01:38bonethrutter: bonjour
01:47ianwaltonhf: wooooah HI!
01:50vectorvictorx: greetings
02:02agent_bezos: my lucky night
02:04geekye: Hi, here before stoopid questions lock! yay
02:08mack_general: GEOHOTZ
02:13osxzxso: George goes live. I click.
02:17killcomfirmed23: what’s good
02:27gliched_robot: amd was a mistake
02:29shant909: What do you think about Aptera? are you going to get one?
02:34mack_general: Move on
02:34sebascanX: first time seeing you live on twitch
02:43agent_bezos: it’s Friday dude, why aren’t you at the bar? drinking and having fun?
02:47MagicLee15: george do i stay in college?
02:49killcomfirmed23: it’s my fault geo nobody cares
02:54ThatNinja27: so what does it smell like?
03:00killcomfirmed23: it’s my fault I’m a failure
03:05Beta20: AMD dropping the ball against Nvidia
03:13killcomfirmed23: it’s my fault I have no friends
03:18Beta20: AMD vs Nvidia stock is just depressing
03:23gliched_robot: actions not aspiration
03:25ahmedhossvmm: the mice is far away from you
03:27agent_bezos: did you find vulnerabilities last stream?
03:28mack_general: Those planes will return
03:36geekye: Never give up, never what? NEVER GIVE UP
03:42killcomfirmed23: it’s my fault nobody wants to be my friend
03:43ThatNinja27: this is what Biden team plays every morning
03:49OMGizGoZilla: hello captain
03:49mack_general: Never give up freestyle!
03:54Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Fight the power
03:56ahmedhossvmm: i thought it would be a rickroll
04:05yyloc: yyloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! easier to just decompile it libcuda.so, it’s pretty crazy how much better binary ninja got in the past 2 years.
04:26ThatNinja27: Cheer1 sniff sniff
05:04gliched_robot: I took your advice and optimized mixtral deployment with 2 a100 I am getting 400 tokens/s. you are right groq is a scam
05:27gliched_robot: gliched_robot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
05:35Wilhelm_Vilhelm: @gliched_robot Based
05:43yyloc: it’s now fully supported but 550
06:35Hans_um: Hans_um is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to georgehotz's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
06:35Hans_um: Hans_um gifted a Tier 1 sub to jellogreg!
06:46Wilhelm_Vilhelm: 1 sub = 1 highball
08:38Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Activist investors or they die
08:47jmickelly9: @gliched_robot wow
08:53ThatNinja27: Cheer1 go straight to tsmc lmao
08:58mack_general: entwine]d
09:06OMGizGoZilla: I think they want you to impregnate them
09:07lnau: you are so disruptive to their status quo and hierarchy that they have to even think of how to approach "supporting" tinycorp
09:07linny1309: Is it over for AMD?
09:12typon2: making a chip is like really hard
09:20np_ez: normie translation: they are worried they may look inactive - so they need to book meetings to avoid being fired
09:23cl0ud1001: are you a javacript expert
09:32mack_general: PR trained
09:41ThatNinja27: you know anything about SambaNova?
09:59Godling72: It's expensive
10:03chameleon_g: moar money to invest ?
10:13Crisstofolo: machines are intricate
10:14Beta20: expensive doesn’t necessarily imply difficulty
10:15cl0ud1001: i got money
10:24tojiblessed: 8 trillion
10:25unknown_user002: if postman can get vc funding anyone can
10:25theReaIDlrtyDan: 2 trillion dollars
10:32theReaIDlrtyDan: take it or leave it
10:37cl0ud1001: i got 500 million+
10:42typon2: verilog is hard. meeting timing is hard. the CAD tools by synopsys and cadence are super janky and cost insane amounts.
10:44mahado101: PokPikachu
10:46geekye: could it be "trade secrets" or whatever? like it would just reduce competitiveness with open firmwares
11:12coolcake2: by "making" do we mean desiging? or fabricating?
11:14fatgunnerd: manufacturing with high yields is hard
11:18Beta20: difficult to reduce defective rates at scale?
11:41gliched_robot: it's not hard... these companies are filled with stupid MBA trying "maximize shareholders value"
11:43typon2: its a bit easier on fpga. the fpga tools also suck. the open source fpga world is in its infancy
11:52TheVibingGuy: wassup hotzzz
11:54drivewaycam: mino56Hiusa
12:35np_ez: @georgehotz thoughts on Extropic chip?
12:55QUOTE_IF_KANSAS: Did you end up finding anything in the AMD firmware yesterday?
12:58theReaIDlrtyDan: b200 looks cool
12:59ThatNinja27: ask the saudis where they get their chips?
13:30gliched_robot: they didn't talk to VP
13:36kiprasMEL: another stream lfg
13:53Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Ad tech :)
13:55coolcake2: nowhere yet :)
13:55typon2: i used to work at tenstorrent hahaha
13:56ThatNinja27: tech consulting
13:57im_motive: Work in adtech
13:57FengWeiWay: im janitor
13:58theReaIDlrtyDan: EDA
13:58kingofthebronx: kingofthebronx subscribed at Tier 1.
13:59linny1309: Opsec violation
14:01TheVibingGuy: college student!
14:01StsGavrilov: VFX postproduction
14:03JdPaulBlart: 7/11 cashier
14:04ethan1g: elctro rent
14:05chameleon_g: studying
14:06unknown_user002: finance WOOHOO :))))
14:08Paddingtron: Red hat
14:10risky_banana: I modernize legacy PHP and I cry
14:16nantaimori: work at apple looking help
14:16cacaosteve: iOS and Android. mostly just talk about product backlog items
14:20laisele: AWS, backend
14:22UziLullaby: Drone app development
14:27swonjy: scala backend
14:28im_motive: data platform for ad tech
14:36geekye: I'm dead, doing cs phd
14:39kinglouisxvii: a scam
14:39isco___hdz: Help Desk
14:46Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Finance = Visual Basic programmers
14:47risky_banana: its old ladies processing invoices
14:47unknown_user002: legacy dev
14:49coolcake2: excel tech support
14:51trap_exit: Run ML tech team for bank
14:54kingofthebronx: I work in a psych ward
14:55Beta20: excel expert
14:55TheVibingGuy: excel managers
14:56QuakerR6: finance=crypto bros holding $32 in btc
14:58kinglouisxvii: excel FeelsGoodMan
15:00nantaimori: excel python
15:06Beta20: senior excel developer
15:11JdPaulBlart: lockheed martin
15:27gliched_robot: I work at ai company in insurance space
17:05gliched_robot: installing cuda is a getting easier and easier, shows the progress Nvidia has made
18:35yyloc: The quality of the driver is not synonymous with whether there’s a package in the default repository to install it.
18:56Errmergerd_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1LIg3FwUyE
19:00borang: borang subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
19:44gliched_robot: @Errmergerd_ Nice
19:46lnau: does nvidia still support opencl?
19:57lnau: would be interesting to see if the ptx generated via cuda or opencl backends is similar
21:50wozeparrot: its already pretty usable! scuffed in some areas but usable
23:56wozeparrot: nope way too complex
24:46raj_pabnani: raj_pabnani subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
25:43ethan1g: why not remove tqdm
26:26gliched_robot: if nvlink was present, Nvidia would be perfect.
26:57Hans_um: understandable
27:17Wilhelm_Vilhelm: You're a good cheerleader
27:46Errmergerd_: dumbasses=ugly dudes i guess
27:59ThatNinja27: Cheer1 keep the consultants away
30:51AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to BidenSniffedMeBro!
31:53ethan1g: u really think they know theyre choosing not to be great
31:59x_jozese_x: trying to break something is the best thing to understand how it really works
32:09lnau: the best engineers i knew from AMD left or went to NVIDIA
32:11paxinosa: nice is safe
32:48slay29: slay29 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 o 4
32:57lnau: AMD pays less also
33:28ThatNinja27: Cheer1 Amd and intel merger?
33:47Dj1312: Speaking about use. Are you interested to use Tinygrad into others domains than IA, like Finite-Element (like to simulate light propagation) since it is a domain only own by some crazy stupid company who completely block research with their crazy high software prices...
33:53linny1309: linny1309 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to georgehotz's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel!
33:53linny1309: linny1309 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShiggieDiggy!
33:53linny1309: linny1309 gifted a Tier 1 sub to last_spite!
34:12slay29: No, AMD needs to create cult as Nvidia did. Cult = good engineers
34:44lnau: an additional factor to consider is that NVIDIA didn't acquire any IP, except for 3DFX a while ago
34:47gliched_robot: @slay29 They need to remove most of the "managers" in amd
34:48lnau: ATI was an aquisition
36:02ThatNinja27: Cheer1 tinycult when?
36:06ethan1g: *android* nvidia
36:15lnau: i bet if you search AMD's GPU driver / firmware / kernel source for the string "ATI" it will still show up
37:26ethan1g: now we're talkin
37:33ethan1g: honda civic
37:42slay29: @georgehotz you remember when I told you that delusional owner (cult company) = good employees? Just check how OpenAI cult is spiking for example
38:04gliched_robot: Still cannot run Grok in tinygrad right ?
38:10gliched_robot: *tinybox
40:18WickedHood: WickedHood subscribed with Prime.
40:37slay29: Well Sam Altman is bad human being and none of the bad stuff gets leaked from OpenAI because he hypnotized whole company. Ilya recognized that and tried to stop it
40:44slay29: We are doomed
42:28Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Sam Altman had the worst lex interview
42:39gliched_robot: it's literally the lesser of two evils.
43:46WickedHood: What do you feel about mythic AI.. last I looked they were trying to do something new and smart
43:46ethan1g: nvidia sexier than amd anyway
44:17ThatNinja27: Cheer1 says the metal box salesman
45:23metacritical: Groq are the bad guys in a limited sense, trying to get the VC money for Round D.
45:29WickedHood: mythic(dot)ai/technology/analog-computing
46:34metacritical: Analog has a lot of errors, by the time they fix it it will be as comples as digital chips.
46:46Hans_um: late night coffee lets goooooooo
46:49metacritical: *complex
47:19gliched_robot: coffee at 10pm, buckle up boys we are in for a long stream.
47:37metacritical: I hope so.
47:40lnau: "what?!" "good lord..." lol
47:44slay29: Let me create cult out of Tinycorp snd enjoy succesful scalling of the company Pog
48:55metacritical: I agree your coding style has matured in tinygrad.
49:25ethan1g: u can abstract forever
50:07gliched_robot: I have learned so much from tinygrad. So much better than pytorch shit
50:47metacritical: Contrast tinygrad with the monstrocity Tensorflow, only god can understand it fully.
50:56swe_cidal: Ripgrep is in rust, so...
53:48ethan1g: java where it at boys
54:20ethan1g: tell that to my prof
54:45swe_cidal: JVM is sick though
55:59eigencaulk: i heard moldova has beautiful beaches
56:07ethan1g: not going back to india?
56:20macd00s: swing by to ams
57:17metacritical: Yeah Rust sucks, i prefer C and now Zig as a better C.
01:00:00wozeparrot: i used to write a bunch of zig
01:00:11gliched_robot: polars is written in rust
01:00:14wozeparrot: its an ok language
01:00:25keith282: RustScan is awesome, written in rust.
01:00:28WickedHood: ferrocene is in rust, and its great
01:00:56wozeparrot: defer is really nice tho, and i do like the explicit allocator passing
01:01:14metacritical: I can design one can we send PR ?
01:01:31macd00s: same, would like to contribute to build the site
01:01:54macd00s: comma like?
01:01:55Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Html + tailwind
01:02:00metacritical: We can try, you dont need to accept PR.
01:02:01ethan1g: i think subs know your style
01:03:27metacritical: Its a complex piece of static generator, you dont need Hugo.
01:03:53metacritical: Ruby is very Englishy.
01:04:04gliched_robot: Hugo is great!
01:05:07pelegan: pelegan subscribed at Tier 1.
01:05:28Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Tinygrad website's gotta have a webgpu demo
01:10:09pelegan: have you ever tried libtorch?
01:13:22ethan1g: thats why u have funding
01:18:44xhtn: xhtn subscribed with Prime.
01:18:48xhtn: Is the tinygrads website repo public to help contribute to?
01:20:06ethan1g: @xhtn nah
01:21:06xhtn: sick, thank you!
01:33:15macd00s: working on removing global_size local_size from device.py
01:35:04WickedHood: thats a great song
01:39:37dawkinsisdoper: Why did future Hotz choose 3:08:46?
01:50:39TTurcho: TTurcho subscribed with Prime.
01:51:17Gorian4: Party2 So this is what it looks like to stream in the Matrix
01:51:42TTurcho: batuhanHey
01:53:22metacritical: WoWza so cool.
01:58:46chess_sometimes: Are we still working on getting the exploit?
02:00:54Gorian4: Cheer1 This is well beyond my brain capacity, first heard your name when I used the program blackra1n,but it's an honor to have been able to witness you in action
02:05:40geville: people in business can't believe someone would do something for "free"
02:06:48metacritical: BEing Rich Buys freedom.
02:07:12metacritical: Rolls Royce , Private jet etc,.. is boring.
02:07:13jagger_rsw: you could buy amd and open source stuff
02:07:37jagger_rsw: i got a point :)
02:07:48dawkinsisdoper: being dead is the true source of freedom
02:08:08metacritical: Something to loose? Earning money is just a skillset. We can always make more.
02:08:43gliched_robot: Apple can buy amd in cash BTW. They have a 200B in cash
02:09:33jagger_rsw: tensortorrent is 1B only
02:09:45geville: pretty low P/E
02:11:01jagger_rsw: you no mba
02:11:19gliched_robot: They cannot, I was thinking about tensortorrent guys and how they are better then amd, intel and qualcomm.
02:11:37dawkinsisdoper: value is the degree something progresses a goal
02:11:52WickedHood: intel just got 20 billion dropped on them by the whitehouse
02:12:01GENUlNlTY: intel ledoodoo
02:12:09jagger_rsw: I didn't know that there's such magic inside gfx if intel cannot do competitor to amd/nvidia within, what 4 years
02:12:17Nirfse: Intel Gaudi2 maaaaybe
02:13:21gliched_robot: Considering tensortorrent is 50 years younger than intel. They are good
02:13:22metacritical: Why ?
02:14:19metacritical: So you are optimising for compute per watts ?
02:15:41metacritical: AMD doesnt want money.
02:15:51Gorian4: Cheer1 Intel stopped having hope when they missed the chance to aquire ARM
02:16:00GENUlNlTY: 200% profit, someone give this mans the money to do the damn thang
02:16:07geville: so more NVIDIA stock?
02:16:31El_Hamburguesa: El_Hamburguesa subscribed with Prime.
02:16:50Gorian4: Cheer1 Good point
02:17:16El_Hamburguesa: whats preventing something like nxp or amlogic or stm trying to compete in this space? are they just so far behind in tensor engineering?
02:17:29El_Hamburguesa: i work with a LOT of embedded mfg and it seems like a completely different world
02:19:01metacritical: Sccheduling is gonna be the key especially across say 10000 cores.
02:20:44El_Hamburguesa: just use brain fuck / MuQSS
02:20:52metacritical: Yup we can see the HBM
02:22:18metacritical: You can know groq is a scam because they are using 230 MB SRAM.
02:23:10gliched_robot: GROQ is fine, I think its VC hype
02:23:43El_Hamburguesa: are you really rearish on gaudi3
02:23:50El_Hamburguesa: bearish*
02:24:05GENUlNlTY: homie out here destroying companies for funs. GOATHOTZ
02:24:20gliched_robot: I think you can with tinygrad and this method of attention. https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06180
02:24:37metacritical: NVIDIAs papers are also quite good. They are the KIng.
02:24:52El_Hamburguesa: i have a friend whos worked as an SDET for intel gpus for years and hes said good things. but if it were so good i'd imagine we'd see insane sales. intel has always struggled with drivers, badly
02:25:36metacritical: Intel has a lareg org problem not drivers. Too many hires!
02:26:22GENUlNlTY: can you improve the scheduling of the current software?
02:26:29metacritical: Yup
02:26:49metacritical: So which scheduling architecture you are looking at ?
02:26:55metacritical: Any papers?
02:27:21El_Hamburguesa: george you like the underdog, its an admirable trait
02:29:46gliched_robot: this graphing is cool
02:31:42whiterunknight: good morning
02:32:10metacritical: Hard to believe.
02:32:38StackSample: Kappa
02:32:40saaaywha: freedom
02:32:42sorcasd: salty chips
02:32:44dawkinsisdoper: flamin hot prob best chip
02:32:45gucci_clone: doritos
02:32:48LotusPixiee: better scheduling
02:32:49JamisNemo: Qcom hexagon thoughts?
02:32:54brett1479: You were saying, the problem with AMD is the driver, the problem with Nvidia is _____
02:32:56whiterunknight: I second flamin hot
02:33:00vHyphy: hot Cheetos
02:33:01Slippery3: what did nvidia's ioctls smell like?
02:33:06proxgs_: intel tofino
02:33:21metacritical: NVIDIA is great, they are ahead of everyone but over valued.
02:33:33alexmora4life: I’m a bus boy, need a personal assistant?
02:33:37Bombapil0t: just do it, hotz. BEAT THEM
02:33:43Rothbardie: does a cerebras chip fit in tinybox?
02:33:44brett1479: I thought maybe you were talking about DMA and an issue with Nvidia
02:33:49metacritical: 10X marker by NVIDIA is just too much.
02:34:04seiqooq: favorite California city @georgehotz ?
02:34:06stormmg: would you say your fromthetransistor course outline is still relevant?
02:34:12saaaywha: driver shenanigans
02:34:18chess_sometimes: Power consumption also a problem with Nvidia?
02:34:39chess_sometimes: XD
02:34:43l1gh75p33d: please guys don't ruin non sub mode
02:34:48gliched_robot: The problem is a bug! LUL
02:35:05singularitysoup: hey george hotz, im considering becoming a professor at the institute of advanced studies, do you think that that is worth it? :| :| :|
02:35:22vHyphy: Winners win, Nvidia
02:35:28metacritical: Yeah you gotta stop with the AMD Drama. JUst Green Team from now and then White Team (TinyBox).
02:35:33brett1479: Also, wrt tenstorrent, were you once saying that to make a better chip you need to make it less flexible
02:35:42alexmora4life: never surrender
02:36:11Nervaxyz: what was the conclusion on the intel gpu?
02:36:13saaaywha: reckon you can train certain LLMs to build & simulate better software solutions -> more proficient scheduling etc
02:36:26Slippery3: where does hardware end and software begin? Kappa
02:36:29brett1479: If I recall correctly, you were complaining about turing completeness, and overly flexible hardware that could be improved
02:36:52metacritical: Tenstorrent has a good strategy. They might become famous among hobbyists. Thats what OSS is for.
02:37:43this_too_is_art: @saaaywha scheduling is NP-hard afterall, just put it off into the future where AGI exists
02:37:44wowsoclutch: flashbacks
02:38:00alexmora4life: failures are good for tax right offs
02:38:01l1gh75p33d: does tinygrad work with models larger than gRAM?
02:38:06gliched_robot: I read about CUDA and RISC too.
02:38:08ahmedhossam_o: kind of out-of-context question, but why there are not a lot people make the same effort that is being made in AI but in rockets? I think if you want to expand as a civilization we should invest in rockets and space exploration more than AI, I don't know, but that's what I'm thinking
02:38:19singularitysoup: ok, 'george hotz'. going off to apply to become a professor at the institute of advanced studies, then. if you say so. el. oh. el. :|
02:38:53saaaywha: @this_too_is_art still think there's opportunity there but in due time
02:39:39budnahm: I'm RCCL Rick
02:39:42newton_stark: CUDA is still the cool thing to know…
02:39:47Nirfse: FailFish wow
02:39:50gliched_robot: OMG
02:39:52devscuffed: 1337 commits though EZ
02:39:59wowsoclutch: pickle rccl!
02:40:14vHyphy: @ahmedhossam_o ai helps us build rockets
02:40:24fricold: Any thoughts about neuromorphic chips? like Intel loihi 2.
02:40:41Slippery3: nvidia copyThis pastaThat amd
02:40:49ahmedhossam_o: @vHyphy how?
02:41:09metacritical: Its fine. Twitter is what we make it.
02:41:12fricold: chips for SNN networks
02:41:20vHyphy: thermodynamic ai chips
02:41:22Bombapil0t: CurseLit
02:41:22Wilhelm_Vilhelm: Why did Groq back down from the twitter bet?
02:41:27314_canelas: how many years do you think it will take for gpu progress to halts like cpus have been for the few years >
02:41:28brett1479: If you hadn't spent this time with AMD, would you have always been wondering what if?
02:41:33budnahm: why doesn't someone make a competitor to PCIe that uses networking strategies like MIMO? I don't know much about this btw
02:41:57wowsoclutch: well they take them at full price?
02:42:04l1gh75p33d: autograph and put on comma store
02:42:16this_too_is_art: @georgehotz what particular scheduling problems is tinygrad running into right now? is it something you can explain in a snappy clippable summary?
02:42:16metacritical: Nice doesnt mean anything, they can be bad and get things doen is what i like.
02:42:17GENUlNlTY: sign it flippaments profit
02:42:17wowsoclutch: *will
02:42:23geville: they're not OnePlus bad
02:42:48connorbitpower: you dont need enough money to buy qualcomm. you just need enough speech skill to convince bill ackman to buy it and put you on the board
02:43:04metacritical: Oneplus is shit i agree.
02:43:36Hueligan_: put a chip in me
02:43:37Jondy: bill is busy with google
02:43:53metacritical: You are gonna call your tapeout "TinyChip!" ?
02:43:54geville: you don't even have to move cities for qualcomm lol
02:44:04connorbitpower: tweet at bill ackman lmao he'll engage
02:44:09l1gh75p33d: my PM worked at Qualcomm he claims they're shit
02:44:16gliched_robot: imagine raspberry pi with qualcomm
02:44:23P1tog1ros: Only Bobby Misner can bear Nvidia
02:44:29ahmedhossam_o: tinygrad should acquire AMD
02:44:33JamisNemo: qcom is wrapped around the axle.
02:44:35Bombapil0t: @Hueligan_ too late bro, neuralink got P1 Keepo
02:44:41metacritical: Just fire all the BD people, there Qualcomm is fixed!
02:44:47Nirfse: Is the AMD MES stuff really not solvable/bypass'able at this point? I missed the stream where you encountered major bugs, out of loop on specifics.
02:44:55budnahm: Qualcomm execs have short attention span unless you keep mentioning licensing and patents every few seconds
02:45:00stealerv1: stealerv1 subscribed with Prime.
02:45:11Wilhelm_Vilhelm: You don't want to aquire amd, you want to become an activist investor
02:45:24JamisNemo: i liked the CTF game qcom's security team ran at layerone a few years back :shrug:
02:45:48connorbitpower: look at chipotle stock u and bill can make it happen w qualcomm lol
02:45:57Wilhelm_Vilhelm: an activist investor can demand the heads of directors and people that make AMD bad
02:46:00wowsoclutch: I wouldn't sink time in something you don't see leading anywhere
02:46:16Errmergerd_: but why
02:46:17GENUlNlTY: doodoofoundations
02:46:18wowsoclutch: a temple of shit lol
02:46:58budnahm: @georgehotz have you heard of Cisco's MPLS employees that have founded several companies. they seem kind of aspirational for you
02:47:37dawkinsisdoper: the stronger your foundation the further you can compound
02:47:43jagger_rsw: i imagine she said 'I make an edict - let's help george', and head of ip replied "but there's HDCP stuff in there", and head of interoperability said 'but there're hacks that we did for samsung under nda', and lisa said 'f.. that, i tried'
02:48:02Bombapil0t: survival of the fittest
02:48:18connorbitpower: Chipotle also sells great chips
02:48:21budnahm: Qualcomm wants you to have licenses for toasters
02:48:21metacritical: NVIDIA has great partners in TSMC, if TSMC goes their own way everyone woudl need IP protection.
02:48:40GENUlNlTY: doodooldriverleader in amd
02:48:48Jondy: they're working really hard on rccl all right
02:49:10Nirfse: I'd be a bit scared about building an ML hardware product on consumer-grade Nvidia GPU cluster, tbh. I can see Nvidia letting the lawyers off the chain just send a message for others.
02:49:14geville: AMD market cap is just a product of Nvidia FOMO
02:49:36jmickelly9: The markets are highly emotional
02:50:08gliched_robot: They do not care, think how they did not care about minners
02:50:26chess_sometimes: AWs getting sued all day. Billion cease and desist
02:50:35metacritical: Firmware lock.
02:50:38chess_sometimes: AWS
02:50:44metacritical: he saying AWS.
02:51:03ahmedhossam_o: test
02:51:04vHyphy: we need a platform for compute
02:51:31gliched_robot: They are selling H100s to AWS at 50% discount for sure
02:51:49000008: expensive lookin hoodie
02:52:23ahmedhossam_o: George can I clone comma ai and do the same idea in Egypt and the middle east?
02:52:23Dj1312: Have you seen the repo "Building a Poor Man's Supercomputer" ? The guy buy some cheap V100 LUL
02:52:32chessmeout: The patent troll learned the hard way that suing George Hotz is a bad idea
02:52:50stealerv1: BOOs on sony
02:52:56StackSample: Jensen has bars
02:53:00hindsight12: man i wish amd worked out
02:53:08Black3v3r: Nintendo sues Kappa
02:53:13budnahm: diss track + puts = rich
02:53:18threesevenz: noob question,. zero coding experience. Is there a point in learning to build AI if it will eventually get to a point where they build themselves? I know its the future, but unsure how to get into it. I dont wanna start learning now and my job be redundant in 10/20 years.
02:53:24ahmedhossam_o: George can I clone comma ai and do the same idea in Egypt and the middle east?
02:53:26y0005: i think it's just a japanese culture thing
02:53:41Wilhelm_Vilhelm: You're talking about AMD like she broke up with you in highschool
02:53:54000008: @threesevenz if you had any passion you wouldnt worry about stuff like that
02:53:55chessmeout: Wait what LOL
02:54:00FileDotJar: what a name
02:54:08connorbitpower: BUKAPILOT
02:54:09Hoosier_Cruiser: aw hell nah
02:54:10jmpy_91: thats amazing
02:54:12ratonlaveur222: lol, komunnist?
02:54:14JamisNemo: What's the fastest on ramp to tinygrad for someone that hasn't touched this stuff much?
02:54:27threesevenz: @000008 people had passion in making carts for horses, seems silly making them after the first car was created though.
02:54:30jmpy_91: builders :)
02:54:32Hueligan_: MaxLOL MaxLOL
02:54:37chess_sometimes: Would any company like to around these EDA firms? Closed software used by lots of companies? Like synopsis and cadence
02:54:39ahmedhossam_o: then yeah, wait for it in the next 5 years
02:54:45geville: hire their graphic designer
02:54:46connorbitpower: one line of code is changed: side of road = "left"
02:54:48000008: @threesevenz lol
02:54:58Black3v3r: @threesevenz If you plan on not learning anything new in the next 10/20 years, that's a you problem, not a tech problem
02:55:02macd00s: SisiAI @ahmedhossam_o
02:55:17ahmedhossam_o: @macd00s loolll
02:55:17threesevenz: @000008 nobody has been able to answer my question, i kinda feel like nobody has any idea lmao
02:55:20lnau: the rain is more dramatic too
02:55:31000008: its a stupid question
02:55:44wowsoclutch: don't lie, you want one now
02:55:45l1gh75p33d: so what's wrong with the open source gpu drivers anyway
02:55:50Jondy: the comma looks better
02:55:51budnahm: kommu gives your car an extra 10 horsepower
02:55:52dawkinsisdoper: creating value in the world technically is all about asking the government to force someone else to give you money
02:55:55ahmedhossam_o: @macd00s actually we are very poor right now, I will not find anybody to buy
02:56:00chessmeout: That is actually so hilarious
02:56:04chessmeout: Kommu just made my day
02:56:12Bombapil0t: same @chessmeout
02:56:12threesevenz: @Black3v3r where did u get me not wanting to learn anything come from lmao, ur weird
02:56:14lnau: Kommu or RCCL, which is the more clever name?
02:56:14NUM1NEX_: will you name your AI girlfriend company cummuAI ?
02:56:40macd00s: based move to shell for them here
02:56:46Hoosier_Cruiser: peace
02:56:49so_unnecessary: yes
02:56:50PhoebusG: ty for strum ray o hope in this boring field ty <3
02:56:50chess_sometimes: Yesss
02:56:52whiterunknight: yes
02:56:52connorbitpower: STREAM
02:56:55Hans_um: y not idk
02:56:56FileDotJar: scheduler!
02:56:56Nirfse: One more look into AMD!
02:57:00MeM92: one last shot
02:57:00Jondy: lets look into rccl
02:57:02Errmergerd_: beat groq
02:57:03stealerv1: We should burn some amd drivers like middle age
02:57:04devscuffed: amd is entertaining, as you get mad easier
02:57:04fricold: everybody good night...
02:57:07gliched_robot: amd is sad
02:57:07geville: 420 stream
02:57:08GENUlNlTY: GNK1NG
02:57:09wowsoclutch: haha
02:57:10Black3v3r: @threesevenz So then you aim at the next 5 years and improve as you go along
02:57:11Hans_um: eh maybe something cooler
02:57:11vHyphy: do what you want
02:57:18Wilhelm_Vilhelm: AMD needs to beat groq
02:57:20zandyz1337: yes! lol
02:57:20Hans_um: more hacks
02:57:21gliched_robot: I think beating groq would be cool
02:57:23Jondy: chamath was early in groq time to team up with him
02:57:24devscuffed: today was too chill :D
02:57:25JamisNemo: more scheduling
02:57:33klausJi: see you soon
02:57:35Nirfse: Reverse-engineering stuff is a great fun on stream :)
02:57:39threesevenz: @Black3v3r ???????? whats the point in starting if they will build themselves better than ny of us ever could in 5 years?
02:57:42agace: I just want to say one thing: don't do politics do coc@ine before you do politics
02:57:43GENUlNlTY: better software, better scheduling
02:57:47budnahm: in previous podcasts, you've mentioned how open-source hardware companies can't really work. can't tiny box get cloned for cheaper?
02:57:53PhoebusG: developers develop.. oh wait :p
02:57:57devscuffed: real and true
02:58:04Hans_um: @phoebusg lol
02:58:06StackSample: holy
02:58:09VladimirrWoW: politics the real mind virus lol
02:58:11000008: @threesevenz do you enjoy computers? theres your point
02:58:28connorbitpower: aliexpress tinybox
02:58:29chessmeout: Stealing ideas and executing is really hard
02:58:29Jondy: at least its not on twitter double the brain rot
02:58:36gliched_robot: Try having 4 gpis its hard
02:58:45devscuffed: thanks for strem sir