00:00what's up bulldogs in this video i'm
00:01going to be telling you what is the red
00:02pill and why so many
00:08i got a comment on one of my videos
00:10about how to get big
00:11biceps okay and he says i saw your
00:15can you do one video on red pill so i
00:19well sure i could do a video on red pill
00:21if you're just joining me for the first
00:22time i'm john from bulldogmindset.com
00:24on this channel i teach you how to have
00:26the bulldog mindset the bulldog mindset
00:28is the opposite of the victim mindset
00:29the bulldog mindset takes responsibility
00:32for your own actions and teaches you to
00:35empower yourself by developing mental
00:37stoic uh wisdom from the ages and to
00:41really just become a stronger better
00:43what's happened now i think is that
00:45there's been a lot of factions i would
00:47say a lot of divisions of what was
00:50a one kind of unified idea behind this
00:52red pill kind of thinking
00:54and and the red pill thinking comes from
00:56the matrix right it comes from that
00:58you know neo right morpheus saying where
01:01the blue pill and you can go back to
01:03your normal life and forget everything
01:04or the red pill and you see how far the
01:06rabbit hole goes and so this whole
01:08red pilled is ex is seeing
01:12the uncomfortable truth about society
01:16about women why do we need to be quote
01:19red pulled and what does this exactly
01:21well the reason why is because a lot of
01:24okay especially in today's society today
01:27kind of been brought up with the whole
01:31notion of love stories and
01:34uh and they have misconceptions about
01:37the female psychology and how women act
01:40and how to get women that
01:42seems like the right thing to do but
01:44it's not because they don't understand
01:47of women they don't understand the
01:48biological process that led us
01:52evolution wise to where we are what ends
01:55up happening is a lot of these guys
01:56they end up either being quote forever
02:00and being dejected by by women and never
02:04uh finding their quote true love or they
02:06end up you know getting into
02:08and being you know basically like this
02:11this guy that is taken advantage of that
02:14doesn't get sex anymore
02:16that you know doesn't doesn't know what
02:19and is maybe eventually cheated on and
02:22and all these these bad things that
02:26the woman is not really attracted to
02:28this this guy and he doesn't understand
02:30why he's buying her gifts he's buying
02:31her flowers he's being the nice guy
02:32and that's how most people think where
02:34did the term red pill
02:36come from it came from most
02:39you know mostly we contribute this to
02:41roller tomassie's book the rational mail
02:43all you guys should read that book okay
02:46i caveat this by saying that it's a
02:49but it's it's mostly not okay it's
02:51mostly just a book that i would
02:53i think his viewpoint is is slightly
02:56than what mine is okay but
03:00it's it's mostly positive book in terms
03:02of just getting you to face
03:04and understand the reality well what
03:05about loyalty what about
03:07all the years and the time that i put in
03:08the and the sacrifices i made
03:10it doesn't matter because hypergamy is a
03:14type of of a programming okay
03:17that is very very difficult to overcome
03:21want to do this because it is going to
03:23ensure the survival of the human race
03:25presenting this okay when i talk about
03:28is in a very neutral way okay i hope you
03:30can see i don't have any
03:32animosity about these things the point
03:34is that it's just nature
03:35it's just what happened the issue that i
03:39okay with a lot of where mgtow and
03:41manosphere has gone in and there was a
03:43that was on this channel when i did some
03:44video and he sent his whole army to
03:47call me a cuck and a soy boy and all
03:50this is not good okay because it's
03:54okay this is this is nature this is
03:57society this is reality
03:58okay and the reality is and there's a
04:01lot of this of this kind of red pill
04:03in roller tomassie's book okay in the
04:06is that society is mostly become
04:10a very kind of social justice leftist
04:13place where political correctness is
04:16and it and you know bigger bigger
04:19government is more beneficial to women
04:21into feminist ideals that's how it's
04:24and it had to sort of become that way
04:26because that creates stability it
04:29a situation where women are no longer
04:33uh financially for a lot of things they
04:34can become independent so they can
04:36act and behave in ways that wouldn't
04:40socially acceptable before okay that
04:42could be interpreted as
04:44cruel okay but they're not okay it's
04:47behavior and it's adaptation to the time
04:50do i like some of these things
04:52no i'm not gonna like some of these
04:55it's it's it's the where the pieces on
04:58at this particular time red pill
04:59awareness or being red pilled
05:01is in my mind okay being aware of the
05:05doesn't mean you like it it doesn't mean
05:07that you hate it okay
05:09it's that you're neutral to it and you
05:10say okay it's just like this
05:12if i gave you a chess board and i gave
05:14you the pieces and they are in some kind
05:17okay you could like i could give you a
05:20position to play and you could be upset
05:22because you're in a bad losing position
05:24you don't like the way the board is
05:25arranged or you can just objectively say
05:27okay well this is where it's at
05:29and this is my best move at this point
05:31with what i've got okay
05:33and that's life that's how it is because
05:35it doesn't matter how angry or upset we
05:37are about society again you have it on
05:38both sides you have the kind of like
05:40feminist social justice warriors and
05:44they want to uh embrace the victim
05:47society and the way that they think it
05:51they don't want to empower people and
05:52empower themselves and solve their own
05:54problems and deal with reality as it is
05:56they want to change other people's
05:57behavior they want to say you're bad
05:59you're wrong toxic masculinity you're
06:01bad you're wrong you're doing bad things
06:03shame shame okay me too me too
06:06shame shame shame whatever not saying
06:08that bad things don't happen or wrong
06:10needs to happen i'm just saying that
06:11their solution okay is to shame and
06:14change people and mold people to what
06:17thinking that the bad things will go
06:19away it's the same thing
06:21on the extreme mgtow side a lot of guys
06:23that got this kind of red pill concept
06:25they they think they're red pill now
06:26they're not red pill
06:27because they're not seeing reality
06:30clearly they're actually like somewhere
06:32over in the spectrum i'm not going to
06:33give other pill colors here but
06:35i talked about this in another video
06:36where i talked about black pill and all
06:38but basically what they've done is
06:41they're doing the same thing they want
06:43society and women okay they want them to
06:47being hyper gamers they want them to be
06:49whatever it is what they want women to
06:51right uh they they want society to stop
06:55being feminists okay they want all these
06:58again to take the victim mindset because
07:00when you say that the reason why
07:03um you know that i can't get a
07:04relationship or all this stuff is
07:06because women are bitches
07:07because society teaches them this
07:08because they have you know uh a
07:10drive-through of cock
07:11whatever it is and you use all these
07:13terms you call people
07:14thoughts and cucks and all this stuff
07:16what happens is you are victimizing
07:19you're having the victim mindset you're
07:20saying that it's it's everyone else's
07:21fault it's all this fucked
07:22up society and that it's wrong and and
07:26i choose to be angry and to be upset
07:29right instead of just being objective
07:30and saying okay this is reality so
07:32to in my mind red pill is is
07:35is towing that line okay it's not on
07:39being ignorant okay on either way
07:42because you can be ignorant either way
07:44to the truth it's about being neutral
07:46and seeing things as they are seeing
07:48uh evolution you know evolutionary
07:50there's plenty of books on that sperm
07:52wars is a good one you can check out
07:53that one but essentially
07:54there's a lot of information that we
07:56have about evolutionary biology
07:58that tells us why certain sexual
07:59behaviors happen the way that they do
08:01why society is arranged the way that
08:03they do why women act the way that they
08:05do why men act the way that they do
08:06okay and and the differences between
08:09them okay and this is
08:10you know some of the stuff doesn't go
08:12along with your fairy tale idea
08:15of how things should work for instance
08:17one like if i could give you a red pill
08:20it would be that a lot of guys that are
08:22quote blue pill that haven't been red
08:25they think that what they should do is
08:27that if they see a girl that they like
08:28they should kind of worship her and
08:32with affection and compliments and buy
08:35flowers and buy her gifts and try and
08:39and and try to you know basically be
08:43nice person and be a really good friend
08:45to her and that she will like that
08:47and and fall in love the reality is
08:50that you should be more of an aggressive
08:55uh more showing some dominance okay so a
08:58little bit of disinterest
08:59right that you're not sure that you're
09:00evaluating that you are
09:02have a value yourself that you're
09:05and that um you know creating some
09:08sexual tension showing the sexual side
09:10that you desire her not just want to be
09:14but those type of things again we could
09:16talk about this when we go into all the
09:18of this but that's not the point the
09:20point is to realize that you know more
09:23that what you thought this whole buying
09:26and and putting around a pedestal is
09:29not the the way to do things right
09:31understanding the reality of the
09:32situation that's just like one of those
09:34people that are far in the extreme would
09:37because they would say oh you know and
09:39they have illusion they have fantasies
09:41where they're pretending like they're
09:43slaying all this pussy and getting late
09:45and and they are basically doing that
09:48because they don't they don't know
09:50they're abusive and asshole and and
09:53they're not actually doing the things
09:55that they're supposed to be doing either
09:57a total misconception and they're
09:59they're being pompous and they're
10:00they're inflating all this stuff and
10:02making all this bullshit up that's not
10:03actually true right so you see that
10:05as well it doesn't matter where the
10:07pieces are it only matters
10:09what is the optimal move you can't
10:12okay maybe if you have some kind of mass
10:15falling and you could change society
10:17okay but you don't all right i don't
10:20no one no one really does so what you
10:23and understanding the truth about your
10:26reality and how can you best play that
10:28so my advice to you guys okay they're
10:30asking these kind of questions
10:32is find out as much truth as you can
10:36about the situation accept that truth
10:39okay and then find out what is the
10:42way that you should react with that
10:44knowledge if you're acting out of
10:46anger or butt hurt or revenge or any of
10:49you're not going to be choosing the
10:50optimal path i guarantee you because
10:53you can't because you're going to be
10:54emotionally clouded and you're going to
10:56bad decisions right you're going to come
10:58across as needy or you're gonna come
11:00as arrogant and stupid and you're gonna
11:04you're gonna mess things up for yourself
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11:08haven't already and that is red pill for