00:08I'll admit I've never really been a fan
00:11of these kind of long-running Shonen
00:14shows before but usually that's been
00:17because of logical reasons these shows
00:19always happen to have tens upon hundreds
00:22of episodes and it was never within me
00:25to be able to marathon all the way
00:27through them and I was always under the
00:29mindset of well if I can't stay up to
00:33and I can't say that I've never hated on
00:35shows like these either I'm sure like
00:37most anime fans I've had this period in
00:39my life where hating on Shonen was the
00:43cool thing to do oh you watched Naruto
00:46why don't you stop watching mainstream
00:49[ __ ] and start talking to me when you
00:51watch some real anime killa kill what
00:53what that kind of thing is as illogical
00:56as a video game console war it honestly
00:59doesn't matter which side you're on but
01:00if you're ever forced to aside you fight
01:03to the death because you believe that
01:04that is what you are supposed to do
01:06though it's not just time that stopped
01:08me from watching these kinds of Shonen
01:10but it is a really big factor one piece
01:12is over 700 episodes
01:14outrageous but also this kind of
01:16long-running shown and also tends to
01:19have particular kinds of tropes built
01:21into them that I'm just not a fan of
01:23it's just the kind of thing that doesn't
01:24appeal to me like for example don't get
01:27me started on the sheer amount of filler
01:29episodes that are usually in this type
01:31of show but you know I never like the
01:33idea that there is a section a shun row
01:36of anime that I could not enjoy that I
01:38could not find something from to
01:40recommend to people because I don't
01:42believe that it can possibly all be crap
01:45so after scouring the list of all
01:48possible shown in that I might
01:49potentially enjoy I came up with two the
01:53first one is Fairy Tail which I am
01:55making my way through but considering it
01:56has like two hundred and forty some odd
01:58episodes if you count this version of it
02:00and also the 2014 remake re-release
02:04thing is a lot of episodes to go through
02:06so that's going to take some time the
02:07second series is called hunter hunter or
02:09hunter x hunter just be careful because
02:11some people get really pissed off when
02:14now with thunder I will admit something
02:15at first I was not too impressed I
02:17started my marathon of its 148 episodes
02:21and I will admit through the first dozen
02:23or so I was forcing myself but but but
02:27but but but it wasn't too long after
02:30that before I really started enjoying it
02:33and so ladies gentlemen and others my
02:37and welcome to glass reflection today a
02:38review of the 2011 adaptation of the
02:42manga hunter hunter let's jam from the
02:49onset of the series and technically for
02:50the entire first arc the story is
02:52decisively easy to get a grasp on our
02:55main character gone has the desire to
02:57become a hunter a type of professional
02:59fighter that travels the world
03:01completing perilous and deadly tasks why
03:05well besides the fact that he is very
03:07good at that sort of thing he wants to
03:08be able to see his father who many years
03:11prior left him behind to pursue his own
03:13hunter career and gone hasn't heard from
03:15him since while the whole oh you are
03:18your father's son isn't decisively
03:21original I liked how it was a core
03:23motivation for him that wasn't brought
03:25up constantly but still had a presence I
03:27like some other kid who left home
03:28following in his father's footsteps but
03:30then you know never mentioned them again
03:32like what the [ __ ] ash anyway in order
03:35to become a hunter one must complete the
03:37requisite hunter exam a series of
03:39sometimes impossible looking practical
03:41tests that are meant to test your might
03:44now due to his rather naive and innocent
03:46nature gone quickly becomes fast friends
03:48with three other prospective hunters the
03:50medical student lil Oreo the last
03:52survivor of a mysterious clan kuda pika
03:55and the childish assassin keid wa all of
03:58whom attempt to pass the hunter exam
04:00together something which is believed to
04:02be impossible for such a large number of
04:04new test takers now this initial arc
04:06takes up the show's first 21 episodes
04:09ish but it's not until the next dark and
04:11even the one after that where you really
04:13start to see the appeal of this show the
04:15first thing you might notice is how the
04:16show likes to lay out its story
04:18structure I will admit that I don't have
04:20a massive amount of experience with how
04:21shown in shows like this are usually
04:24structured but I've always been under
04:25the impression that with each new arc
04:27the stakes generally just get higher new
04:30abilities need to be learned new bigger
04:33fights need to happen but in the end the
04:36general feeling remains constant hunter
04:39hunter is this weird combination of many
04:41different shows with each new arc being
04:43unique from the last one arc could be
04:45shown as a traditional tournament anime
04:47but then the next is a crime thriller
04:50and then the next a kind of small-scale
04:52war you never know what kind of series
04:54hunter hunter is going to be next as all
04:56of the arcs are so decisively different
04:59to me this variety is one of the show's
05:02greatest strikes because if I have to
05:04sit here for 150 episodes then yeah I
05:06would like a little bit of variety to
05:08keep me interested the same kind of
05:10plotline can only remain interesting for
05:12so long and I'd rather not try to keep
05:14my eyes pried open as I'm falling asleep
05:17after predicting everything that's about
05:18to happen in the show the other thing
05:20you may notice though it takes some time
05:22with this one is that the tone of the
05:24series is an incredibly slow burn what
05:27do I mean by that well at the start the
05:29show is very light and very friendly I
05:31would even go so far as to say that it
05:33seemed like the show was attempting to
05:34be marketed towards a fairly young
05:36audience yes there is violence sure but
05:39nothing overly graphic or disturbing for
05:42kids that most people would object to
05:44but then eventually at a pace that you
05:45might not even notice until it's too
05:47the show starts to go steadily downwards
05:50so it starts off like oh hey
05:53what a lovely a beat show many episodes
05:57holy [ __ ] it goes from happy kids show
06:02about genocide it's not a tone ship as
06:05drastic as in like say Madoka Magica but
06:08it is still worth noting thankfully
06:10along with the whole tone shifting
06:12business nothing in this show is really
06:14solved just purely with the power of
06:17friendship which is something I really
06:21now don't get me wrong the friendship
06:22that exists between our main cast is
06:24truly an amazing thing to witness but
06:26that in and of itself is never the
06:28reason behind their success instead they
06:30have to truly work for their victories
06:31and I really like that about the show
06:33boy except for Liguori Oh in the hunter
06:35exam arc I am still salty about the
06:37amount of [ __ ] there he deserved
06:40and if you didn't just so happened to
06:41win the friendship lottery by meeting
06:43gone he would have got on the wrong bus
06:44and we would have never seen him again
06:46like I like him as a character don't get
06:48me wrong he's a great guy but his luck
06:50stat is way too high last thing I want
06:53to mention about characters is actually
06:55the secondary characters not any
06:57individual specific secondary character
07:00but all of them as a whole I loved how
07:02the show was able to very quickly show
07:04us who all of these people are give us
07:06an idea about what they are like and
07:08actually give them scream time even
07:09though as is what happens in most cases
07:11we will never see them again after the
07:13next episode or so we can get backstory
07:15upon backstory about these second
07:16characters who honestly are not all that
07:18important but are all written well
07:20enough so that we care about them even
07:22if it's just for an episode or two this
07:24is one of the benefits of having so many
07:26episodes because they have the time to
07:28sit down and tell us the stories of
07:30these characters that might otherwise
07:32just not even be mentioned if there was
07:34a smaller episode count now this does
07:36mean that because we are spending a lot
07:38of time on some of these secondary
07:40characters at times the plot may feel
07:42like it's going nowhere for example
07:45there is an episode where it's just 20
07:47minutes of them running down a very long
07:50dark tunnel but it is the spice spice of
07:55these bonus characters that just make
07:56the show so much more interesting to
07:58watch for what it is the series has some
08:00great art and animation and they aren't
08:01in particular for just how uplifting it
08:03feels more often than not now I haven't
08:06watched the original adaptation of
08:07Hunter hunter that came out much earlier
08:09than this back in 1999 but the few
08:10episodes that I did see if it and many
08:12screenshots besides have this rather
08:14muted and dark ish feeling but this 2011
08:18version is a much different take on the
08:20material similar to how the show's tone
08:22is a slow burn the bright colors of the
08:25art help to continue along that upbeat
08:27atmosphere that the show sometimes tries
08:29to use to cover the more dark elements
08:32of the series and I think it worked out
08:33rather well the animation was better
08:35than I expected - especially considering
08:37that I expected with almost 150 episodes
08:40that the budget for this show would have
08:41been skimmed to hell and back just
08:43giving this overall feeling of
08:46ah and while it is not exceedingly
08:48amazing in every single frame the
08:51overall average for the show is much
08:53higher than I expected it to be some
08:55fight scenes specifically we're rather
08:57amazing and I would almost say that the
08:58animation got better as the show
09:01progressed which is actually kind of
09:03opposite from the norm
09:05and the animation for this show might
09:06actually make me consider removing my
09:08calves yet when I usually talk about
09:10good animation you know my usual spiel
09:12when I say well it might have good
09:13animation but it's not as good as you
09:16photo Bowl Kyoto Annie or madhouse on a
09:19film budget because this is madhouse and
09:21it ain't a film budget but it does look
09:24amazing granted it's not as amazing as
09:26some of the things that madhouse has
09:27been able to do on film what got pretty
09:31close now the soundtrack was this weird
09:33beast to me because as I was watching
09:35the show I always had this feeling that
09:37there needed to be more music I felt
09:41like I kept hearing the same tracks over
09:42and over and over and over again and it
09:44wasn't until I looked up the soundtrack
09:45for this series that I realized that
09:47there were several hours of unique music
09:51for this show it just doesn't feel like
09:53it because of the many many hours of the
09:56show you have to watch yes there is a
09:59lot of music but it's spread out over a
10:02much longer episode count than normal
10:06and in those hours of unique music there
10:08is much that is quite remarkable though
10:10personally I think that most of the
10:12really good stuff doesn't start kicking
10:14in until the aforementioned
10:16tone shift starts also kicking in
10:18because the darkness of the show really
10:20allows some of these pieces to make
10:22their mark not that the happy music
10:24isn't good though one of my favorite
10:26tracks from early on is the world of
10:28adventurers here here let me play it a
10:36it's this really upbeat track that was
10:38kind of used as stinger music for a lot
10:41of episodes early on but I never got
10:43tired of it it actually made me excited
10:45to watch the next episode even though I
10:47was kind of forcing myself at that point
10:49the other interesting song for me was
10:51actually the show's intro and that's
10:53because it never changes like ever the
10:55animation for the intro changes
10:57constantly yes but the song is always
10:59the same song which is really odd to me
11:01like I was expecting them to change it
11:02with every new mark but they never did
11:04this is weird because it's always been a
11:07thing with these longer shows to swap
11:09out openings every 13 or even every 24
11:12episodes which is why shows like bleach
11:13and one piece have like dozens of intros
11:16for their respective series not to say
11:18that this intro is bad per se but
11:19honestly I wouldn't have minded the
11:21variety if it was given to us now the
11:23worst part or what I consider be the
11:25worst part about this series is twofold
11:26and I have to reiterate them for anybody
11:29that hasn't watched this show but is
11:30considering it first the show's intro
11:32episodes like the first three or four
11:34are horrible and I'm quite sure a lot of
11:37people will agree with me on that those
11:38first few episodes don't really give you
11:40a sense of what this show is actually
11:42about and even in the first couple of
11:44arcs nothing really digs deep into the
11:47meat of this show so if you are
11:49considering trying out this show make
11:51sure you commit yourself to a good
11:52amount episodes to give it a chance get
11:55a decent way into the hunter exam arc
11:57before you make your official solid
12:00judgement it might not be the best arc
12:01in the series but it should be enough to
12:03get you interested and maybe even
12:05slightly invested second is that the
12:08amount of episodes of this show has is
12:10not a cakewalk if you've never done it
12:11before so take your time I watch this
12:14show in two and a half weeks most of the
12:17people I know who have actually watched
12:18this show watched it when it was airing
12:20and that took them two and a half years
12:22so please do not feel like you need to
12:24rush I did and I wish I didn't why did I
12:27wish this well that's because of the
12:29third problem it's over but at the same
12:32time it's not yes the anime for Hunter
12:36hunter may be over but the story
12:38continues in the manga and the manga has
12:41this history of taking forever to come
12:45out with new chapters to put this in
12:47perspective only ten chapters of
12:50Hunter have been released in the past
12:52two years so that's about a hundred and
12:54ninety pages and if you read manga at
12:57even half the speed that I do that's
12:59nothing for two years like fans of the
13:02series don't refer to this as hiatus
13:03hiatus for no reason
13:05if you haven't noticed though I don't
13:06have many true negatives for this series
13:09yes it is long yes it has a slow start
13:12yes it is over but these are moreso
13:14warnings for new Watchers rather than
13:16actual negatives I suppose that if I
13:19really wanted the nitpick I could get
13:20into this weird use of background music
13:22and some strange sounds occasionally
13:25throughout the show but this is not
13:26something that's extremely noteworthy
13:29there's also this weird dip in how the
13:31show is paced around episode 89 ish but
13:35really the small amount of episodes that
13:36suffered because of that and the only to
13:38recap episodes that this show has are of
13:42little consequence in my humble opinion
13:45and so with all that in mind I humbly
13:47present Hunter hunter with the rating of
13:49certified frosty our rating for only the
13:51best of the best and those shows too
13:52important to ignore it will be hard for
13:55some people to get over that writing I'm
13:56sure and while the series may have a
13:58slow start the remainder of the series
14:00far makes up for it so if you feel like
14:02you can handle the 148 episode marathon
14:05I recommend it just not all at once
14:08though save your sanity at the time of
14:09this video Hunter Hunter has been
14:11licensed and will hopefully soon be
14:13available from viz media not sure how
14:15expensive the series releases are going
14:17to be but I can imagine that I'll be
14:18taking my time with buying them
14:19especially if they're Naruto and bleach
14:21box sets are any indication no word at
14:24this time about a dub but considering
14:25they haven't released something without
14:27one yet I fully expect it we can only
14:28hope that it's good enough to match the
14:30quality of the series itself now if you
14:33want to watch it but don't have the cash
14:34to pony up for the upcoming home video
14:36releases then luckily for you the series
14:38is available for free in sub over on
14:40crunchyroll if you happen to have access
14:42to that site you can also click on the
14:43link in the description crunchyroll.com
14:45slash glass reflection for a free trial
14:47of their premium service and all the
14:48anime awesomeness that it contains full
14:50disclosure you do not need their premium
14:52service to watch Hunter hunter but if
14:54you are planning a marathon not having
14:58to watch ads is a wonderful
15:00frodan anime recommendations I point you
15:02first towards one of my favourite
15:03shounen series ever Full Metal Alchemist
15:06not much to add to that recommendation
15:07since I already did like three episodes
15:09not too long ago on many of my thoughts
15:12surrounding the series and its remake
15:15Brotherhood so if you haven't watched
15:16those please do so I would appreciate it
15:18second recommendation goes to YuYu
15:21Hakusho the setting and general story of
15:24hakusho is very different from hunter
15:25but there are enough similarities
15:27between them then if you liked one
15:28there's a good chance that you'll like
15:29the other especially considering they
15:31were both written by the same manga
15:32comma between the two you should
15:34hopefully find something to your liking
15:36and that's it for me please subscribe if
15:38you enjoy the video follow me on Twitter
15:40if you feel so inclined and hey if you
15:42like what I do here and feel like
15:43helping out please consider checking out
15:45my patreon page and if you feel it
15:46within your heart also consider donating
15:48to end off I wanted to give an
15:50absolutely very special thanks to
15:53everybody that has contributed to my
15:54patreon campaign over the past year
15:56having patreon and generous patrons such
15:59as you guys makes doing this sort of
16:01thing much easier and I can't thank you
16:04enough so again thank you all it means
16:08oh so much and until next time ladies
16:13gentlemen and others stay frosty