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a16z Podcast | Welcome to the New Era of Commerce

158 views|5 years ago
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The video explores the impact of crowdfunding on the economy, highlighting the ability to tap into demand before production and connect directly with consumers. Examples like Tesla's success and the shift towards direct-to-consumer sales illustrate a changing commerce landscape. Strategies include pre-selling products, creating scarcity, and focusing on experiences over goods. Social commerce and the importance of community involvement in decision-making are emphasized, along with the evolution towards pre-commerce and the implications of these changing buying behaviors.

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The impact of crowdfunding on the economy.
Crowdfunding allows for tapping into demand before production, connecting with a global audience instantly.
This pre-commerce model leverages the internet and social media to reach consumers directly.
Brands benefit from higher margins and stronger consumer relationships.
Tesla's success through crowdfunding exemplifies the shift towards direct-to-consumer sales in the evolving commerce landscape.
Tesla sold 200,000 cars generating $14 billion in revenue.
Tesla aimed to disrupt traditional car sales models and connect directly with consumers.
This approach allowed for better demand prediction and efficient production.
The shift in selling methods highlights the changing landscape of commerce.
Tesla's strategy contrasts with older models relying on distributors and dealers.
Tesla and Xiaomi revolutionizing commerce through direct-to-consumer sales.
Both companies have proven reliability in delivering products on time.
Strategy involves offering high-value products directly to consumers.
Elon Musk's decision to cater to a broader market demonstrates industry evolution.
Emphasis on the shift towards direct-to-consumer sales in the industry.
Selling products before they exist is a growing trend in commerce.
The Atlanta Hawks and Tesla have successfully utilized this strategy.
This approach strengthens the relationship between brands and consumers.
The internet has played a significant role in breaking down traditional boundaries.
Pre-order sales are driven by a sense of exclusivity and fear of missing out.
Creating scarcity through limited-time offers can drive demand and efficiency gains for companies.
Tesla uses this strategy to accurately gauge demand before production, reducing working capital risks.
Fostering a community of early adopters can convert customers into advocates, as shown in examples like Star Citizen's crowdfunding model.
Millennials are prioritizing experiences over goods, making community involvement in product development appealing to consumers.
The rise of experiences over physical products is shaping the co-creation of art and fandom, highlighting fan engagement.
Crowdfunding events and tours have proven successful, showcasing the effectiveness of pre-selling tickets.
Fan advocacy has the potential to boost sales and drive success, even for entities lacking established brands.
Tools like enterprise crowdfunding are empowering small businesses to quickly reach millions in orders and achieve success.
Examples like a drone company securing $35 million in orders within 30 days demonstrate that success is attainable without the need for a large brand presence.
The concept of social commerce is discussed, focusing on collective purchasing power and community involvement.
Social commerce differs from traditional commerce by involving a community in decision-making and risk-sharing.
Past challenges with platforms like Facebook and PayPal in social commerce evolution are mentioned.
The shift towards prioritizing collective action and community engagement over individual transactions is highlighted.
This new approach paves the way for a more nuanced and powerful commerce model.
Various types of graphs are used for different purposes, such as gifts, sports fans, and car owners, highlighting the importance of creating original and relevant content.
A tipping point is recognized in campaigns where momentum is gained and success is achieved, typically needing approximately 34% commitment from participants.
The communal and social aspect of human behavior is emphasized, with group efforts like Kickstarter projects illustrating this concept.
Dunbar's number is referenced in social commerce, proposing a threshold of around 33.4% for collective purchases, showcasing the psychological factors and motivations involved.
The segment explores the intersection of physical and software in the online world, particularly in pre-commerce and social commerce.
It emphasizes the challenges of crowdfunding and the significance of demand discovery in this space.
Predictions are made regarding the evolution of nimble startups into larger companies that adopt this approach.
The importance of selling products based on actual demand is highlighted.
The shift towards recognizing the benefits of this strategy across various industries is emphasized.
Importance of Early Demand Awareness in Business.
Tesla's example illustrates the trend of consumers pre-ordering products, emphasizing the balance between immediate gratification and being involved in the product development process.
Pre-ordering approach has led to increased conversion rates by simplifying the purchase process.
Consumers are now more willing to wait for products, indicating a shift towards experiential purchasing.
Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a key driver of early adoption in consumer behavior.
The rise of pre-commerce and crowdfunding is changing the traditional buying experience.
This shift will lead to new tools and a frictionless buying process.
Concepts like e-commerce are becoming outdated as pre-commerce gains momentum.
Expectations around imperfections and delivery times will evolve as society adapts to this trend.
The discussion also touches on social commerce and the future implications of these evolving buying behaviors.