Visioning is vital for Google under Alphabet due to complex ecosystems and emerging technologies.
Aligning teams and establishing a unified vision is crucial for success.
The aim is to streamline operations with machine intelligence and deliver a seamless user experience.
Product visioning at Google emphasizes human-centered, long-term product experience and business goals.
Incorporates storytelling principles and emotional conflicts to resonate with users and guide product development.
Utilizes the Freytag pyramid structure of storytelling to create engaging narratives that drive user engagement.
Visioning aligns user experience with organizational goals and creates seamless user journeys across platforms.
Importance of long-term approach to product design in crowded ecosystems and changing user behaviors.
Three-step process of discover, design, and deliver is crucial for success in product design.
Deep understanding of the problem space through stakeholder and expert interviews is essential before execution.
Vision should be insights-driven to alter the design process trajectory.
Business metrics and goals are foundational in framing the problem challenge, with structural similarities between story and product vision.
Importance of answering the 'five why's' in journalism when starting a visioning project.
Emphasizes the need for a clear and resonant story, vision, and product concepts that relate to all functions and stakeholders.
Showcases a simple prototype used as a tool for product visioning, demonstrating how designers can make ambiguous ideas tangible.
The prototype was instrumental in generating media interest and evolving the internal narrative.
Highlights the significance of feedback and interpretation in the design process.
Google's vision for an AI-first world and its future technologies.
Google emphasized building trust with users in autonomous cars through UX design and authentic narratives.
The importance of communication and validation in human-technology interactions was highlighted.
Google's approach involves showing passengers what the car 'sees' to create a connection similar to human interaction.
Importance of product visioning in aligning teams and catalyzing innovation.
Product visioning helps keep user experience aligned with technical advancements.
Collaboration with research and machine intelligence team is key to proactively anticipate technology impacts on design process.
Avoid reacting to technology by considering both intended and unintended consequences early on.
Breaking down organizational silos for seamless user journeys.
Understanding how users engage with Google differently from internal teams is crucial.
Communication and collaboration across different departments is necessary.
Product vision impacts organizational structure, hiring decisions, and strategic planning.
Continuous visioning post-product launch and refining designs based on cultural context and user feedback are important.
Importance of Responsibility in Design
Designers, researchers, technologists, and business strategists are highlighted as culture creators.
Rigor and providing perspectives are emphasized for shaping a future society.
Visioning is described as connecting the dots between people and environments, with insights shared on Airbnb for work's evolution.
Working at scale and defining a vision for the future is acknowledged, with a call to offer rigor upfront for shaping a better world.
Designing for business travelers' needs to increase Airbnb usage.
Easy email sign-up and expense tracking were key features for business travelers.
Growth projects were implemented to boost sign-ups gradually.
Importance of having a vision to guide product development and optimize outcomes emphasized.
Envisioning a goal beyond business metrics leads to meaningful progress towards a defined purpose.
Importance of Vision in Product Development.
Understanding the target audience through research, specifically frequent travelers.
Vision focuses on removing pain points and creating a positive user experience.
Exploration of differences between travelers using Airbnb for vacation versus business travel.
Design sprint process for enhancing the travel experience for frequent travelers.
Involves stakeholders and generating concepts through sketches and whiteboards.
Developed vision for business travel ready homes with essential amenities on Airbnb.
Streamlined booking experience and added on-trip services for travelers.
Partnership with WeWork for a free night stay in participating cities mentioned.
Airbnb offers unique experiences beyond homes, connecting travelers with hosts for cultural experiences.
Homes are being used for professional meetings and off-sites, providing a comfortable space for authentic conversations.
Airbnb aims to align its products with its mission of community impact.
The company cares deeply about the impact they have in the world.
Evolution of Business Travel for Millennials
Professional identity is now centered around building connections within professional communities.
Future of work involves connecting dots, storytelling, and continuous iteration of one's vision.
Vision is not just about setting goals, but also about adapting and evolving as progress is made.
Emphasis on telling stories of the future and constantly reevaluating and moving forward with the next steps.
Importance of understanding values and biases in envisioning the world.
Vision must be supported by strong values.
Deconstructing values behind vision and self-reflection is essential.
Reflecting on values and vision shapes perspective on the world.
Challenging nature of answering what one values is emphasized.
Discussion on visioning work, creating meaning through branding, and the importance of fulfilling promises and maintaining dialogue with customers.
Significance of phonetic characters in retaining meaning and Marshall McLuhan's concept of media extending human capabilities is discussed.
Comparison made to the obsolescence of older media forms.
Transformation of meaningless elements into meaningful ones and evolution of media technologies is the overall theme.
Discussion on visioning, history, and technology in transportation.
Surveillance cameras provide security but raise concerns about constant monitoring.
History is viewed as a single catastrophe, inspired by Walter Benjamin and Paul Klee.
The concept of walking backwards into the future through visioning is intriguing.
Liberation of pixels and their potential in reimagining spaces, such as interactive bathrooms and animation styles on Cartoon Network.
Discussion on stereotype in typography and its historical origins and potential biases.
Speaker shares personal anecdote about mistakenly assuming designer's race based on a photo.
Implications of stereotypes in design and importance of challenging harmful narratives.
Examples like watermelon font used in marketing to illustrate perpetuation of stereotypes through typography.
Emphasis on being mindful of cultural connotations and historical context behind typographic choices.
Exploration of language and images in design projects.
Use of leet language for word mark inspired by hackers.
Incorporation of ancient identity symbols such as pictograms and emojis.
Focus on sensory experiences and multi-sensory interactions.
Emphasis on constant evolution and accessibility in logo design process.
Importance of conveying meaning through design elements in creating a museum logo.
Exploring the use of triangles to symbolize past, present, and future in logo design.
Discussion on the use of color and typography in logo creation.
Highlighting the interconnectedness of different forms in letter design, such as free education and architectural typography.
Emphasizing the necessity of questioning the world and having a unique perspective in design work.
Importance of questioning design decisions and viewing each brief as a future design challenge.
Provocations and design sprints help designers think beyond constraints and generate innovative solutions.
Casting a wide net early on and exploring diverse stimuli can free designers' minds to consider unconventional ideas.
Connecting the dots across industries and societal movements inspires unique perspectives in product development.
Foster creativity and inclusivity in design processes by incorporating diverse influences and perspectives.
Importance of making judgments without fear and understanding biases in the creative process.
Trusting instincts, being open to new ideas, and maintaining a critical perspective are crucial.
Challenges of having a vision ahead of its time and pushing boundaries while staying grounded in current realities.
The message is to keep evolving and refining the vision, even if it seems too far-fetched for the present moment.
Importance of a compelling vision for innovation and success in organizations.
Emphasizes flexibility and organic growth in vision creation within a bottoms-up culture like Google.
Value of adapting to market conditions through constant awareness of industry trends and developments.
Balancing a compelling vision with practical implementation, using normative elements to build bridges.
Significance of recognizing opportunities for kindness and considering the potential impact of decisions.
Importance of trust, collaboration, and user empathy in successful interactions.
Connecting different individuals and groups to enhance user experience.
Contrasting work environments like agency, in-house, and academic settings.
Encouraging creativity, challenging norms, and continuous innovation.
Shifting focus to the beginning of engagements rather than the end.
Importance of External Talent in Innovation.
Bringing in external talent is essential to complement internal teams and drive innovation.
Collaboration with external agencies can eliminate status quo mentality and complacency within larger organizations.
Shifting from consultancy to in-house roles offers a pragmatic perspective while still pushing visionary ideas.
Understanding the balance between vision and practical implementation is crucial for successful innovation in the changing industry landscape.
The segment explores the evolution of Design Thinking, its integration into different industries, and the importance of outside perspectives and cross-pollination in the design world.
There is a discussion about the divide between traditional graphic design and UX design, sparking curiosity about the future of design, consultancy versus in-house work, and the merging of brand and tech worlds.
Emphasis is placed on the potential for creativity and innovation when different design disciplines collaborate, with hopes for visions to align and traditional and tech roles to collaborate effectively.
Challenges in defining the agency of the future and the importance of designers adapting to changing demands.
Designers need to question their skill sets and be flexible in a competitive landscape where agencies are striving for relevance in fields like technology, wellness, and energy.
The speaker shares their experience transitioning from a traditional management role to an individual contributor at Google.
At Google, leadership is defined by personal contributions rather than managing a team, reflecting a shift in the industry.
Importance of Collaboration and Inspiring Others Through Work.
Understanding individual collaboration styles is crucial for effective teamwork.
Shift from traditional management to innovative approaches in the design process is essential.
Challenges in aligning visions internally when bringing a new mindset into organizations are discussed.
Collaboration skills tailored to individual needs are necessary in today's ecosystem.
Importance of clear vision and goal alignment for effective team execution.
Break down goals into manageable chunks to ensure team alignment and progress.
Align metrics and goals with overall vision to avoid setbacks and ensure success.
Continuous evaluation and adjustment based on quarterly performance to stay on track.
Strong vision is crucial as a guiding principle for successful team collaboration and execution.
Importance of setting a North Star vision for organizations in the face of evolving technology.
Emphasizing the need to adapt to change while maintaining stability within the organization.
Challenges include gaining stakeholder buy-in, executing visions, and accounting for product development churn.
Suggestion to carve out time for design sprints and work sessions to address challenges and ensure success in a dynamic marketplace.
Importance of Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals in Business Planning.
Dedication to both product optimization and big bets for future growth is crucial.
Big bets involve investing in innovative ideas with potential to impact metrics significantly.
Balancing existing strategies optimization with taking calculated risks is essential for success and innovation.
Finding a balance between immediate needs and long-term vision is key to remaining competitive in a constantly evolving market.
Speaker discusses a 50/50 approach to projects, balancing hopes for success with a focus on optimization.
Speaker expresses gratitude for perspectives shared during a visioning session, finding it inspiring and interesting.
The audience's questions and attention are valued, with the speaker mentioning this is the last session of the year and looking forward to the next year's events.
Speaker invites viewers to follow them on Google Design for future videos, hoping for their return in 2018.