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Who's Solving The DEVELOPER SHORTAGE Crisis?

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158K views|8 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the ongoing shortage of software development skills despite an increasing number of developers worldwide. Companies are adopting strategies such as remote working and seeking talent globally to cope with the demand. However, the increasing wages for technical people may lead to challenges in lower wage economies. The complexity of modern software development is also addressed, with the argument that while systems today can be more complex, there are better tools and support available for programmers. Modern software development has become more complicated due to the increased scale of systems and the adoption of complex programming models, often driven by fashion rather than necessity. There is also a shortage of skilled developers, exacerbated by a mismatch between education and industry needs. Employers could address this shortage by investing in and supporting new talent, rather than expecting ready-made experienced professionals. Furthermore, universities should focus on teaching problem-solving skills and core tools of software engineering to better prepare graduates for the industry. The video discusses the essential skills and training needed to be a successful software developer, emphasizing the importance of problem-solving abilities over mere technical knowledge. It also addresses the competition for talented professionals and the benefits of investing in training and retaining employees. The speaker expresses skepticism about approaches focused solely on making the software production process more efficient, and highlights the need for cultivating problem-solving skills in the industry.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
There is a significant shortage of people with software development skills, despite the growing demand for software.
The population of software developers in the world is currently at 27.7 million and is projected to nearly double to 45 million by the end of the decade.
There are over a million unfilled vacancies in technical jobs.
Companies are adopting remote working strategies as the default hiring model to increase access to a global talent pool.
The increased demand for software developers is expected to lead to higher wages, but it may also exacerbate the shortage in lower wage economies.
Remote working strategies are allowing companies to access a larger pool of available developers globally.
Higher wages in high wage economies may attract people from lower wage economies, worsening the developer shortage in those regions.
There is a belief that as wages for software development increase, more people will be attracted to the profession, leading to a balance in supply and demand.
University admissions for software courses are up, indicating a growing interest in the profession.
However, there still seems to be a problem with the skills shortage that goes beyond just a time lag for the increase in people entering the profession.
Factors contributing to the skills shortage in software development are industry growth and increasing complexity of software development.
Industry growth necessitates more programmers or greater efficiency in writing code.
The complexity of modern software development is not necessarily in the programming tasks themselves, but more at the limits of performance and scalability.
Relational databases simplified programming and made it easier to build basic systems, but they ran into limitations when systems needed to scale further.
Modern software development has introduced new techniques and programming models to address scalability and concurrency challenges.
Techniques like NoSQL, microservices, and event-based systems have become popular for building scalable software.
These new programming models expose developers to the difficult problems of concurrency and scalability that were hidden by traditional relational database architecture.
Some teams adopt complex programming models for global scalability, even when their systems don't require it.
For internal use in a company of 10,000 people, global scalability is not needed.
Technologies for global scalability add complexity and may not be necessary for all software systems.
There is a shortage of software developers due to a mismatch between education and industry needs.
Employers look for developers with specific experience and skills, making it hard for graduates to find their first job.
Education in software development has been more focused on practical skills and industry experience.
The core skills of the best developers involve small experiments, data-driven decision-making, and problem-solving.
Keeping a record of experiments and planning based on data and evidence.
Controlling variables to better understand changes.
Universities need to focus on teaching core problem-solving skills.
Good organizations actively train junior developers and make efforts to retain them.
Training should focus on principles of good software development, not just specific ways of working.
Motivated and engaged workforce is a double win for organizations.
Talented people are attracted to good organizations with interesting problems to solve.
Adding more people with skills or making the software production process more efficient are not enough to solve the developer shortage.
Artificial intelligence and low code solutions can help in narrow fields but are not a general solution.
The central bottleneck is problem-solving, not typing.
Professional software development requires a mindset and tools for exploration and discovery.
The core skills of software development are about problem-solving, not just writing code.
Problem-solving skills are fundamental and training in these skills can address the skill shortage.
Training in problem-solving allows adding to the pool of talent and making talented people more efficient.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the current population of software developers in the world?

The current population of software developers in the world is estimated to be 27.7 million, projected to increase to 45 million by the end of the decade.

2. What are the factors contributing to the shortage of software development skills?

The factors contributing to the shortage of software development skills include industry growth and the increasing complexity of software development.

3. How are companies coping with the mismatch between supply and demand for software development skills?

Companies are coping with the mismatch by adopting remote working strategies as the default hiring model to increase access to a global talent pool.

4. What is the expected outcome of the shortage of software development skills on wages?

The shortage is expected to increase wages for technical people globally as employers in high wage economies attract talent from lower wage economies.

5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the adoption of remote working strategies in the software industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the widespread adoption of remote working strategies, benefiting the software industry by increasing access to a global talent pool.

6. What are the key challenges in modern software development?

The key challenges in modern software development include the increased scale of systems, the complexity of global scalability, and the mismatch between education and the industry's demands.

7. How has the increased scale of systems impacted modern software development?

The increased scale of systems has led to the adoption of more complex programming models and the need to address issues related to concurrency and scalability in modern software development.

8. What is the impact of the complexity of global scalability on software development?

The complexity of global scalability has made modern software development more complicated, often leading to the adoption of programming models that address the challenges of distributed systems and data concurrency.

9. What is the mismatch between education and the industry's demands in software development?

The mismatch between education and the industry's demands refers to the difficulties in preparing software developers for the real-world challenges and the pressure to meet the constantly evolving needs of the industry.

10. How can the software development industry address the challenges posed by the increased scale of systems?

The software development industry can address the challenges posed by the increased scale of systems by focusing on creating more effective and scalable programming models and providing training and support for developers to navigate the complexities of modern software development.

11. What are the core skills of a good software developer?

The core skills of a good software developer include problem-solving, the ability to research a problem, and working to control variables to understand what is happening when something changes.

12. How can organizations attract and retain talented software developers?

Organizations can attract and retain talented software developers by actively training new employees and supporting their career development, creating a good work environment, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development.

13. What is the key to addressing the shortage of skilled software developers?

The key to addressing the shortage of skilled software developers is to focus on training and developing the core skills of problem-solving and research, and creating a work environment that supports continuous learning and skill development.