00:00have you ever asked yourself the
00:01question like how do internet gurus
00:02actually make their money is it a scam
00:04do they sell organs what's their rubbish
00:06course well in this video I'm going to
00:07actually literally pull back the entire
00:09curtain on the business model that has
00:11made me $17.4 million in the last few
00:14years so you can literally copy it now I
00:16know what you're thinking here's a dude
00:18with some weird facial hair a strange
00:19hairline a small YouTube channel and a
00:21big income claim he's going to try and
00:23sell me the gigar Trad Sigma
00:25testosterone knowledge college no I'm
00:27not going to try and sell you anything
00:28in this video all right I just want to
00:30explain my entire operation and how I've
00:32made $17.4 million in the last few years
00:35so you can literally just copy it all
00:36right let's get into it so what I'm
00:37going to do is show you everything I'm
00:39going to walk you through all the
00:40financials What expenses I incur what
00:42traffic sources I use what processes I
00:44use how I structure my team literally
00:46the full shebang but first and proof
00:48this is our live sales team tracker from
00:502023 you can see we booked about $9.5
00:52million in revenue for me to be honest
00:54and transparent and candid with you we
00:56did not collect on all of this Revenue
00:58um because some clients just failed to
00:59pay whatever so just to be honest that's
01:01not exactly what we made but it was
01:02close enough right also to prove that we
01:04were able to book appointments last year
01:06365 days we booked 16,000 appointments
01:09and you can see every single appointment
01:10we scheduled in 2023 here there's over
01:1310,000 of them I think 13,000
01:15appointments here's 2024's data so far
01:17we book around 1,000 to 2,000
01:19appointments a month yada yada yada some
01:21proof and some evidence so the first
01:22thing we going to start with here is
01:23actually the product um I've got a bunch
01:25of stuff to walk you through but I want
01:26to start you with the product now you're
01:27going to see that this is actually
01:28blurred out you will not be able to find
01:31this in this video because I don't want
01:32to sell you anything right so you're not
01:33going to be able to find if you want to
01:34find the product you'll be a you'll be
01:35able to it's not that difficult right
01:37but you'll see the links are blurred out
01:38this is hosted in school um this is the
01:41kind of the first thing I want to start
01:42with because the business is product
01:43first right it's the most important
01:44thing so school is basically the
01:46platform that we use to host the product
01:49um and it's incredible like anyone who
01:50wants to start I'm not sponsored by
01:51school by the way but I need to start
01:53with school because it's the Cornerstone
01:54of the business right um if you want to
01:56start an info business or host a
01:58community online just use School um the
02:00product consists of three different
02:01things we have a community where people
02:03can post wins and basically get help we
02:05have a classroom where we have a series
02:06of courses that people can learn to you
02:08know basically gather information to
02:09solve the problem and we have a calendar
02:11where we can basically um host a bunch
02:13of um Q&A calls every single week so
02:15this is what people are buying from us
02:16if you're wondering what I actually sell
02:18it's an info business we sell a
02:19collection of courses that provide
02:21information to solve a specific problem
02:23we have a calendar where we run 20 to 30
02:25coaching calls per week inside a school
02:27and a community where people can
02:28interact that's the product that's the
02:29first wanted to get into because it's
02:31the main it's the main thing it's the
02:32most important thing now in conjunction
02:34to the product we've got processes
02:36traffic funnels math and team so I'm
02:38going to get into the team in the math
02:39at the end and I'm also going to walk
02:41you through my slack I'm going to walk
02:42you through like how I structure
02:43everything so the first thing I want to
02:45walk you through is the processes we
02:47have so every single part of my business
02:49has a process or a standard operating
02:51procedure to give you an example you can
02:53see the Imperium sales sop Hub here this
02:55is a collection of standard operating
02:57procedures that our sales reps follow on
02:58a day-to-day basis for every single
03:00potential thing they'd have to do I like
03:02to remove the ability or remove the need
03:04for someone to think in my company I
03:06like there to be processes and reliable
03:08step-by-step Sops so if I just click on
03:10one of these for example let's just go
03:11to call recordings sop if the Reps want
03:14to know how to upload call recordings
03:15and stall them well it's all covered
03:17here every single process is covered and
03:19you should have yours as the same the
03:20next thing is the traffic sources right
03:22so how do we actually get appointments
03:23and get people to book appointments onto
03:26the calendar because my sales funnel is
03:28very simple someone books a cool someone
03:29buys we don't have any triage calls we
03:31don't have any webinars we don't have
03:32any low ticket products we have one
03:34product pulling us $9.5 million a year
03:37in Revenue around eight to 7 to $8
03:39million a year in cash okay so um
03:42obviously we have the YouTube channel
03:43like I have this channel here which
03:45drives a lot of traffic through to the
03:46funnel we do cold email we have a
03:48Facebook group we do podcasts all of my
03:51um um YouTube videos are redistributed
03:54meta ads Google ads we get a lot of
03:56traffic from Paid ads um LinkedIn
03:59Outreach Facebook Outreach Instagram
04:00Outreach Twitter Outreach messenger
04:01Outreach and active campaign where we
04:03have our list these are the only places
04:05that we get our traffic from and that's
04:06how it works now where does this traffic
04:08go because traffic Senter a jam won't
04:10move so if we actually want to convert
04:11this traffic into appointments and into
04:13money we obviously need to have funnels
04:15so we have the standard um funnel here
04:18which is our organic funnel which is
04:20booked as you know probably I don't know
04:215 7,000 appointments in the last couple
04:23of years um this is basically where
04:24people can book a call now we're very
04:25good at appointment booking and it's
04:26very common for us to be near enough
04:28fully booked and to not any slots
04:30available I've got nine sales reps on
04:31the calendars at the moment and um as
04:33you can see they're all fully booked in
04:34fact I can just show you the Reps
04:36calendars to just prove that this is
04:38actually happening um so if I just click
04:40on these you'll be able to see um this
04:42guy's off for this week we've got one
04:44here another here um another here fully
04:47booked another here fully booked another
04:50here fully booked another here fully
04:51booked another here fully booked right
04:53you kind of get the point all right so
04:55we also have our website here um
04:57basically we don't really use this for
04:58much but it's just in case someone
04:59Googles us and then we have a results
05:01page that just never goes like it never
05:03stops the main thing you want to if you
05:04want to grow a company and you want to
05:05get to eight figures and make 20 30 4050
05:08mil on online having just I'm just
05:10scrolling here as hard as I can it looks
05:12quite questionable with what I'm doing
05:13with my hand right now but having a
05:15results page like this where it
05:16literally just there's never- ending
05:17Scroll of just thousands of examples of
05:19results right once again you you can't
05:21buy my thing there's nowhere to click in
05:23this video to buy it so you know I'm
05:25just showing you that this is basically
05:26how it runs now obviously the products
05:29is I mentioned consists of the courses
05:31the coaching course and the community
05:33very very important that you have all
05:35three if you're going to run a
05:35successful info business get to eight
05:37figures um I'm I could make an hour long
05:40video on how to make a great product
05:42because it's really my pride and joy so
05:44if you want me to do that I will so
05:45here's the math um behind this sales
05:47team thing is some more sensitive math
05:49that I'm not able to share with you for
05:50obvious reasons I can't just give you
05:52the entire breakdown of all our books in
05:53the company that would be where my
05:55accountant would probably have a headit
05:56and serve my lawyers so there you go um
05:58but these are the expenses we incur
05:59right on average right so when we're
06:01having million dollar months these are
06:02basically the entire expenses we incur
06:05so appointments cost us about 100 Grand
06:07because this is in ad spend and also in
06:08our sets um we pay them per appointment
06:10we pay um YouTube and and Facebook a lot
06:12of money to run ads for us and this
06:14accounts for about 99.4% of our expense
06:16um sales commission is about 12% or 120
06:18Grand this accounts for 12% we pay sales
06:20reps a commission of 12% sales bonuses
06:23if we have a do incentives and stuff is
06:24about 25 Grand stripe fees Bank fees
06:26this one hurts um the stripe charges us
06:29and the banks charge us around 3% it's
06:31not quite this much but I've been
06:32pessimistic with my math salaries on
06:34just people in the company that don't
06:36get paid on results like Setters and um
06:38you know Setters and um whatever you'd
06:41call it sales reps is about 50k this by
06:44the way these are monthly expenses not
06:45yearly okay software is 11k give or take
06:48and miscellaneous expenses when I fly
06:49business class or do something stupid
06:51like go to a nightclub with clients it's
06:52about 20K haven't done that in many
06:54years by the way um so total expenses
06:56roughly is 350k and we have about a 35%
07:00expense rate so 65% margin which means
07:03that each month when we when we do
07:04collect a mill give or take um once
07:07again transparently Revenue Mill right
07:09with regards to the cash collected it's
07:11not quite there because not everyone
07:13pays so it's pretty simple um total
07:14profit 650k profit share we have some
07:17certain members of the team which is
07:19paid out at 10% to incentivize key
07:21members of the team to perform and do
07:23well and then that means that we have a
07:27$585,000 per month this is because we
07:29live in Dubai I don't have any tax to
07:31pay blah blah blah right so this is the
07:33shiny part how does the team actually
07:35work um we have about 30 people in our
07:37direct or indirect employee that we use
07:40and that use us to make money obviously
07:43um I don't mean use in a in a horrible
07:45you know CEO ruthless sense but I mean
07:48these are people that basically run the
07:49company and that we need so I'm going to
07:51walk you through what it looks like you
07:52can sort of get a glance um so the big
07:54one is oh the big one is 10 reps we have
07:57nine reps right now um when you watch
07:59this it might be more could be 10 could
08:00be 11 but could be 12 could be 20 for
08:02all I care um reps have dedicated sales
08:05vas that basically run their tasks for
08:07them we don't have these in the company
08:09yet but I am entertaining the idea so I
08:10thought i' put them on the board so 10
08:12reps now this is all basically directed
08:14by a sales manager um and one sales
08:16manager looks after all reps like all of
08:18those inquiries all those questions all
08:20the sales all the complications goes to
08:21sales manager now in conjunction with
08:23that we have six Setters sorry if you
08:25can hear me sniffling I'm rather sick we
08:27have six Setters at the moment all
08:28feeding into to one seta manager okay
08:30and then between the sales manager and
08:32the seta manager we have a data manager
08:34this is someone that basically manages
08:36our data for us we have spreadsheets
08:37upon spreadsheets of everything the
08:39Setters do everything the Reps do
08:41everything the ads do everything the
08:42clients do we have data Force so we can
08:44make accurate decisions we need someone
08:45to do this um now then we have a
08:48creative director with a video editor
08:49underneath him this person basically
08:50runs all of our socials make sure the
08:52YouTube channel is going well you know
08:54we're talking like thumbnail design like
08:56strategy blah blah blah and then an
08:57Editor to actually just make sure that
08:59we you've got short form content Twitter
09:00blah blah blah blah blah then we have
09:02the ops manager um the ops manager
09:04basically runs the company for us um no
09:06shout out to you I love you I love you
09:08so much no I love you and I sleep at
09:10night because of you um no is our
09:12operations manager and he basically
09:14absorbs everything for us right so what
09:16you can see in the middle here you have
09:17me and you have my business partner bone
09:19and we are basically decentralized and
09:21what this means is that these arrows
09:23represent really the only lines of
09:24communication to us and what this means
09:26is the only people that can really
09:27communicate with us are the people in
09:29pink right now the Reps can message me
09:31but they don't it's it's centralized to
09:33a sales manager the Setters could
09:34message me but they don't it's calized
09:36centralized rather to a seter manager um
09:39so the operations manager like creative
09:41director external coaches Community
09:43managers for our community operations
09:45assistant virtual assistant dialers DMC
09:49takedown people copywriters like these
09:51people talk to the ops manager right and
09:52the ops manager won't let anything go
09:54through to meet and bow if it's not
09:55appropriate or relevant or you know
09:57imperative to solve a problem that we
09:58face facing right now um then we have
10:00our ads agency or you could have a media
10:02buyer here we use ads spend.com um Brian
10:05Monarda shout out to you I love you you
10:07make us lots of money wonderful
10:08wonderful wonderful and then obviously
10:09our accountant um if you're in the UK
10:11I'd recommend you use tax gem
10:14accountants um Steph gemson runs that
10:16company I am not paid to recommend her
10:18that's the accountant that we use and
10:20she is quite frankly brilliant so I'm
10:22she doesn't pay me by the way anything
10:24to say that I'm just shouting her out so
10:27and then in the middle here you have me
10:28and Bo me and B the decision makers we
10:29basically run the company obviously and
10:31you know do important things at least we
10:33pretend we do um and then we it all
10:35exists inside of slack so what I have
10:37here is basically um a bunch of slack
10:39channels right so what you can see um
10:41inside of my channels uh if I do this so
10:45these are the channels that I use pretty
10:47much every day so this is YouTube where
10:49we talk to people um about the YouTube
10:51channel um Sales Management we talk
10:52about Sales Management Ops where we talk
10:54about Ops William chat where we talk
10:56about Setters and private Ops where we
10:57talk about things that not every to know
10:59about and then financing sales right so
11:01remember what I said here about how
11:03sales manager seta manager ops manager
11:06and then data manager are the only
11:07people that really have access to us
11:09well these are the channels that I use
11:10every single day right in conjunction
11:12with that I have a bunch of items
11:14channels so I run lots of meetings every
11:15single week whether it's with my sales
11:17manager set manager sales team Etc and
11:19every single meeting we run or I run has
11:22items so what that means is I will not
11:23conduct a meeting if there's not an
11:25agenda for it so I have items here then
11:27we have external connections um where
11:29basically talk to other people like who
11:30aren't in the company but like the
11:31takedown person or people who like set
11:33up cloes to IO for us or whatever we
11:35don't use clo to IO by the way um same
11:37with our with our ad spend team with the
11:39people who actually run the ads for us
11:41and then I have muted so just a bunch of
11:42channels that I don't need to be in but
11:44still need to be relevant for the
11:45company to run um that I can check every
11:47now and then but I don't receive
11:48notifications to these because all of
11:50these are managed by you know one of the
11:52executives so to speak so that's
11:53basically how my company runs um we make
11:55you know like I said 9 to 10 Milli year
11:57Revenue um we collect maybe 7 to 8 9
12:00just under nine probably actually in
12:02cash um and this is how my business runs
12:05it's pretty pretty handy um bye