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a16z Podcast | Getting Network Effects

3K views|5 years ago
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The video explores the concept of network effects in businesses, with discussions on strategic approaches taken by companies like Facebook and Airbnb to achieve high user engagement and growth. It also delves into growth hacks used by entrepreneurs to address challenges like the chicken and egg problem. The importance of measuring product market effect, understanding consumer behavior, and utilizing data for business success is highlighted. The debate on monetization strategies, early success stories like eBay, and challenges faced by businesses similar to OpenTable are also discussed. Overall, the video emphasizes the significance of network effects in sustaining user engagement and value for successful businesses.

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Discussion on network effects with Anu and Jeff as guest speakers.
Anu focuses on marketplaces, while Jeff has experience with companies like Airbnb.
Defining network effects and the value they bring to existing users.
Emphasis on understanding the difference between growth and network effects.
Highlighting the true value and engagement needed for a network effect to occur.
Importance of network effects in investing.
Early entry into companies can provide a competitive advantage.
Network effects can make a service more valuable to users and less susceptible to price pressure.
Facebook's growth strategy of focusing on daily actives by monthly actives illustrates the impact of network effects on user engagement and success.
Distinguishing between viral growth and network effects is a challenge in hyper-growth startups.
Facebook's strategic approach to high user engagement and growth.
Facebook prioritized getting 80% of Harvard students signed up and achieving over 50% daily engagement before expanding.
The platform strategically adjusted its product features, like relationship status, to increase user engagement.
Despite facing criticism initially, Facebook successfully penetrated 80% of colleges in just 18 months.
Facebook's disciplined approach led to high retention rates and successful expansion of its user base.
Growth hacks to solve the chicken and egg problem in entrepreneurship.
Mark Zuckerberg's hack pre-populated Facebook with Harvard students and required users to reach 10 friends.
OpenTable focused on restaurant adoption before consumer usage to build utility for one side first.
Entrepreneurs are advised to strategically address the chicken and egg problem to bootstrap their business and kickstart growth.
OpenTable's rapid growth was fueled by focusing on online orders, leading to exponential sales increases for restaurant sales reps.
The company had to market city by city, unlike eBay, which achieved instant national and global reach.
OpenTable's strong network effects make it virtually impossible to displace in the restaurant industry.
Local marketplaces present unique challenges but can be valuable if built successfully.
The success of OpenTable creates tough competition for global expansion strategies.
Importance of measuring product market effect and understanding consumer behavior for business success.
WhatsApp's success attributed to focusing on user feedback and adapting features accordingly.
Airbnb's gradual growth strategies emphasize initial market fit and strong network effects.
Contrasting Airbnb's gradual growth with rapid global expansion strategies.
Challenges faced by Airbnb in gaining trust and establishing value proposition in the sharing economy market.
Airbnb founders used traditional marketing strategies and perseverance to build the company.
They rented their own place, targeted events, and re-marketed cereal boxes for funding.
It took 36 months to reach critical mass and network effect.
Overnight success is rare, with companies like Airbnb and Pinterest taking years to build.
Importance of perseverance and focusing on product-market fit is highlighted, using case studies like Facebook to differentiate viral growth from network effect.
Strategies for viral growth in companies like Facebook and Angry Birds are discussed, highlighting high user engagement and word-of-mouth marketing.
Viral growth is compared to network effects, with a focus on increasing user value rather than just acquiring more users.
The case study of Medium shows how users can be acquired at low costs, but identifying network effects remains a challenge.
The key factor in determining viral growth versus network effects lies in how users discover and engage with the platform.
Importance of utilizing medium for non-viral posts to drive attention and engagement.
Key metrics and indicators for business success include matching readers to writers.
OpenTable's success in San Francisco attributed to providing value, leading to expansion to new markets.
Significance of running small experiments to validate success before scaling up, demonstrated by the Russian community in San Jose.
Early success of eBay in collectibles market and importance of recognizing signs of success and scalability in business ventures.
Venture capitalist Bob Kegel was inspired by craftsman Oscar Peterson creating decoy ducks from Michigan.
Caution against assuming Silicon Valley success translates universally.
Example of Cherry, an on-demand car washing service in San Francisco, highlights the need for replicability in different markets.
The rise of the sharing economy is discussed, focusing on examples such as ride-sharing and crowdfunding.
New technologies enabled by smartphones are changing consumer behaviors and driving the sharing economy trend.
Ride-sharing services are highlighted for offering a superior product compared to traditional taxis, with a city-by-city rollout.
The concept of point-to-point services is emphasized, contrasting with platforms like Opentable in the sharing economy.
The importance of supply-side economies of scale in ride-sharing is emphasized to ensure quality drivers and efficient service, with network effects explored in services like UberPool.
Strategy of providing attractive services to consumers to increase bookings and reduce subsidies.
Instacart hack of ordering from any grocery store and marking up prices initially to build demand, then negotiating deals with grocers to eliminate markups.
Importance of discounts, subsidies, and organic vs. paid marketing in creating successful network effects businesses.
Airbnb as an example of effectively hacking demand through traditional marketing strategies.
Importance of Return on Investment (ROI) in paid marketing for platforms like Airbnb.
Analyzing ROI, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) vs. Lifetime Value (LTV) to ensure sustainable growth.
Successful platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and eBay achieved growth without heavy acquisition spending.
Emphasizing the significance of network effects vs. growth effects in sustaining user engagement and value.
Importance of Monetization Timing in Business Growth
Marketplaces typically monetize earlier due to existing transactions.
Turning on payments in marketplaces enhances user experience and allows for earlier monetization.
Some companies have successfully shifted from growth at all costs to a sustainable growth model, leading to improved profitability without hindering growth.
Unique circumstances of each company should be considered when deciding on monetization strategies.
Importance of monetization model in marketplace business.
OpenTable survived tough competition by raising funds and strategically outlasting competitors for five years, leading to a network effect.
Facing market challenges like capital drying up for competitors can benefit a business.
Being unopposed in the market for a period of time can provide an advantage.
Comparison with GrubHub's experience of needing to acquire multiple companies to succeed in the market.
Challenges faced by a business similar to OpenTable.
Slow network build and difficulty of physically reaching out to restaurants individually are highlighted.
Offering a private label version for a specific segment willing to pay more is discussed.
Importance of lead generation and high fragmentation in the restaurant industry is emphasized.
Targeting chains with branded services is highlighted as a successful approach.
Discussion on marketplaces, network effects, and brand value.
Marketplaces are preferred over white label for higher perceived value.
Debate on network effects and brand popularity, with reference to Sarnoff and Metcalfe's laws.
Questioning the sustainability and true value of network effects, especially in popular games like Angry Birds.
Exploration of various sources of value and sustainability, including potential diseconomies as markets mature.
The value of iconic brands like Nike and Disney in relation to consumer interest and network effects.
Examples from companies like Uber and Pinterest demonstrate the significance of network effects in business success.
The role of data in delivering superior services and the increasing demand for data scientists in the industry.
The potential of network effects in enhancing content personalization and driving business-to-business advantages.
Utilizing data for better shipping information and service optimization in startups.
The examples of 9/11 affecting eBay's business and the financial crisis impacting OpenTable are presented.
Planning and buffering for disruptions caused by socio-economic or political events is crucial for business stability and growth.
Startups can mitigate adverse effects by using data to anticipate and respond to challenges proactively.
The speaker stresses the significance of leveraging data for improved decision-making in navigating uncertainties in the business environment.
Discussion on externalities, thin capitalization, and time for experiments.
The speaker mentions the importance of considering externalities in decision-making processes.
They emphasize the challenges of being thinly capitalized in business operations.
The speaker highlights the value of having time to run experiments in order to make informed decisions.
The audience is thanked for their questions and encouraged to continue the discussion.