00:31 hello i'm bob ross and i'd like to
00:33 welcome you to the joy of painting this
00:35 is a one hour instructional tape
00:37 designed to take you step by step
00:39 through a beautiful painting project
00:41 on this tape we will paint a picture
00:43 which has never been seen on the joy of
00:44 painting television series and will have
00:47 sufficient time to demonstrate in detail
00:49 the various steps and procedures used to
00:52 create individual effects
00:54 think of this tape as a private lesson
00:56 in my studio and i've reserved this
00:58 front row seat just for you
01:00 to start off i suggest you get a tall
01:02 glass of iced tea set back and view the
01:05 tape in its entirety before you begin
01:07 painting this way you will have a
01:09 preconceived idea in your mind of how
01:11 the painting progresses and how
01:13 individual effects are achieved
01:15 if any procedure is unclear to you you
01:18 may run the tape back and see it again
01:20 to see exactly how particular effect was
01:23 pay close attention to the way tools are
01:26 loaded to achieve certain effects a
01:28 great deal of the magic occurs right
01:30 here on the palette
01:32 take your time and work at your own pace
01:35 speed will come with practice
01:37 this is the project we'll be painting
01:39 today i think you will find this
01:40 painting fun as well as an excellent
01:42 learning experience i strongly suggest
01:45 that you use this painting only as a
01:46 guide and add your own ideas to it we
01:49 each see nature through different eyes
01:51 and your painting should reflect your
01:53 visions your personality devote some
01:56 time to practice and become familiar
01:58 with each piece of equipment
02:00 and very soon you too will experience
02:03 the joy of painting
02:05 before we get started let's put a
02:06 complete supply list on the screen
02:08 listing all the materials you need to
02:10 paint this fantastic scene with me then
02:12 i'll be back in just a second
04:04 welcome back got all your materials out
04:06 ready to do a fantastic painting with me
04:08 good tell you what though before we get
04:10 started let me take just a moment of
04:11 your time and talk a little bit about
04:13 the equipment that we're going to be
04:15 first of all the main two brushes that
04:19 we have here a two inch and a one inch
04:21 natural bristle brush i know these may
04:24 look like house painting brushes but
04:25 these are high quality artist brush is
04:27 designed specifically for this technique
04:30 don't confuse these with synthetic
04:32 brushes such as nylon polyester and etc
04:34 it absolutely won't work
04:37 the painting knives that we'll be using
04:38 we'll use two different knives we have a
04:41 number 10 knife which is the larger of
04:46 a number five knife it's basically the
04:48 same knife only smaller and it allows
04:50 you to get into to smaller areas and do
04:52 detail work with these knives you can
04:54 create unbelievable effects you can
04:56 paint mountains and
04:58 trees and roads and stones rocks houses
05:00 it's unreal what you can do with those
05:05 fan brush this is a number six
05:07 fan brush right here now this is a
05:09 bristle fan brush it's quite firm has a
05:12 lot of spring to it it's not a soft
05:14 little delicate brush it's quite quite
05:17 with that you can do such things as
05:19 clouds trees waterfalls a multitude of
05:22 beautiful effects just using a fan brush
05:26 also in the way of brushes we'll be
05:28 using a number two script liner brush
05:31 now this is the brush that we use to do
05:32 fine detail and most important this is
05:35 the brush that we use to sign our
05:39 some of the other things that we'll use
05:41 liquid white liquid white is a thin
05:45 oil base coat with this we cover the
05:48 canvas to make it wet make it slick it
05:51 allows us to literally
05:52 blend color right on the canvas rather
05:55 than working herself to death on the
05:58 the paints that we use the paints that
06:00 we use are specifically designed for
06:02 this technique of painting they're much
06:07 if you use a loose slippery paint
06:09 you're going to you're going to end up
06:10 being a mud mixer and you're going to be
06:13 purchase a paint that's designed for
06:15 this specific technique it needs to be
06:18 firm and dry i can't say that enough
06:21 other pieces of equipment that will make
06:23 your job easier the palette that you use
06:25 i like a plexiglas palette and you need
06:28 a palette that's big enough to give you
06:30 sufficient work area when you're using
06:33 because with a brush this big you need a
06:35 nice area to work in if you've got a
06:38 palette you're going to you're going to
06:39 kill yourself trying to stay in this
06:40 little area get you a nice big palette
06:42 it really will work fine
06:44 plexiglas makes a good palette now
06:47 normally it's very clear i've scuffed
06:48 this one up so it doesn't shine on tv
06:51 but normally they're crystal clear
06:55 also another thing that will help you
06:57 because if you've watched the television
06:58 series you know i beat the brush against
07:00 the leg of the easel and paint thinner
07:04 can ruin a happy marriage in a heartbeat
07:06 this is called a brush beater rack and
07:08 it's just a little wire rack that goes
07:11 in the bottom of a waste paper basket
07:14 and you shake the brush inside of the
07:16 basket then you beat the devil out of it
07:18 right on these right on these little
07:20 wire things here right across this rack
07:22 and it contains all of your brush
07:24 cleaning procedure inside of the bucket
07:27 it'll keep you from
07:28 covering your whole room and getting
07:30 everybody covered with paint thinner
07:34 it's a good investment very cheap little
07:37 so i tell you what let's take off
07:39 and we'll get started here today
07:41 as we mentioned earlier normally the
07:43 first thing we always do is cover the
07:45 entire canvas with a thin even coat of
07:49 so we'll just dip the old two inch brush
07:51 right into the liquid white
07:53 about like so and we can go right up
07:57 and begin covering the canvas
07:59 all we're looking for
08:05 just really work it in
08:08 cover the canvas with it
08:11 just cover the entire canvas
08:14 probably the most common mistake made is
08:16 applying too much of the liquid white
08:20 is just enough to cover the entire
08:24 if you think you may have a little too
08:26 much liquid white one of the easiest
08:29 clean and dry your brush
08:31 and then go back over the entire canvas
08:33 with a clean dry brush
08:34 that'll pick up any excess liquid white
08:36 and your canvas will be just right then
08:43 just really scrub that off
08:51 okay now one thing that will help i use
08:57 some people like canvas it has a little
09:00 a little more nap to it i like a smooth
09:02 canvas but also use a canvas that has a
09:06 and that way you can tell exactly where
09:08 your liquid white is
09:10 now if you if you don't have a canvas it
09:12 has a gray primer it's just a white
09:16 a little a little trick that you can do
09:18 is take a little bit of liquid black
09:21 and just put a tiny little bit into your
09:22 liquid white and it'll give it a gray
09:26 and then when you paint your white
09:27 canvas you can tell exactly where it's
09:31 okay long horizontal and vertical
09:33 strokes just to assure that you have a
09:35 nice even coating of liquid white over
09:41 and you're ready to go and we wash our
09:46 now we wash our brushes with odorless
09:51 really recommend you use odorless
09:54 it's a screen down here in the bottom of
09:56 scrub the bristles against the screen
09:58 the solid materials settle to the bottom
10:00 and you paint thinner it remains
10:02 relatively clean shake off the excess
10:08 and that's the fun part of this whole
10:11 tell you what let's make a happy little
10:13 and for that i'm gonna go right into a
10:16 blue just a little bit just pull a
10:19 little bit of the color out
10:21 and then tap the brush bristles firmly
10:24 into the color this will
10:25 assure a nice even distribution of paint
10:28 all the way through the bristles
10:29 it does not take much color just a
10:32 little okay let's go right up here
10:35 just using little criss-cross strokes
10:37 begin laying in a basic sky
10:41 and start at the top
10:45 that way your brush will pick up the
10:48 and automatically automatically
10:51 your color gets lighter toward the
10:54 let the canvas work let the liquid white
10:56 work let your brush work
11:03 because painting should make you happy
11:06 should be a fun experience
11:09 and you can always add a little more
11:10 color start with very little color you
11:12 can always go back and add a little more
11:14 that's that's very simple it's the
11:16 center of a gun to try to take it off
11:17 though you can do it
11:20 but it's very difficult
11:23 okay and that quickly we've laid in a
11:31 okay now that while we have this brush
11:34 let's have a little touch of water in
11:36 this painting i love water and it's
11:39 so i'm going to take go right back into
11:41 my phthalo blue and reach right over
11:43 here and grab a touch
11:46 of the phthalo green don't need much of
11:48 that it's very strong
11:51 the little blue and phthalo green and
11:53 just tap it into the bristles again
11:55 okay now decide where you want water to
11:58 and pull from the outside in start on
12:03 pull in start on the bottom work up so
12:05 it gets lighter and lighter toward the
12:09 now see if you start
12:11 if you start here and go over it leaves
12:13 a very distinct line which is hard to
12:17 there we go but you can if you if you
12:21 but blend from the outside in
12:23 and leave a little air
12:25 area open right in here
12:27 look like a little sheen of light coming
12:29 across the water when we're done
12:31 start at the bottom work upward let it
12:33 get lighter and lighter toward the top
12:37 lighter and lighter
12:45 see how easy that is
12:48 that's all there is to it
12:52 and then i have several brushes going
12:55 and you'll find that saves you a lot of
12:56 time and a lot of a lot of money and
12:59 wasted paint if you have several brushes
13:01 if you have one for dark color and one
13:03 for light otherwise
13:05 your good paint is going to end up down
13:06 here in this washer bucket
13:08 okay clean brush and i'm just going to
13:14 i don't want to lose this light area but
13:16 i just want to bring it all together
13:25 and that's ready all fixed up
13:28 now if you just have a tiny bit of paint
13:30 on your brush you can just
13:32 wrap it like that and it takes it'll
13:34 take that paint off
13:36 okay let's use the fan brush today we'll
13:38 build a happy little cloud let's go
13:44 i'm gonna reach down here be right back
13:46 get the least little touch a little bit
13:47 more of the bright red
13:49 i want to put a little sunlight in these
13:51 clouds i'll make a happy little cloud
13:54 happy little cloud okay
13:57 decide where your cloud lives maybe he
13:58 lives right in here take the corner of
14:00 the brush and just make tiny little
14:04 tiny little circles round and around and
14:06 don't stay in one place and keep working
14:09 if you just stay in one place here and
14:11 keep grinding the paint
14:13 you're going to end up with big cotton
14:14 balls up in the sky
14:16 you can also do this just as well with a
14:19 one inch brush or or two inch brush two
14:22 makes fantastic clouds
14:26 okay now with a clean dry
14:30 use the top corner of the brush
14:32 and you want to blend just the base of
14:34 these clouds out not touching the top
14:38 see very lightly very very lightly
14:43 just barely barely blending
14:46 okay now we're going to fluff it and
14:48 this we're going to do a big circular
14:50 pattern just grab it gently
14:53 and fluff it upward
14:58 and you're going to pull up little
14:58 stringy things when you do that don't
15:00 worry about them because when you go
15:04 and that easy you have one beautiful
15:11 maybe we'll put another happy little
15:13 cloud in here maybe this other cloud
15:15 maybe he lives right over here
15:18 same thing tiny little circles
15:21 and just drop him in wherever you think
15:23 he should live he lives right there
15:26 and in your world you put a cloud where
15:30 you don't necessarily need to put a
15:31 cloud where i do you put it where you
15:36 live somewhere else then that's where it
15:41 lift it gently lift it
15:44 and very lightly just go across it
15:49 we got another happy little cloud right
15:52 absolutely no problem okay i'm gonna
15:54 wipe off the old fan brush
15:58 okay i just have some paper towels over
15:59 here that i cleaned the brushes on
16:06 wipe it off and we're in business
16:10 let's build maybe we back in here
16:12 there's just a small little mountain
16:15 so let's take a touch of prussian blue
16:21 we're going to get a
16:23 little touch of a lisbon crimson so we
16:26 blue black lizard crimson
16:29 maybe even little van dyke brown what
16:32 what the heck just drop it in dark
16:36 okay pull the paint out as flat as you
16:37 can get it just really mash down hard
16:40 and take your knife and cut across
16:43 see there get that little roll of paint
16:45 this knife has a straight edge on it
16:47 and by having a straight edge it's very
16:50 easy to load it it's going up here
16:54 and then maybe maybe our little mountain
16:57 yeah i got to make a big decision here
16:58 maybe he lives right here just
17:01 floats around in the clouds
17:07 we're trying to push this color right
17:12 and you just decide where you want
17:14 little bumps to live see there's one
17:20 wherever you want them maybe there's a
17:23 happy little thing lives right there
17:26 scrape off all the excess paint just
17:28 really get in there and scrape hard
17:32 you can't hurt this just scrape it off
17:34 the only thing we're worried about is
17:36 this nice outside edge in here we could
17:42 with the two inch brush i want to grab
17:45 and because of the liquid white the
17:48 you can pull this and move it
17:51 and just move it remember
17:54 if you can see the entire mountain it's
17:56 always more distinct at the top than it
18:01 that will happen automatically
18:07 see just let it sort of float off in the
18:15 because this is a very firm paint you
18:17 can blend right over it
18:22 maybe there's some maybe there's some
18:23 snow on that little mountain so we can
18:25 take some titanium white
18:28 and once again pull it out as flat as
18:31 you can get it just really pull it out
18:36 get that little roll of paint
18:39 tiny little roll of paint let's go up
18:43 right along in here take the point of
18:45 the knife put it right up at the top of
18:48 no pressure just let it float
18:52 just let it float right down the side of
18:57 see follow the angles in the mountain
19:01 absolutely no pressure
19:04 okay maybe right here
19:06 think where light would strike
19:10 think where the sun would shine through
19:11 here and create all these beautiful
19:15 and if you're right-handed it's normally
19:17 easier for the light to come from the
19:25 very delicate touch though
19:31 very very delicate this is a time when
19:33 the little knife would come in even
19:35 so you can get back here with a little
19:37 knife and get these little places
19:39 that little center gun just sneaks right
19:42 either knife works very well
19:45 they both have the straight edges and
19:47 they work very good
19:48 take a little bit of blue and white this
19:50 is a little phthalo blue
19:58 mix it up about like so
20:02 cut across and once again we have that
20:04 small roll of paint right out on the
20:06 edge of the knife so you can see it's
20:07 right on the end there you go
20:12 which peaks fathers to weigh if this
20:13 one's in the background put a shadow
20:15 behind this one first
20:17 just a little tiny shadow then a shadow
20:23 distinctly through see there
20:31 no pressure at ball
20:34 think in your mind that the only thing
20:36 touching the canvas is that little tiny
20:40 and each little highlight needs a shadow
20:42 if it doesn't have a shadow
20:44 it won't come out and play with you
20:46 it'll just leave you
20:48 just leave you stranded
20:58 all right clean dry brush i'm going to
21:00 tap the base of this following the
21:03 i want to create mist
21:06 now lift upward very softly
21:10 three hairs and some air over here
21:12 follow these angles
21:16 see it just softens that son of a gun
21:24 so you can change your mind now maybe
21:26 peak that lives right
21:28 here if we make this one look like it's
21:31 in front of that by diffusing that first
21:33 and then bringing a line distinctly down
21:36 it'll push all that back but that little
21:38 misty area is the only thing that
21:41 so cherish it it's your good friend
21:44 maybe this shoe look here
21:47 you can take this anywhere you want it
21:50 anywhere you want to go
21:54 all the angles of highlight or light
21:56 are in the same basic direction same
22:02 because light's only going to strike at
22:03 a given angle coming through here sing
22:06 pretend you're a sunbeam just wandering
22:09 around here and having fun
22:13 we need a shadow back here
22:15 everywhere there's a highlight
22:17 we have to have a shadow just a little
22:22 just a little happy shadow it lives
22:24 right back here see how that pops right
22:26 out comes your friend
22:34 mountains are just geometric shapes
22:36 highlights and shadows
22:40 and you can make some of the most
22:41 fantastic mountains you've ever seen
22:44 what's great is great for practice and
22:47 get to give you experience is just take
22:48 a canvas and start at the top paint
22:50 mountains from top to bottom
22:52 and you'll learn more oh it's it's a
22:55 super way to practice
22:57 and by the time you're finished you'll
22:59 be good friends with the knife
23:01 okay tapping the base following those
23:04 now you want to save that one line right
23:07 that's a distinct line that separates
23:09 these two entities save that
23:15 whisper light you don't want to destroy
23:17 you just want to diffuse
23:19 over here follow these angles save this
23:22 line that's a distinct line that you
23:27 give it a little blend
23:31 and you've got one very effective
23:34 yet very easy little mountain and i knew
23:39 let's have some little footy hills that
23:43 let's mix up some color
23:46 shoot we'll take we had this mountain
23:50 that was just some prussian blue and
23:52 some midnight black we'll put some van
23:59 just a little touch of sap green don't
24:01 want too much snap green i'm gonna reach
24:02 over here and find some white
24:06 see what we got here you gotta put a
24:08 little white with it to know what you
24:10 it's very difficult to tell
24:12 a little more blue in there
24:16 just sort of play with the color until
24:17 it gets like you want it i'm looking for
24:20 sort of a bluish gray
24:22 maybe with a least little
24:26 it's too far away to have much green
24:29 okay now we can lift it up
24:32 like so okay let me clean the knife
24:36 and today i'll tell you what let's do
24:37 let's use a one-inch brush
24:39 and i'll just go right into that
24:41 and just pull it through just
24:43 to load a little paint on it
24:47 like so just like so
24:49 okay let's go up to the canvas
24:51 now you have to make a big decision here
24:53 where's your little foothills live
24:55 maybe let's start right in here maybe
24:57 just using the corner of the brush maybe
25:00 they just come right down
25:06 wherever you want them
25:09 and just sort of sort of pull it
25:14 turn it over and use the other corner if
25:17 gets empty you can turn it over just
25:23 but very important here see this little
25:25 misty area right in here you want to
25:28 save that mist that's between the
25:29 foothills and the mountain if you
25:31 if you kill that misty area these
25:32 foothills are going to look like they're
25:36 the mountain and you don't want that
25:42 time to wash your brush
25:44 i put off washing the brushes so i'm
25:48 give him a good shake
25:52 and just beat the devil out there now i
25:55 want to create mist at the base of this
25:56 foothill so here all we're going to do
26:02 pay attention here to the angles
26:05 this foothill is going to sort of be
26:06 coming down this way
26:17 see how soft that makes the base of that
26:18 little sonic gun look
26:21 and give it gentle little upward lifts
26:24 gentle gentle gentle
26:30 now then maybe we'll put one coming down
26:34 same color only darker
26:36 same color only darker
26:42 as things get closer to you in a
26:43 landscape they should get darker in
26:46 a little darker in value as they get
26:50 and you just mix these colors on your
26:52 brush shoot no big deal a little green
26:56 not much greens too far away okay
27:00 maybe this one lives
27:02 right along in here somewhere
27:10 see this one's a little darker so it'll
27:12 stand out now sometimes you want to make
27:14 something that looks like little
27:15 individual trees you just take a brush
27:18 on the end see pull down and it makes
27:20 a little more distinct things depending
27:23 on the effect that you want to achieve
27:31 you just sort of have to make a big
27:33 decision and decide where it lives
27:37 look at there it's that easy though
27:40 and i'll show you show you something
27:42 that's fun here maybe you decided here
27:46 maybe there's a little separation and
27:49 right on down here see you can you can
27:52 sort of pull them apart and make more
27:57 and you just take them wherever you want
28:02 a super way though just to make some
28:04 some happy little foothills that live
28:05 back here in the distance
28:07 maybe over here this one comes up a
28:15 whatever you think you just put them in
28:21 now then with our two inch brush
28:24 still paying attention to the lay of the
28:27 we can sort of begin tapping this
28:30 just wherever you think it should go
28:37 don't want to destroy this little line
28:38 though if we're going to keep that in
28:40 we'll go in between there just tap on
28:41 the corner of the brush to soften
28:49 okay then short little strokes lift
28:53 even if this comes down the hill lift it
28:56 straight up straight up straight up
29:00 if you lean it to the side and lift
29:02 it'll look like a little trees far away
29:04 look like the wind's blowing a thousand
29:06 miles an hour and about to blow them
29:15 and then very lightly
29:24 okay but in that one super way to make
29:26 some happy little foothills
29:28 and they're that easy
29:30 that easy tell you what let's do
29:32 let me find there it is
29:37 i can't find my brush you know when you
29:40 the mine's the second thing to go
29:43 okay we'll take some of that dark color
29:46 use some black some blue
29:49 i want this to be very very dark black
29:51 and blue will get some little brown
29:56 this should look black it should be so
29:58 dark now pull this brush through the
30:00 paint and as you pull it through wiggle
30:06 and then sharpen it
30:07 that'll bring the brush to a super sharp
30:13 super sharp edge there you can see it's
30:16 and the only reason it's sharp is
30:18 because you have so much paint in there
30:19 it's literally just stuck the bristles
30:26 way back in the distance there's some
30:27 little evergreens that live
30:29 now the only way to make this show is to
30:31 save this little misty area so touch it
30:34 with this that nice chisel edge
30:38 don't kill that little misty area that's
30:43 every so often reload your brush to
30:44 bring it back to a nice sharp edge
30:48 and you can begin dropping in all kinds
30:52 happy little distant trees
30:55 we're not looking for a distinct shape
30:56 yet they're too far away still
31:00 too far away when they get closer
31:02 then we'll worry about individual shapes
31:05 all we're trying to do
31:17 it's a super little way to make a lot of
31:19 trees now if you get them too far apart
31:22 if you let's just do something see if
31:24 you put them like this
31:25 they're very rapidly going to look like
31:27 telephone poles or a fence post
31:32 just put some more in there
31:35 just means you don't have quite enough
31:42 reload your brush frequently
31:44 and maybe as they wander out here they
31:46 get a little bit bigger
31:49 and by making them bigger out here and
31:52 smaller toward the center it'll create
31:57 pond here you'll see what i mean in just
31:58 a second but sort of let them get bigger
32:01 toward the outside edges and it makes a
32:06 a wonderful effect it'll
32:07 make you happy and if you're interested
32:09 in selling paintings
32:11 that's what i'll sell them
32:13 now it doesn't matter if a little bit of
32:14 that color comes down because we're
32:16 going to have water so this will just
32:19 just happy little reflections
32:28 but now one of the things when you're
32:32 the more planes you have in a painting
32:34 the more depth the more distance that
32:37 your painting will look deeper so come
32:40 around up here a minute look up close
32:41 let me show you look at all the planes
32:44 this one right here where these dark
32:53 and then you have several different
32:54 planes in the mountain now
32:57 if you can zoom back a little bit and
32:58 take a look see when you look at all
33:02 look at the right there look at the
33:04 depth that's in that already and is
33:06 caused only because of all of these
33:08 various planes in your painting
33:11 and that's that's what'll
33:13 that's what'll make a happy buck
33:16 let's create some reflections right here
33:19 let's take two inch brush decide where
33:21 you want reflections to be grab and pull
33:24 because these trees are short
33:26 just have short reflections here as you
33:29 outward that'll get a little longer
33:31 trees are a little taller reflection is
33:36 there go out the other way just pull
33:39 straight down though straight down
33:45 and that is super easy nice way to make
33:48 fantastic reflections
33:50 and you can do it you can do it and very
33:55 very lightly come straight across
34:00 and instant reflection show you another
34:05 maybe you want to create another plane
34:07 you can do that simply by just taking a
34:11 it doesn't matter as long as it's a
34:14 or just whatever happens to be on the
34:15 palette now watch right in here maybe
34:17 you want to show a little
34:19 another little plane
34:20 touch here with a fan brush and lift
34:23 it'll make it look like little tree
34:26 but it also begins creating the illusion
34:30 of another plane in the painting see
34:32 it looks like a little bank back here
34:35 and it also looks like little tree
34:38 hundreds of little tree trunks isn't it
34:41 and the more of these you
34:44 the better it'll look the more planes
34:46 that you have in your painting
34:49 now if you get one here that you don't
34:50 like or it's too bright all you have to
34:53 and all that dark color back there will
34:56 let's build a little water line
34:58 for that i'm going to take a touch of
35:00 the liquid white put it on a pallet
35:06 just pull it out and then lightly cut
35:09 across that's all there is to it so
35:11 there's a little bit of paint right up
35:14 okay now go up here use a firm pressure
35:18 and all we're going to do
35:20 is just cut in a water line
35:22 use a firm for keep these lines
35:30 see there just cut in a happy little
35:33 wherever you think they should be
35:36 wherever they should be
35:48 look at that and it's super and you can
35:55 see now a few little ripples here and
35:56 there on the water they too
35:59 need to be straight
36:01 if they're not straight
36:02 the water look like it's going to run
36:04 right out of your painting
36:05 cause you a lot of problems
36:13 tell you what let's do
36:15 let's begin putting some foreground in
36:18 let's take a big bunch of the oppression
36:24 oh i don't know crimson sap green it
36:27 doesn't matter whatever you have shoot
36:29 just drop it in there dark colors
36:36 might as well mix up a big water paint
36:37 okay let me clean off my knife
36:41 today i'll tell you what i'll tell you
36:44 let's use should we just use an old two
36:46 inch brush you could
36:48 you could do this with a fan brush uh
36:50 one inch brush it doesn't matter i'll
36:51 use a two inch today
36:53 pull it through the paint wiggling it
36:58 other side pull it through
37:02 you need a lot of pain in the bristles
37:04 just like with a one inch brush to bring
37:08 chisel edge wiggle it that loads it
37:12 the bristles i mean loads of bristles
37:15 and by wiggling it and pulling it it
37:16 pulls the paint toward the end of the
37:19 and sharpen just like you would a knife
37:22 okay look at how sharp that is or that
37:24 sonoran guns just you could shave with
37:26 it look at that super sharp
37:31 let's decide maybe there's a happy tree
37:33 evergreen tree he lives right there
37:36 touching the canvas
37:38 use just the corner of the brush just
37:42 and begin pushing making the bristles
37:44 bend slightly downward
37:49 look at that another nice little tree
37:51 and he lives right here in this brush
37:54 all you have to do is sort of push him
37:58 each time you start a new evergreen
38:00 reload the brush to a nice sharp chisel
38:02 edge go through the same procedure
38:04 let's have another one maybe he lives
38:09 just make a decision and drop him in
38:12 wherever you want him there he goes
38:20 one of the questions i get asked quite
38:22 frequently what if i do a tree
38:24 and decide i don't like him
38:27 or maybe i'll make him taller
38:30 watch here watch here
38:33 let's see what i hate to mess up his
38:34 treat man i want to show you this it's a
38:36 good tree maybe you want to make history
38:38 taller all you have to do is touch
38:41 and come right back over the top of him
38:47 and you just paint a bigger tree right
38:50 we don't make mistakes
38:52 we have happy accidents
38:55 and you have a brand new beautiful tree
39:01 tell you what let's do let's have a tree
39:03 on the other side too bring the brush
39:04 back to a chisel edge
39:08 nice and sharp okay
39:12 tree this old tree maybe he goes almost
39:15 all the way to the top of the canvas
39:19 same way this will give you some
39:20 practice using a big brush
39:23 making some beautiful little evergreens
39:27 this might be my favorite brush to do
39:32 some so often we avoid this brush
39:34 because it's big but it'll do some of
39:36 the most beautiful little delicate
39:40 see just you're pushing downward with
39:43 the corner of the brush just the corner
39:46 just the corner as you work down the
39:47 tree you push harder and harder so
39:49 you're actually using more of the brush
39:51 but just the corner and push down
39:54 see down i'm exaggerating as you can see
40:02 maybe we'll have some
40:03 leaf trees in there
40:06 so pull the brush in one direction
40:08 through the paint one direction
40:11 loaded full of color one direction this
40:14 is the same old dark color
40:19 by pulling it in one direction
40:24 see you pull it and then that corner is
40:27 when we touch the canvas we want that
40:29 rounded corner toward the top let's go
40:34 maybe right here lives
40:40 nice tree lives there just push bend the
40:44 that rounded corner was toward the top
40:51 okay you have to make some decisions now
40:53 where does this live
40:54 let's say it comes right out here
41:04 whatever this is it's your world you
41:06 make the big decision throw it in
41:09 that was so much fun
41:11 let's go over here maybe on this side
41:13 maybe there's a tree lives right in here
41:15 so we don't have to separate these yet
41:17 we separate them with highlights
41:20 right now all we need
41:22 are just basic shapes
41:25 see just push bend that brush up
41:28 and when you do it don't let the brush
41:29 slide like that see the difference you
41:32 makes good swamp grass we're not after
41:44 and you just wherever you want them
41:47 you can begin filling all that in
41:52 good place to practice bushes and stuff
41:56 excellent excellent place to practice
42:01 all that color blocked in that easy
42:05 nice individual bush lives right there
42:12 let's make a few tree trunks here and
42:16 we'll take a little the dark sienna a
42:18 little van dyke brown and some white
42:22 just pull it out very flat
42:25 don't over mix leave it leave it marbled
42:29 get that little roll of paint all those
42:31 various colors will be in that little
42:40 we'll go right up in here
42:43 allow the canvas to pull off what it
42:45 give it just this least little pull to
42:49 and you can put in just a happy little
42:50 tree trunk wherever you want that easy
42:54 maybe in this big tree over here
42:57 here's a little trunk and you don't have
42:59 to show the entire trunk cause the
43:04 you won't see all of it
43:09 old tree here there's a trunk libs
43:12 wherever you want them
43:16 another thing just take a clean knife
43:19 and scratch through the paint
43:22 see it makes it look like all kinds of
43:23 little delicate sticks and twigs and
43:26 people will think you work for weeks
43:28 doing this with a little one-haired
43:32 if you want them to be wider
43:34 stronger turn the knife
43:37 and they'll get thicker
43:39 and you can put limbs on trees or
43:41 whatever you want just doing this
43:44 most of these will be covered up as i
43:47 put a few on the other side over here
43:51 just here and there
43:59 over here let's have some reflections so
44:00 take the big brush decide where you want
44:02 reflections and and land to meet grab
44:06 and just pull it straight down
44:08 straight down the liquid white is still
44:11 wet it stays wet for several days on a
44:15 and the paint will move and
44:17 you can turn what was land right into
44:20 reflections that easy
44:24 then go lightly across
44:28 let me grab an old one inch brush here
44:33 let's begin putting some highlights and
44:34 all these things i'll go right into a
44:36 touch of a liquid white
44:40 okay dale i'm gonna reach up here be
44:42 right back get a little
44:46 maybe add a little black
44:50 you could just use black and yellow
44:52 makes a beautiful green i'm looking for
44:54 a dark green color here
44:56 dark green color bring it brush back to
45:00 sharp sharp edge see there very sharp
45:08 i want to highlight these big evergreens
45:10 using just the corner of the brush
45:16 and put all kinds of little highlights
45:18 don't kill all your dark areas though
45:20 evergreens are usually quite dark so
45:24 try not to kill all those dark areas
45:26 they're important especially in
45:30 okay a little bit out here on this one
45:32 don't want him left out
45:40 okay let's go over here to this other
45:43 while we're in the evergreen business
45:44 shoot as i get them all
45:50 just basically using just the corner of
45:54 and not a great deal of pressure
45:56 if your paint won't come off your brush
45:58 add the least little touch least little
46:03 that'll loosen the paint up and allow it
46:07 then paint will stick to a thick paint
46:14 i'll wash that brush off real quick
46:20 give them a good shake off we go now we
46:23 can begin working on these leaf trees
46:26 back into the liquid white
46:30 right through some yellow
46:32 and just a touch of green i want this to
46:34 be a nice shiny green
46:37 you make it whatever color you want okay
46:40 just want to show you how to create the
46:42 effects pull that brush in one direction
46:45 and get it full of paint there's a lot
46:47 of paint in there the secret to this
46:49 is to have a lot of paint so you just
46:51 have to barely touch the canvas
46:54 if you have to hit the canvas firmly or
46:57 then it's going to smudge
46:59 we pull it in one direction
47:01 it rounds one corner look right up here
47:03 you can see how that's around on that
47:06 with that rounded corner to the top
47:09 take go slightly above the dark
47:12 give it the least little touch
47:14 and just push slightly upward
47:16 you're just barely bending the bristles
47:19 it's a delicate little touch
47:23 and then working layers working downward
47:32 just decide where your tree lives and
47:35 and paint him in that's all you have to
47:38 but think about limbs that are
47:40 projecting towards you
47:41 they're not just all going out the sides
47:44 and don't just hit it random look at it
47:47 get it get a feel for it
47:49 one of the best things you can do is
47:51 take some time and go out in your yard
47:53 or go out in the woods and
47:57 make friends with a tree
48:01 then you'll get to understand him
48:04 look at what makes a tree look round
48:05 what gives it what gives it personality
48:08 i'm gonna get a touch of paint thinner
48:10 on my brush just to thin the paint a
48:15 maybe right in here now
48:17 it's a happy little
48:18 bush it lives right there
48:22 very little pressure
48:24 very very little pressure
48:28 then a pretty little sun again
48:31 add a little yellow ochre a little
48:32 indian yellow hair and there a little
48:34 touch of bright red
48:37 just sort of mix color on the brush
48:43 maybe back here oh there's a nice one
48:46 there's a nice one you're gonna be able
48:54 bright one and a happy one
48:56 maybe there's one that lives in front of
49:00 to the bush that in your mind is a
49:02 father's to way to him first
49:05 okay now you can use the side of the
49:07 brush and just push upward see make all
49:10 kinds of happy little grassy areas
49:14 look at that in a super super way
49:17 create all kind of little bushes
49:19 work in layers here though and notice
49:21 there's a dark area see the little dark
49:23 area between each layer that's the only
49:25 thing that separates your bushes don't
49:29 it's your good friend
49:30 keep the camera right here let me show
49:31 you you take the knife and come right
49:34 back in here and in these dark areas
49:36 scratch in little sticks
49:39 just in the dark areas though
49:41 and it'll help create depth in your
49:46 can you see those see and it gives
49:47 little sticks and twigs it holds all
49:49 these little bushes up
49:51 looks like a lot of detail
49:53 and you haven't worked very hard
49:56 you hadn't already worked at all
49:58 but don't tell nobody that that's our
50:05 it should always make you happy a little
50:10 and maybe let's do this one right back
50:14 here's a happy little bush
50:17 he lives right there
50:19 got a little arm it comes out through
50:22 make up little stories
50:26 talk to the talk to your canvas
50:29 shoot people expect us painters to be
50:31 half crazy it's all right and get away
50:37 end in yellow yellow ochre but let's put
50:39 some bright red in there too what the
50:43 now as i mentioned earlier when you're
50:45 doing this at home you use the colors
50:47 that make you happy
50:49 i want i want to use colors here that
50:51 are bright enough that you can see them
50:53 and you can distinguish how they're made
50:56 there we go because very soon very soon
51:00 how to paint will become easy what's
51:02 going to be hard is what to paint
51:05 that becomes the challenge
51:08 one thing it'll help you there we have
51:10 all kinds of instructional books
51:12 and there's a book for each television
51:14 series and each book contains
51:20 with detailed instructions
51:22 and just hundreds and hundreds of how-to
51:24 pictures it'll give you a lot of ideas
51:27 and with what you've learned here you
51:29 shouldn't have any trouble at all
51:33 or if you'd like we have instructors
51:35 that travel all over the country we have
51:37 certified instructors
51:38 that i personally have taught
51:40 and trained and that we guarantee and
51:43 these instructors travel all over the
51:45 teaching hundreds and hundreds of people
51:47 the joy of painting
51:49 if you'd like to have an instructor in
51:50 your area let us know
51:53 or let your local art shop know
52:02 one but do one bush at a time
52:11 see that little rascal
52:13 you're looking for that little lacy
52:15 should you get a bush that you don't
52:17 like just take your knife scrape it
52:20 just to a bush ectomy
52:22 scrape that little rascal off put your
52:24 dark color back in and you can do it
52:26 right over the top no problem
52:32 because if you're not happy with
52:34 then you ought to change it
52:37 there we go there's another little bush
52:44 oh there's a bright little rascal isn't
52:49 that really stands out nice tell you
52:51 what before we get too far along
52:54 let me see we'll use a little small
52:56 knife it's fun for getting in here
52:58 maybe you want to have maybe back in
53:00 here it lives maybe there's a a big rock
53:06 ah there he is just use some van dyke
53:09 a little dark sienna on it
53:13 see paint a big old happy rock and then
53:16 oh we can take some brown and some white
53:19 whatever color rock you want
53:24 still using a small knife and just reach
53:28 just like you were doing a little
53:29 mountain just let this bounce along
53:31 and put some highlight on that rock and
53:33 then a pretty little rock
53:38 he lives out here amongst all these
53:44 and rocks are just baby mountains with
53:46 proper care and nutrition shoot they'll
53:47 grow up and be a big mountain too
53:51 tell you what all we got brown going
53:55 maybe over on this side let's put in a
53:56 little bit of land we don't want all
53:59 to fall off in the water we'll give them
54:02 we'll give them something for his little
54:03 foots to stand on here
54:13 and we can use some brown
54:16 a little touch of blue even in there
54:20 brown white touch of blue
54:23 just let that sort of bounce along
54:27 it makes it nice how it looks like dirts
54:32 okay if you want to make it shine a
54:34 little more you can
54:37 lighter color and just barely graze here
54:40 just barely that'll make it jump right
54:47 now then with the one inch brush see
54:48 this is a very straight edge here you
54:50 can take and just pop in a little bush
54:54 and that sort of pushes that back
54:57 just here and there just a happy little
54:59 bush wherever you think they should live
55:03 back into our color
55:09 put in a little bush or two
55:14 all right around see right around the
55:19 one thing i'd like to mention if you've
55:20 enjoyed painting along with me on this
55:22 instructional video tape
55:24 we have numerous other tapes by myself
55:27 and a lot of other fantastic painters
55:29 and just about every medium you can
55:32 if you'd like if you'd like a free color
55:36 a lot of the tapes that we have drop me
55:39 we'll be glad to send you one
55:42 give you an idea of some of the
55:43 beautiful beautiful projects you can do
55:46 in the comfort of your home with
55:50 now i'm going to take just a clean knife
55:52 and i'm going to go up in here and here
55:54 and there i'm going to just scratch in
55:56 just some sticks and some twigs
56:00 wherever you think they should live
56:07 a little bit of liquid white
56:10 and we can go under this
56:14 dirt and land and just cut in a water
56:16 line same way as we did in the back
56:19 keeping it basically straight
56:28 you can go anywhere you want to go here
56:29 but you want to keep these lines
56:31 as straight as you can
56:38 okay maybe there's a happy little ripple
56:40 lives out here this too
56:47 tell you what let me get the liner brush
56:50 i'm gonna put paint thinner on it
56:54 paint then let's go right up here in the
56:56 brown you want this to be as thin as ink
57:00 this is paint thinner a little van dyke
57:02 brown turn that brush
57:03 turn it brings it to a sharp nice sharp
57:08 okay let's go up here
57:10 now this is a thin thin paint
57:13 maybe in here it lives a little stick or
57:20 and this paint is thin it will flow
57:24 it will literally flow right off your
57:27 if your paint won't flow then it's
57:29 probably not thin enough add a little
57:31 more paint thinner to it
57:33 sometimes i use a thin oil that'll work
57:37 see you got an old stick that lives
57:39 there and he's got a friend lives over
57:41 it's always old sticks in the woods
57:44 and it adds little details to your paint
57:52 to have the liner brush i'm gonna go
57:55 right into paint thinner
57:58 and right into the bright red and now
57:59 we'll do the most important part of the
58:01 painting then the paint once again until
58:03 it's consistency of ink load the brush
58:06 full and let's go right down in here and
58:10 sign our painting just
58:15 and this thin paint
58:23 there we go and i hope you've enjoyed
58:26 it's a lot of fun it'll teach you how to
58:30 and it's very very rewarding and i look
58:33 forward to painting with you again on
58:34 other instructional videos and until
58:36 then from all of us here happy painting