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The Best LEARNING Book in History - 40 Years AHEAD of its Time

119K views|6 months ago
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The video discusses William Zinsser and his book 'On Writing Well', highlighting the importance of writing as a tool for learning and clear thinking. Zinsser's emphasis on clear writing for effective communication and organization of ideas is showcased through writing examples in the book. The video also promotes a course on AI from brilliant.org, offering hands-on courses in math, science, and computer science education with a free trial period and a 20% discount on the annual premium subscription for the first 200 sign-ups.

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The segment discusses William Zinsser and his book 'On Writing Well'.
Zinsser highlights the importance of using writing as a tool for learning across disciplines.
Despite his personal dislike for writing, Zinsser found satisfaction in the final product.
The book is divided into two parts, with the first explaining the motivation behind it and the clarity writing brings to thoughts and ideas.
Zinsser promotes writing as a valuable tool for learning and communication.
Highlights of Writing and Learning Techniques in Ziner's Book.
Ziner emphasizes the importance of clear writing leading to clear thinking and organization of ideas.
The importance of explanatory and exploratory writing is highlighted, aligning with effective learning techniques like retrieval practice and space practice.
Ziner's book offers wisdom and advice on writing, including the suggestion to end a piece once the point is made.
The video also promotes a course on AI from brilliant.org, emphasizing the platform's offerings in math, science, and computer science education.
Highlights of Brilliant's Online Courses
Brilliant offers hands-on courses to develop problem-solving skills, with lessons from basic to advanced topics.
New lessons are added monthly, allowing for self-paced learning.
Content is tailored to individual skill levels and a free trial period of 30 days is available.
The first 200 people to sign up will receive a 20% discount on Brilliant's annual premium subscription.