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Actionable Futures Workshop and Toolkit

Google Design2018-12-10
material#design#google#designers#form#Actionable Futures Workshop and Toolkit#design sprint#design thinking#interactive workshop#Actionable Futures Toolkit#methodology#finding the optimal future for a product#future actionable#design sprint conference#speculative design#Sami Neimala#Google Design Sprint Conference 2018#GDS: Yes;
6K views|5 years ago
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The video combines design and foresight to help people envision desired futures, using techniques from game design and science fiction. It emphasizes discussing fears, building tangible ideas, and promoting diversity and inclusivity for sustainable and positive futures globally.

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Creating Actionable Futures Through Design and Foresight.
Techniques from game design and science fiction are utilized to envision the desired future, promoting empathy for what lies ahead.
Emphasis is placed on openly discussing fears and developing concrete ideas for the future, with an emphasis on sustainability and actionability.
Diversity and inclusivity are crucial in shaping a positive and inclusive future on a global scale.
The session aims to inspire optimism and a proactive approach towards building a better future for all.