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a16z Podcast | Technology and the Opening of Myanmar

172 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the technological advancements and societal changes in Myanmar, focusing on the impact of the liberalized telecommunications market and the rapid adoption of smartphones. It highlights the emergence of platforms like Facebook and Viber, the growth of independent media, and the importance of technology for social change and development. The speaker shares personal experiences with technology and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the need for collaboration between different sectors of society. The role of government in supporting tech innovation, challenges for independent media, and the potential lessons for other developing countries are also explored.

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Technological advancement in Myanmar due to a liberalized telecommunications market.
Four well-funded telcos competing to provide smartphones to Myanmar's population.
Launch of Myanmar Innovation Green House to drive change through technology, civil society, and independent media.
Recent digital transformation in Myanmar from a closed-off society to a more open society both physically and digitally.
Evolution of Communication and Media in Society.
People now have the freedom to speak and write critically of the government compared to a previous era of strict control and censorship.
The introduction of new telcos has provided more affordable options for consumers, changing the landscape of technology and telecommunications.
These changes are seen as a fascinating adjustment period, marking a significant shift in how information is shared and received in society.
Rapid increase in internet and mobile technology access in Myanmar.
People in Myanmar lining up for SIM cards and utilizing Facebook as primary online platform.
Viber gaining popularity in Myanmar due to its simple sign-up process.
Unique transition in Myanmar from heavy censorship to sudden openness.
Myanmar's digital age evolving rapidly, showcasing new era of technological growth and connectivity.
Shift in Myanmar's media landscape post end of state-controlled regulations.
Explosion of daily and weekly publications met pent-up demand for information access.
Facebook has a first-mover advantage in the unique internet market of Myanmar.
Transition to digital platforms raises questions about new tech licenses and focus on mobile applications.
Burmese people predominantly access internet through mobile devices, leading to different usage patterns.
Overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities.
The speaker utilized a mandatory gap year to self-study programming and computer science.
A journalist introduced the possibility of studying abroad with financial aid, leading to acceptance at MIT.
Pursued computer science, worked at tech companies, and co-founded a company before moving to the west.
In Myanmar, women in STEM fields were not uncommon due to the country's matriarchal society.
Establishment of Innovation Green House in Myanmar.
The initiative included hosting hackathons to address challenges in reaching sex workers and informing farmers about pests.
Green House aims to create a collaborative space for different sectors of Myanmar society to work together.
The potential of such initiatives in Myanmar is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of technology, civil society, and media collaboration for impactful change.
Success of I hub in Kenya in fostering innovation and creating startups.
The hub has attracted talent from East Africa and emphasized the importance of a strong tech community for innovation.
Local ownership and management are key to the success of tech initiatives, with international support playing a supportive role.
The role of government in advancing tech innovation in countries like Myanmar is discussed, highlighting the need for policy reforms.
Policy reforms are necessary to enable progress in tech innovation and support the growth of startups.
Challenges and opportunities in Myanmar's telecommunications and media sector.
New telco licenses have increased competition in the telecommunications market.
Independent media faces obstacles in terms of survival, distribution, and business models.
Regulatory framework is vital for the success of the tech ecosystem, particularly in mobile payments.
Rule of law, business contracts, and market expansion beyond Myanmar need improvement for growth.
Shift towards mobile internet in Myanmar and potential lessons for other regions.
The app model, relying on small payments, is suggested as an alternative to ad-supported markets.
Developing countries, like Africa, are leapfrogging traditional technology in the evolving tech landscape.
Media environment complexities in Myanmar include government monitoring hindering press freedom.
Discussion raises concerns about maintaining the internet as a public space for societal discussions.
Myanmar's rapid transition to smartphone usage has resulted in 50.1 million people accessing the internet for the first time through smartphones.
Funding from media networks and foundations has supported the Myanmar Innovation Green House in team-building and activities.
The focus is on establishing a global network to facilitate digital leapfrogging in Myanmar by leveraging experiences from other markets.
The speaker discusses plans for an education-themed hackathon to support startup entrepreneurs and communities.
The company's profitability enables them to donate to educational projects in Burma.
The goal is to connect Burmese Nationals in the startup scene with Silicon Valley, providing support and sharing knowledge.
The speaker found the conversation with employees and startup founders interesting and exciting.
Gratitude was expressed for the participation of all involved.