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God the Son Revealed to Man - John 1:1-18

David Guzik2019-12-04
john 1#gospel of john#god the son#david guzik#guzik#enduring word
89K views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The section from the Bible study explores the beginning of the Gospel of John, where the speaker delves into the introduction of the 'Word' and its connection to the creation, shedding light on the deep and deliberate purpose of John's Gospel. The speaker then breaks down the first two verses, emphasizing the eternality and divinity of the Word, and the subsequent role of John the Baptist as a witness to the light. The FAQ list delves into the significance of receiving Jesus according to the Gospel of John and the inextricable link between the Word and the creation, providing a comprehensive understanding of the text.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The video is an introduction to the Gospel of John, with the speaker expressing excitement about exploring this great book.
The speaker urges the audience to open their Bibles to John chapter 1.
John chapter 1 is read, emphasizing the significance of the Word in the beginning.
The speaker discusses the significance of the term "the Word" in the Gospel of John, connecting it to the beginning of creation and the concepts of God's intelligence and design.
The introduction of the term "the Word" in the Gospel of John is compared to a familiar concept in Jewish culture, where God is often referred to as the Word of God.
The speaker explains that the term "the Word" also has significance in ancient Greek culture, where it is linked to the idea of the intelligence that created and manages the world.
The speaker emphasizes that the Word is eternal and was with God in the beginning, but also distinct from God.
This section provides an in-depth understanding of the concept of the Trinity, with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit being equally God but distinct in their persons.
The section discusses the creation and the life and light that come from the Word, emphasizing that those who do not know Jesus are in darkness and without life.
The Word, or the logos, created everything, and without him, nothing was made that was made.
In the Word was life, and that life was the light of men, referring to both spiritual and natural light.
People who do not know Jesus are considered to be in darkness and dead, as he is the source of light and life.
The verses emphasize that while some rejected the Word, others received him and became children of God through belief in his name.
The section highlights the privilege of becoming a child of God through receiving the Word.
Becoming a child of God is emphasized as not just a natural status, but a conscious choice and decision to believe in the Word's name.
The speaker discusses the concept of God dwelling among humanity in the person of Jesus, emphasizing that by receiving Jesus, one can experience the fullness of being a child of God.
The phrase 'the word became flesh and dwelt among us' is a startling statement that would have amazed thinkers in both Greek and Jewish cultures.
The idea that God came close to humanity in Jesus is the dominant theme of the section.
Receiving Jesus is the key to experiencing the fullness of being a child of God, and it is not based on human effort or achievement.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the significance of the introduction to the Gospel of John in the Bible study?

The introduction to the Gospel of John in this Bible study is significant as it sets the stage for a deep dive into the text, aiming to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the content. The speaker's excitement and the rich thematic exploration make this an engaging and enlightening study for both new and seasoned believers.

2. How does the concept of 'the Word' in the Gospel of John connect to the creation and the beginning of the Bible?

The concept of 'the Word' in the Gospel of John is intricately connected to the creation and the beginning of the Bible. This concept, as presented in the study, emphasizes the role of the Word in the creation process and establishes a rich and profound link between the Old and New Testaments, shedding light on the divine and eternal nature of Jesus Christ.

3. What does it mean to receive Jesus according to the teaching in the Gospel of John?

According to the teaching in the Gospel of John, to receive Jesus is to acknowledge and accept Him for who He is. It involves a deep and personal belief in His name and His divinity, which, as the study explores, grants individuals the extraordinary privilege of becoming children of God. This concept is foundational to the Christian faith and is beautifully expounded in the Gospel of John.

4. How is the theme of light and life inextricably linked to Jesus in the Gospel of John?

The theme of light and life is a central and inseparable aspect of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospel of John. This study delves into the text, highlighting how Jesus is the embodied light and the source of all life, both in a physical and spiritual sense. The exploration of this theme reveals the essential nature of Jesus and the transformative power of His presence in the world.