00:00do you have high triglycerides do you
00:02want to know how to lower them in this
00:04video I will tell you seven bad foods
00:06that increase triglycerides seven
00:08classes that you will avoid and also the
00:10seven best habits that really help you
00:12reduce and lower triglycerides unlike
00:15bad cholesterol LDL which you can modify
00:18up to 30 in triglycerides you can have a
00:20much more pronounced Improvement much
00:22more noticeable for example what are the
00:24normal values up to 150 and if it is
00:28without fasting it is true that you can
00:29do it without fasting yes but these
00:31values are changed they are normal up to
00:33175. I did not say the lower limit the
00:36normal would be from 50 to 150. so I
00:39often see people with much higher
00:41results and with these modifications
00:42they can naturally only with healthy
00:45habits be able to control and reduce
00:47this risk factor because triglycerides
00:49are a risk factor for cardiovascular
00:51diseases for heart attack for stroke for
00:54stroke and there is also another risk
00:55when they are much increased greater
00:57than one thousand you have an
00:59inflammation in the pancreas called
01:00acute pancreatitis which is a serious
01:03complication and should be avoided so
01:05pay attention to this video now that you
01:07already know a little about
01:08triglycerides let's start with the seven
01:10foods you will avoid and then I will
01:12tell you the best habits to lower
01:13triglycerides number one you have to
01:16avoid sweetened drinks like sodas and
01:18also juices whole juices for example
01:20orange juice grape juice because when
01:23you drink grape juice for example what
01:25will happen your body you will process
01:27that very concentrated sugar in your
01:29blood sugar your blood glucose level
01:31will increase so you have to do an
01:33insulin Spike and this sugar will be
01:36accumulated in the liver as a form of
01:38energy storage as a form of
01:40triglycerides so who is taking care of
01:42triglycerides who wants to reduce them
01:44you must avoid sweetened drinks okay
01:47so juices sodas I'm not saying here that
01:50grape juice is not healthy but if you
01:52are taking care of triglycerides you
01:54have to avoid this type of drink if you
01:55insist on drinking juice drink a little
01:57concentrated juice with sugar reduction
01:59like for example passion fruit juice
02:01lemon juice even acarola juice I like it
02:04and you what is your favorite juice I
02:07really like axarilla juice number two
02:09avoid Foods with simple carbohydrates
02:11simple sugars like for example potatoes
02:14English potatoes rice pasta cakes and
02:16also this one many people don't know
02:18there are some vegetables that are rich
02:20in starch which are also bad for those
02:23who are taking care of triglycerides it
02:25has already happened I was talking to a
02:27patient no but I'm doing everything
02:29right I took the potato I took the pasta
02:31but he was eating a lot of corn corn is
02:33rich in starch and your liver will take
02:35this starch and will transform it into
02:36triglycerides again the same goes for
02:39juice this is for those who are taking
02:41care of triglycerides you have to reduce
02:43starch-rich vegetables like for example
02:46corn and peas so it's not because it's a
02:48vegetable that it won't increase
02:49triglycerides it does increase you have
02:51to be careful with that number three
02:55many people have a habit of pudding for
02:57example sugar and coffee
02:59this is bad for those who have high
03:01triglycerides not only for increased
03:03triglycerides but sugar in coffee from a
03:05metabolic point of view it is not
03:07healthy I already said here on the
03:09channel that coffee is a very healthy
03:11drink it does good for several
03:13situations for cardiovascular risk there
03:16are even studies that show that those
03:18who drink coffee have a lower chance of
03:19developing type 2 diabetes at 33 percent
03:22so coffee is very healthy but it
03:25shouldn't be sweetened with refined
03:26sugar because it will have all that
03:28metabolic consequence so we can through
03:30the diet reduce it in a satisfactory way
03:32but you should take the sugar out of the
03:35coffee and also if you have a habit of
03:37sweetening juices or putting more sugar
03:39in food this habit has to go away it's
03:42one of the tips that works the most
03:43number four avoid canned fish in oil are
03:47fish healthy are they do they have a
03:49good type of fat yes but you should give
03:51preference to those that come in water
03:53the so-called natural tuna for example
03:55has a tuna in oil and has a natural tuna
03:58many people say but it's more expensive
04:00no they're usually very close they're in
04:03the market and if you choose natural
04:04tuna you'll be benefited if you avoid
04:06excess calories it's also beneficial for
04:09your health you take advantage of the
04:10good fats that are present in the fish
04:12and avoid this excess number five avoid
04:15fruits with a high glycemic index which
04:18will increase your blood sugar and also
04:19with a high glycemic load a high
04:21concentration of carbohydrates for
04:23example which fruits can increase banana
04:25grape pineapple mango or fruits
04:28especially the excess of course but
04:31these fruits you should pay more
04:32attention to not that they are forbidden
04:34but if you're going to eat a banana eat
04:37a half because they will increase your
04:40and your liver will take the excess if
04:42you're taking care you have to pay more
04:44attention in the second part
04:46I'll also talk about the best fruits so
04:48if you like fruits a lot like me stay
04:50until the end for you to know what are
04:52the best fruits number six
04:54avoid alcohol not only because of the
04:56amount of carbohydrates you find in beer
04:58for example but also because alcohol is
05:00caloric one gram of alcohol just so you
05:03have a notion has seven kilocalories one
05:05gram of sugar has four so alcohol has
05:07almost twice the calories of sugar
05:09besides that you are often drinking
05:10alcohol drinking beer eating some snack
05:13processed Meats like salami or salamido
05:17ham so you have to take care if it's
05:20french fries then don't even talk about
05:21it I talked about beer but it's also
05:23valid for other types of alcoholic
05:25beverages and in this item here in the
05:27sixth I will include the processed Meats
05:29because they have been related to the
05:31increase in cardiovascular risk and also
05:33the increase in cancer risk such as
05:35intestine cancer colon cancer
05:37so avoid alcohol and some snacks like
05:40the ones I mentioned here number seven
05:42avoid butter margarine coconut oil I'll
05:45give you another alternative later but
05:47these Foods I mentioned are rich in
05:48saturated fats I know there is a very
05:50big Market in coconut oil that it would
05:53even reduce cholesterol but coconut oil
05:55is bad for those who are taking care and
05:57also for those who want to reduce bad
05:59cholesterol LDL so you have to avoid it
06:02if you do a lot of questions consume a
06:04little use a very small dose but know
06:07that it will not help in this metabolic
06:08process besides being a very caloric and
06:11rich food in saturated fats you have to
06:13be careful butter and margarine the same
06:16and what are the best habits you've seen
06:18the worst now you need to know the best
06:20there are seven best habits just before
06:22I'm going to ask you to like this video
06:24If you think this content is being
06:25useful then like the video because the
06:28system understands that the video is
06:30relevant and ends up Distributing it to
06:33we were able to spread this type of
06:35information there are millions and
06:37millions of people what are the seven
06:39best habits number one and one of the
06:41most efficient physical exercise why
06:44when you go on an activity your body
06:46uses glycerides as an energy Supply so
06:49that's why many times you're fasting and
06:51you can do an activity because the body
06:53rescues this Supply it takes the
06:56glycerides and turns them into energy so
06:59physical activities are very efficient
07:01in reducing and improving metabolism
07:02what kind of exercise
07:05you can do what you think is best if
07:07it's walking if it's gym as in my case
07:09running you can pedal but don't limit
07:12yourself too much to the type of
07:13exercise focus on doing an activity what
07:16do you prefer what's best for you what
07:18do you do write it down for me because I
07:19always like to read I read all the
07:21comments number two I talked about
07:23butter margarine what option can you use
07:25olive oil extra virgin olive oil it is
07:28efficient in improving the lipid profile
07:30of fats in the blood and it's an
07:32alternative for those who are taking
07:33care of their glycerides of course you
07:35can't consume excess olive oil because
07:37it's a caloric food it's healthy but
07:39it's too caloric so instead of coconut
07:41oil or margarine use olive oil for
07:43example in salad it's worth it and it's
07:46a great modification the olive oil has
07:48already been related to the Improvement
07:49of the good cholesterol the increase in
07:51HDL levels so it's worth changing it's
07:54an exchange that will do good for your
07:56health number three about fruits what
07:58are the best fruits fruits with low
07:59glycemic index like strawberry guava
08:03orange but you have to eat it with fiber
08:06there's another fruit that is very good
08:07but it's hard to eat lemon but if you
08:10like lemon like me it's worth putting it
08:12in your diet many people say and lemon
08:14juice lemon juice is good
08:16it's far from being that miracle that
08:18people talk about on the internet but
08:20it's an option for those who like it a
08:22juice for example make a lemon juice you
08:25will be fine it will have several
08:27vitamins you will enjoy it and it won't
08:29increase your blood sugar
08:30another fruit that is good passion fruit
08:33also apricot much talked about here
08:34apple apple with peel apple has a type
08:37of fiber that helps in the fat part for
08:39example pectin there is even that phrase
08:41eat an apple a day and keep the doctors
08:44away because apple is really a very
08:46healthy food it has a low glycemic index
08:50so I gave several fruit options it's not
08:53for you to stop eating fruits but you
08:55should eat them okay you have to eat
08:57fruits that are rich in antioxidants
08:58vitamins minerals but you should have a
09:01preference for these fruits with a low
09:02glycemic index number four fiber
09:05consumption such as Chia flax seed in
09:08addition to having good fats they reduce
09:10the glycemic index of foods because when
09:13it comes to digestion in addition to
09:15being more satiated and also eating less
09:17what happens is that you will not make
09:19that increase in blood sugar
09:21you will not make that peak of insulin
09:23which is harmful from a metabolic point
09:25of view for those who are taking care of
09:27glycerides so add it to your diet and
09:31oats I know a lot of people will ask as
09:33oats have a higher concentration of
09:35carbohydrates of sugars especially for
09:37those who are taking care of glycerides
09:39you should avoid it I like oats a lot I
09:42eat oats but I have no problem with
09:44glycerides I said in another video that
09:46I used oats that I liked many people
09:48were asking but how so here I am
09:51speaking specifically for those who are
09:53taking care of glycerides it is worth
09:55choosing fibers such as Chia because in
09:58addition to being less concentrated in
09:59sugars you will consume less
10:02so do the test take a little pot of
10:05yogurt put a little Chia and put a
10:07little oats just with a little Chia it's
10:09already cool you're already satisfied
10:11it's okay in addition to being more
10:14concentrated in oats you have to put a
10:17so it's not that it's bad the point is
10:20that those who are taking care of the
10:21sugar part the blood the glycerides have
10:24to do something you have to avoid oats
10:26number five gradually remove the sugar
10:28little by little do you remember what I
10:30said about sugar in coffee so if you're
10:32drinking if you like sweetened coffee
10:34don't take it out of one hour for the
10:36other start little by little do it in
10:38three four weeks so you can get used to
10:41it then you won't be able to drink
10:42normal coffee anymore you'll prefer
10:43bitter coffee this happened to me and to
10:45several people that I already gave this
10:47tip so it's worth taking the sugar out
10:49little by little number six assessing
10:51metabolic and hormonal diseases and here
10:53I'm going to draw attention to the
10:54thyroid disease when the thyroid can't
10:56produce adequately T3 and T4 in
11:01because it can cause an increase in
11:02triglycerides or even worse you already
11:04had an increase in triglycerides and
11:06from one hour to the next they increased
11:08a lot and if other hormonal diseases
11:10such as excess cortisol production
11:12hypercortisolism which can also alter
11:14this part of the triglycerides but they
11:17are rarer diseases I'll leave the focus
11:19here on the thyroid high triglycerides
11:21are often associated with other
11:23metabolic diseases because these
11:25diseases share the same risk factors as
11:28is the case of obesity malnutrition
11:30sedentary lifestyle so you have to also
11:32assess the part of sugar in the blood
11:34part of diabetes or pre-diabetes and
11:37also part of the liver of the fat in the
11:39liver and tip number seven and also one
11:41of the most effective tips along with
11:43physical exercise and sugar reduction
11:46which is Weight Control why it was seen
11:48in a study that patients who had high
11:51and had a five percent weight reduction
11:53they were benefited from reducing these
11:55levels so weight control is very
11:57important for those who are taking care
11:58of their triglycerides from 0 to 10 what
12:01grade do you give this video if it's 10
12:03I'll make more videos like this one also
12:05tell me which city you are watching this
12:07video from which part of the world you
12:08belong to which country
12:10I always like to know the places you are
12:12seeing I've traveled a lot I've lived in
12:14several places so it's always a great
12:16satisfaction I'm from Puerto Alegre now
12:19I'm going to leave a suggestion for you
12:21to watch it's a video I talked about