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🔥 Build NETFLIX With React JS - Tailwind CSS - FIREBASE - Front-End Web Developer Project

Code Commerce2022-05-07
133K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video tutorial showcases creating a Netflix clone with React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase. It covers setting up authentication, navigation, API calls, styling components, user-specific account pages, saving shows, and deploying the project to Firebase hosting. The tutorial emphasizes using Tailwind CSS for easy styling, Firebase for backend functionality, and React Router DOM for navigation. Viewers are guided through setting up protected routes, managing user authentication states, and utilizing Firebase Firestore for cloud storage. The final project allows users to sign up, log in, save favorite shows, and access them in their account.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Creating a Netflix clone using React.js and Tailwind CSS with Firebase backend.
Users can sign up, log in, save movies, and view them in their account.
The application uses Firestore for cloud storage and React Router DOM for navigation.
Tutorial includes creating a React app with Tailwind CSS, setting up protected routes for authentication.
npm or yarn is utilized for package management.
Setting up Tailwind config file and adding styles to index.css.
Installing dependencies such as axios, react-router-dom, and firebase.
Including additional packages like react-icons and tailwind-scrollbar-hide.
Configuring tailwind-scrollbar-hide in the config file and adding base styling to CSS file.
Emphasizing the need to restart the server for the styles to take effect, followed by organizing project files and creating a components folder with a navbar component.
Recommendations for VS Code plugins to enhance development efficiency.
Tailwind CSS Intellisense provides auto-suggestions for class names, saving time while typing.
Prettier function helps with code reformatting upon saving.
ES7 React Redux Snippets allow quick generation of functional and class-based components.
Tips shared for auto-importing components and styling buttons efficiently using Tailwind CSS.
Setting up navigation and structuring pages in React.
Creation of home, sign up, sign in, and login pages within a 'pages' folder.
Explanation of implementing React Router DOM for routing and configuring browser router.
Highlighting the importance of displaying a navigation bar on all pages and setting up individual routes for each page.
Touching on creating a main component using Axios, useState, and useEffect hooks.
Setting up API key for movie database access and making secure API calls.
Create a file 'requests.js' to store endpoints and API key securely.
Use axios to make API calls within a useEffect hook to prevent continuous calls.
Demonstrate how to fetch popular movies data and set state with response data.
The segment covers logging data from movies API, filtering for movie results, and randomly selecting a movie to display.
Demonstrates retrieving and displaying movie data on a webpage using JavaScript.
Includes styling webpage elements like images and alt tags for SEO.
Utilizes optional chaining to access nested objects within the movie data array.
Aims to dynamically update the displayed movie upon page refresh for a seamless user experience.
Setting up an API and styling with Tailwind CSS.
Demonstrates adding base URL and endpoint, using template literals and back ticks for full URL.
Shows styling image with object fit for aspect ratio, and adding overlay with gradient.
Adding buttons with specific styling and functionality like play and watch later buttons.
Tutorial emphasizes using Tailwind CSS for easy styling and customization.
Overview of styling elements in HTML using divs and buttons.
Demonstrates setting absolute width and using media queries for responsive design.
Emphasizes the importance of mobile-first design for different device sizes.
Covers optional chaining, font styling, and text truncation for improved user experience.
Focus on creating visually appealing and responsive layouts for websites and applications.
Using JavaScript to truncate strings and add ellipses.
Creation of an arrow function named 'truncateString' that takes a string and a number as parameters.
The function checks the length of the string and returns a truncated version with ellipses if it exceeds the specified number.
Examples of truncating strings to different lengths are shown in the demonstration.
The segment also discusses creating a reusable 'row' component for different sections of the application.
Setting up a row component, adding an h2 title, creating a div for images, and introducing a slider element on a website.
Using axios to request data, mapping through the data for rendering content, and styling the components accordingly.
Demonstrating how to fetch a URL, retrieve data, and display it on the webpage.
The segment covers setting up the basic structure for displaying content on a website using React components and API requests.
The tutorial covers CSS styling for mapping data and creating hover effects with overlays.
The tutorial explains setting image widths and adding hover effects to elements on a webpage.
Creating overlays with opacity changes and styling text elements are also discussed in the tutorial.
Template literals and optional chaining are explained as tools for effective CSS implementation.
Various CSS properties for design purposes are highlighted to help improve web development techniques.
Adding icons and state using React Icons in a React application.
Importing icons from the React Icons library to use in the application.
Setting up state using the useState hook in React.
Using a ternary operator to display different icons based on the state.
Positioning icons using classNames and simplifying code by mapping through a separate movie component file.
Adding styling to a row component in React.
Setting width, height, and overflow properties for the row component.
Adding React icons for navigation and styling them with background color and opacity.
Ensuring icons are hidden until hovered over.
Demonstrating the process of adding icons and styling them for a visually appealing movie application interface.
Implementation of functionality for scrolling through rows using JavaScript.
Functions are created for sliding left and right, grabbing elements by ID, and adjusting scroll positions.
A unique row ID is added to differentiate between rows for smooth scrolling.
UI layout for a Netflix clone is completed in an hour and a half using React.js and Tailwind CSS.
Next step involves connecting Firebase for backend functionality and managing user state.
Setting up a Firebase project and securely managing credentials.
Importance of creating a Firebase config file and using environment variables for sensitive information.
Process involves creating a .env file with API key, project ID, storage bucket, message sender ID, and app ID.
Accessing these variables in the application using process.env.
Emphasis on integrating Firebase credentials into the project securely.
Setting up authentication with Firebase using email and password.
The video shows creating a context folder, importing components from React, and setting up an authentication context provider.
Importing SDKs for Firebase products and defining a provider function are crucial steps in the process.
It is important to restart the server after making changes to the environment file for proper functioning.
The tutorial emphasizes the use of context API with Firebase for managing user authentication states.
Setting up application with navbar in app.js for conditional rendering of buttons based on user login status.
Creating an auth context provider to handle user authentication logic, including signing in and out, creating new accounts, and checking login status.
Importing necessary functions from Firebase, setting up state, and creating functions for signing up, logging in, and logging out.
Implementing an onAuthStateChanged listener to establish the foundation for user authentication within the application.
Setting up Sign-in, Sign-up, and Account Pages for an App.
The narrator imports components and sets up routes for login, sign up, and account pages.
Adjusts styling and backgrounds for the sign-up page by creating classes and setting up background images.
Adds overlays for styling and mentions importing links for proper navigation between pages.
Covers initial setup and design considerations for key app pages.
Styling a form using Tailwind CSS.
The video demonstrates setting custom values for divs, classes, and inputs to style a form.
Recommendations are provided for form styling and layout, highlighting the flexibility and simplicity of using Tailwind CSS.
The presenter showcases the ease of adding styling for buttons, forms, inputs, checkboxes, and help text within the form.
The segment concludes by discussing the time-saving benefits and customization options available with Tailwind CSS.
Setting up a sign-up component for a website.
Importing user authentication context and defining state variables are key steps in the process.
Creating a handle submit function is crucial to prevent default form submission.
Asynchronous functions with try-catch blocks are implemented for effective error handling.
The goal is to create a clean and efficient sign-up process for new users on the platform.
Setting up sign-up form and user authentication in Firebase.
Demonstrates creating a new user in Firebase through form submission.
Redirects users to home page upon login and discusses conditional rendering based on authentication status.
Imports context and user authentication, implements log out functionality.
Showcases user data access in Firebase and conditional rendering based on user login status.
Adding logout functionality to a website.
Creating a handleLogout function as an asynchronous function with try-catch to handle errors.
Redirecting users to the home page upon logout and updating the UI to display login or sign up options.
Implementing error handling by setting an error state and displaying error messages to improve user experience.
Setting up a protected route for an account page in React.
Creating a protected route component and wrapping the account page within it.
Using React Router DOM and context for user authentication.
Successfully testing the protected route by logging in and out, with redirection and access based on authentication.
Future plans to integrate Firestore for cloud storage in Firebase and setting permissions for database access.
Setting up Firestore in a Firebase project is demonstrated, with a focus on importing necessary components and initializing user data upon sign up.
User-specific data, such as saved movies, is stored by creating a user file in the database with an email and an empty array for saved shows.
The ease of creating a backend in Firebase is highlighted, showcasing the process of adding new users and saving specific data for each user.
The segment emphasizes the simplicity and effectiveness of utilizing Firebase for backend operations.
Setting up movie component with user authentication and Firebase functionalities.
Creating movie ID reference using user email data.
Implementing save show function that updates document details in Firebase using array union.
Handling user login status to enable movie saving.
Addressing error alerts for unauthorized users and demonstrating functionality by refreshing the page and testing the save feature.
Tutorial on logging in, saving movies, and displaying them in a user-specific account.
Users can log in with various credentials, save favorite shows, and access them on their account page.
Creation of a new component for displaying saved shows and styling the account page with background images and overlays.
Emphasis on user interactivity and customization within the application interface.
Managing shows in a database with 'save shows' component.
Involves selecting rows, organizing show data, and rendering show information.
Importing necessary components, handling images, and utilizing hooks like useState and useEffect.
Accessing a Firebase Firestore database, updating documents, and using snapshots.
Importance of setting dependencies correctly and efficiently managing show data within the component.
Implementing delete functionality, optional chaining for email changes, and mapping through saved shows data.
Errors related to undefined properties are addressed.
Close icon added for deletion.
Setting up click events, passing IDs for deletion, and creating a delete function referencing the database.
Optional chaining used to access user email data for proper data handling and deletion functionality.
Deleting an item from an array in Firebase using client-side handling.
The function 'delete show' takes in an ID, filters out the unwanted ID from the array, and updates the database.
The process involves removing the ID from the client-side state and pushing the updated array back to Firebase.
Handling deletions on the client side is necessary due to Firebase's limitations.
Instructions on deploying the project using Firebase CLI tools are provided at the end of the segment.
Deployment process to Firebase hosting for a React application.
Initialization of Firebase, selection of existing project, creation of build folder, and compilation of the React application.
Steps involved in deploying the project, including running commands like 'firebase init' and 'yarn run build'.
Successful deployment of the project and access to live hosted content.
Encouragement for viewers to like the video, create a new user, save shows, and subscribe for more React-related content.