00:03the perception of AI so there's almost
00:06like two framings and I know this is
00:08overly simplistic but on one side
00:10there's like human versus AI or like
00:12human versus machine it's like an
00:14age-old Trope and then there's another
00:15which is like human plus AI right which
00:18is more optimistic it's like whoa like
00:20what can we do with this partnership and
00:23you've told me that you feel almost like
00:29portray this technology these tools in a
00:32certain way maybe even you know I don't
00:34want to put words in your mouth but more
00:35of this optimistic versus pessimistic
00:38doomsday lens so can you just speak to
00:40like why you feel that responsibility or
00:42almost like how you think
00:45um AI should be portrayed or how you
00:47want to portray it I've had to unlearn a
00:49lot of my bad habits in terms of like
00:54I am a trained viral video creator and
00:59so in many ways I'm trained very similar
01:01to the way a reporter would be which
01:03means that I'm rewarded for making click
01:07and so when all this AI stuff came out I
01:09knew that like my my first instinct was
01:13like oh let me make a bunch of like
01:14human versus AI like let's let's have
01:16the AI do something and a human do
01:17something and let's have like judge's
01:19critique and say which one's better and
01:21like that was my first instinct to do
01:25and then I realized like well what is
01:27that just gonna do that's just gonna
01:31it's just gonna freak people out you
01:35um and I do think you know people are
01:38there there are reasons to be worried
01:40for a about AI I think there are very
01:42many legitimate ones and it will
01:45negatively impact some people more than
01:49um but AI is a technology it can be used
01:53for good it can be used for bad and I
01:56just I think it clicked that like
02:01every gravitational force for the media
02:04is going to push towards the bad because
02:08that is what's going to get more clicks
02:09and engagements and Views and what's
02:12what's not the natural gravitational
02:14force is to actually think of ways to
02:19and so I was also sort of in this
02:21turning point in my career where I just
02:23spent like two years optimizing for
02:24growing followers and I finally just
02:25sort of let go of that and I was like
02:27what would what would it look like if I
02:28stopped trying to go my grow my
02:30followers what would it look like if I
02:31actively stopped trying and just made
02:33like what I wanted to make I was like
02:35well since I no longer care about
02:37growing my followers which was which was
02:39very freeing for me it's like well I
02:41actually don't have to do this clickbait
02:42thing I actually don't have to try to
02:44get the most views by doing this
02:45controversial AI stuff I actually can
02:48just make like wholesome positive find
02:51creative uses of it because if it is a
02:54technology that can be used for good or
02:57why not you know it's more rewarding for
02:59me to make it for good
03:01even if it's less viral oh well doesn't
03:05matter have you found that things have
03:07been less viral when you go that more
03:13one-off basis each thing is less viral I
03:17I there are there are many pieces where
03:19I was like if I had written the headline
03:20in a more controversial way it would
03:22have gotten bigger it would have gone
03:25but I definitely think long term
03:28it's a better strategy for me to
03:32consistently put out positive stuff so
03:34people can people associate that you
03:37know with the content I'm putting out