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Zoe YC Video Intro

FZY UK2015-01-29
FZY#Year Course#Gap Year#Israel#Gap#Year#Course
43 views|9 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores Zoe's journey with the Xoy gap year program in Israel, featuring opportunities for learning, traveling, volunteering, and cultural experiences with friends worldwide. It emphasizes self-discovery, heritage exploration, and connecting with the Jewish homeland. Contact Zoe for more information.

✨ Highlights
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Highlights of the Xoy Gap Year Program in Israel.
Zoe emphasizes the diverse opportunities for learning, traveling, volunteering, and cultural experiences with friends from around the world.
The program offers various classes, volunteering options, and special interest months, along with the chance to travel to different countries.
Zoe highlights the importance of self-discovery, heritage exploration, and connecting with the Jewish homeland through the program.
Zoe states that the program helped her understand her values and future aspirations.