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Figma for Edu: Prototyping 101, new basics

figma#design#product design#tips#tricks#UI design#ux design#app design#figma design#design for figma#FigJam tutorial#prototyping#collaboration#UX tutorial#Design tips#Figma tutorial#Config#design system#tutorial#Prototyping#New basics#Figma for Education#Figma for Edu#Education#Figma prototyping
28K views|7 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The workshop provides a comprehensive overview of prototyping in Figma, covering basic and advanced topics such as creating frames, designing interactions, scrolling prototypes, smart animate transitions, and navigation components. The demonstration showcases the capabilities of Figma for designing interactive and dynamic prototypes, including the use of video, motion, and interactive components.In this segment, the instructor demonstrates how to create a scrolling prototype and a horizontal scrolling gallery in Figma. They also showcase the use of interactive components to create animations and reusable designs within a single frame.This Figma workshop delves into advanced prototyping with a focus on video integration, interactive design, and smooth animations. It also addresses user questions, shares best practices, and emphasizes the importance of feedback and continuous learning. The workshop showcases how to master Figma's features and empowers designers to create exceptional, real-world user experiences.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
This section covers the basics of prototyping and the use of frames in Figma to create prototypes.
Prototyping allows testing and sharing of design ideas.
Frames are essential for creating prototypes in Figma.
Recommended viewport sizes can be used for designing and developer handoff.
The video discusses the process of creating interactions and navigating between frames in a prototype.
In prototype mode, the user can create interactions similar to how they are created in code.
The duration and transition style of the interaction can be determined.
The 'noodle' can be used to link frames and create a smooth transition between them.
The speaker demonstrates how to create a prototype, navigate frames, and customize interactions using Figma.
Shows how to delete and add a starting point for a prototype.
Explains the process of changing the behavior of a prototype from instant to movement.
Demonstrates the option to preview the prototype and make changes to its behavior.
The section explains the Smart Animate feature in Figma, which analyzes and animates changes between two objects.
Objects in different frames should have matching layers for Smart Animate to work.
The dropdowns in the interface show mixed behavior options for the animation.
The speaker demonstrates how to use the custom bezier tool for easing the animation.
The video demonstrates the creation of a navigation component using circles and rectangles in Figma.
Starts with rectangles and then rounds the corners to create circles.
Duplicates the circles to have a total of four.
Selects different colors for each circle to create a non-linear navigation.
Converts the circles into a main component and creates copies of it.
The speaker showcases a more dynamic way to create a main menu using a component in Figma.
Explains that the main menu can be a component that drives all the interactions.
Demonstrates how changes to the main component are reflected in all the copies.
Shows how to wire up the main component with all the navigation items.
In Figma, creating a rudimentary presentation is possible by arranging slides visually on the canvas.
Slides need to be organized from top left to bottom right for navigation.
The presentation can be hidden from the Figma UI for a cleaner view.
Slides can be exported as a PDF for easy sharing.
Create scrolling prototypes in Figma by setting frames to have vertical or horizontal scrolling.
Enable scrolling by choosing the overflow option in the design panel.
Content outside the frame allows scrolling to be demonstrated.
Scroll behavior can be set to fixed for elements like navigation.
Interactive components in Figma allow for embedded prototypes within a single frame, enabling the creation of animations and reusable designs.
Components can have their own timelines and animations.
Objects can be dragged to navigate within the component.
Frames can be duplicated and turned into components for further interactivity.
The speaker demonstrates how to create a horizontal scrolling gallery using Figma by placing images inside shapes and animating them.
Shapes are duplicated to create a gallery of images.
Images are placed inside the shapes to populate the gallery.
The scrolling behavior allows the gallery to be scrolled horizontally.
A scrolling prototype is created by placing images inside shapes and animating them in Figma.
Images are placed inside shapes to create a gallery.
The scrolling behavior allows the gallery to be scrolled horizontally.
An element can be made to follow the scroll or be fixed in place.
In Figma, you can prototype videos by placing them onto shapes and using the Prototype panel to choose autoplay and change various properties.
Video can be paused and played by selecting the video.
Video prototyping is free for education teams.
To fix issues with connections in Figma prototypes, you can remove interactions and start over, or break the prototype into smaller chunks.
Removing interactions can clear the connections from the selection.
Breaking the prototype into smaller chunks is recommended.
In Figma, you can add padding to the elements you're wiring together by creating a larger hit area frame around the icon.
Generate a component for the icon that occupies a larger area.
Wrap the icon in a larger frame to serve as the hit area for the interaction.
The smoothest transition between two screens in Figma depends on the specific naming and matching of layers for smart animation.
Ensure that layers are named and matched correctly for smart animation.
Specific naming and matching of layers is essential for a successful and smooth animation prototype.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What are the essential tools for creating prototypes in Figma?

To create prototypes in Figma, the essential tools are frames, sections, and slices. Frames are the most important for creating prototypes, and they can be easily created using the frame tool or by pressing the F key. Additionally, having a good understanding of prototype navigation and interaction design is crucial for effectively using Figma to create prototypes.

2. How can interactive components be utilized in prototyping?

Interactive components play a key role in prototyping by allowing for the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. In Figma, interactive components can be used to define states and behavior changes within a design, enhancing the prototype's realism and enabling more comprehensive user testing and feedback.

3. What is the significance of motion and video in the prototyping process?

Motion and video are important aspects of the prototyping process as they simulate real-world user experiences and interactions. By incorporating motion and video elements into prototypes, designers can showcase how their designs behave and evolve in response to user input, creating a more immersive and engaging demonstration for stakeholders and users.

4. How does Figma's prototyping feature support the testing and sharing of design ideas?

Figma's prototyping feature plays a crucial role in supporting the testing and sharing of design ideas by allowing for the creation of interactive prototypes. With Figma, designers can demonstrate the functionality and flow of their designs, enabling stakeholders and users to experience the design in action, provide feedback, and make informed decisions based on the prototype's behavior and usability.

5. What are the benefits of using Figma for prototyping over traditional static design tools?

Using Figma for prototyping offers significant advantages over traditional static design tools. Figma's interactive and collaborative nature enhances the prototyping process by providing real-time feedback, seamless design iteration, and the ability to create interactive and animated prototypes without the need for additional tools or complicated workflows.

6. How can I create a presentation in Figma without having to create interactions between every single slide?

You can create a presentation in Figma without having to create interactions between every single slide by arranging the slides visually on the canvas. This allows you to navigate the slides as if it were a presentation, and you can even hide the Figma UI for a cleaner view.

7. Is it possible to generate Figma slides as a PDF for easier sharing?

Yes, it is possible to generate Figma slides as a PDF for easier sharing. By exporting the frames as a PDF, you can have the entire slide deck in PDF format, making it convenient to share with others.

8. How do I create a scrolling prototype in Figma?

To create a scrolling prototype in Figma, you can use the overflow option in the design panel to choose vertical or horizontal scrolling. This allows you to demonstrate scrolling behavior by showing content outside the frame and setting elements to be fixed or scroll with the parent.

9. What are interactive components in Figma, and how can they be used?

Interactive components in Figma allow for embedded prototypes within a single frame, enabling the creation of animations and reusable designs. They can be used to make animations with their own timelines and to encapsulate designs for multiple uses.

10. Can images be placed inside shapes and animated in Figma to create a gallery?

Yes, images can be placed inside shapes and animated in Figma to create a gallery. By using the scroll behavior, the gallery can be scrolled horizontally, and elements can be made to follow the scroll or be fixed in place.

11. How can I add a video to my Figma prototype?

In Figma, you can add a video to your prototype by placing it onto any shape and using the Prototype panel to choose autoplay and change various properties. There is also a specific video on video prototyping available, and it is free for education.

12. What is the difference between ontap and onclick in Figma prototyping?

The difference between ontap and onclick in Figma prototyping is based on whether you are using a touch device or a web device. If you designate your prototype as for a touch device, it will be set to ontap, and if for a web device, it will be set to onclick.

13. How can I fix issues with connections in my Figma wireframe?

To fix issues with connections in your Figma wireframe, you can start over by removing the interactions and beginning with a clean slate. It's also recommended to break your wireframe into smaller, more manageable chunks.

14. Is there a way to add padding to the elements in Figma wireframes?

Yes, you can add padding to the elements in Figma wireframes by creating a larger hit area frame around the icon.

15. What is the key to making smooth transitions between screens in Figma prototypes?

The key to making smooth transitions between screens in Figma prototypes is to ensure that the layers are named and matched correctly for smart animation.