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359 Meditation

William Donahue2012-05-08
Moon#Christianity#Consciousness#Mayan#NASA#Orion#Nebula#Protest#ufos#alien#threat#Cairo#Iran#Iraq#Vatican#Holy See#Pope#child abuse#EYE#space#planet#angels#prophecy#deception#portals#conspiracy#secret#revelations#seti#earth#twins#government#religion#NIBIRU#animals#2012#stargates#wormholes#chronos#spirituality#mind#time#science#DNA#shift#dimensional#China#Pakistan#Afghanistan#Photon#Quantum#Emerald Tablets#Bible#Jesus#Thoth#Hermes#Greek#Sex#Pyramid#Rape#Obama#Bush#Seti#Atheist
144K views|12 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video emphasizes the power of meditation in connecting with one's inner self, achieving stillness, and tapping into creative energy. It discusses the importance of moving inward, reaching a state of nothingness, and developing resilience to handle life's challenges. Meditation is portrayed as a transformative practice that promotes compassion, oneness with nature, and spiritual growth. The speaker highlights the significance of understanding nature, acknowledging uniqueness, and nurturing children's spiritual development. Ultimately, meditation is presented as a tool for personal growth, improved relationships, and living life with a higher perspective.

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📊 Transcript
Importance of harnessing inner power through meditation.
Power within individuals can be either good or evil, similar to neutral electricity.
True meditation involves being still and letting go of thoughts, not following specific techniques.
Not overthinking and being present is crucial during meditation.
Reference to The Cloud of Unknowing, a 14th-century Catholic monk's book, as a guide to true meditation.
Importance of meditation and achieving a state of nothingness.
Emphasizes the need for renewal and accessing inner power through stillness.
Interpretation of numerology in Eastern practices, with number five symbolizing sacrifice and the senses.
Jesus' teachings on 'taking no thought' in Matthew chapter 6 as a call to meditate and separate from distracting thoughts.
Connecting with the center of ourselves overlooked by traditional teachings.
The importance of meditation in moving inward from external stimuli towards the center of oneself.
Feeling is the closest to the center, followed by thinking, and then activity, in the process of meditation.
The goal of meditation is to be centered and avoid getting lost in thoughts or actions without understanding.
Corporate America encourages starting from the center, focusing on feelings before thoughts and actions.
The ultimate goal of meditation is to reach a state of nothingness, connect with the inner self, and understand motivations before taking action.
The Lotus position is a scientific practice taught by Buddha that involves sitting with crossed legs and hands together to create an inner electrical circuit.
This practice minimizes gravitational effects on the spine, promoting restfulness.
The concept is not tied to any religion and is based on scientific facts.
By referring to God as a power or energy, individuals can tap into this intelligence.
Creating an electrical circuit with hands can alleviate discomfort during meditation.
Importance of transitioning brain waves for spiritual growth.
Emphasis on personal, silent encounters within oneself over emotional, group-based religious experiences.
Illustration of the power of the mind through Buddhist monks' ability to generate heat during meditation.
Highlighting Jesus Christ's teaching about the kingdom being within for inner transformation.
Activating the right hemisphere of the brain for unlocking capabilities beyond traditional religious practices.
Importance of moving inward during meditation.
Understanding and observing thoughts without getting involved or judging them is key.
Emphasis on the concept of indifference towards thoughts.
Meditation can improve one's ability to deal with life's challenges.
Goal of meditation is to become better equipped to handle various situations.
Benefits of Meditation for Resilience
Meditation helps individuals react and think differently to challenges, rather than making obstacles easier.
It strengthens the ability to face adversities and was taught by Buddha thousands of years ago.
The practice is not about seeking mystical experiences, but developing resilience in everyday situations.
By quieting the mind, one can reach a state of Nirvana where all thoughts disappear, revealing the essence of nature or God.
Importance of listening to one's inner voice and nature's intricate workings.
Animals instinctually knowing how to care for their young and find their way back to specific locations.
External factors can quickly change one's feelings and mood.
Personal anecdote about a beauty salon visit gone wrong due to using a hair product causing hair loss.
Humorous situation at the salon due to the hair loss incident.
Importance of addressing feelings and allowing them to pass through meditation.
Emphasizes the need to not be controlled by feelings but to let them pass.
Discusses moving through emotions to reach a state of inner peace.
Encourages meditation to connect with one's inner being and center (God).
Stresses uniqueness and the importance of contributing to the world with distinct qualities, promoting peace and individuality over violence and military mindset.
Transformative power of meditation
Meditation can lead to a shift towards compassion and oneness with nature, tapping into higher consciousness.
Individuals can embody qualities like Jesus and take control of their destiny by using their mind effectively.
Meditation facilitates a shift in perspective, leading to positive outcomes, fulfillment, and inner peace.
It serves as a tool for transcending negative emotions and harmful behaviors, promoting spiritual growth.
The importance of meditation in improving life and relationships.
Success in meditation is measured by health, relationships, and overall happiness.
A personal story of Carol finding self-worth through meditation.
Meditation helps in facing challenges and gaining a new perspective.
Constant meditation, prayer, and reading are essential for personal growth and living a fulfilling life.
Importance of Meditation and Spiritual Connection.
Meditation helps in guiding individuals to make proper reactions in life, similar to how nature guides animals instinctively.
Understanding nature is key to understanding God, with the pineal gland playing a crucial role in spiritual connection.
Religion has often discouraged the use of the pineal gland, but individuals have the opportunity to embrace spirituality while honoring themselves.
By acknowledging one's uniqueness and striving to be the best version of oneself, individuals can align with their true purpose and make meaningful contributions.
Teaching Children about the Pineal Gland and Emotions.
Parents are advised to quiz children about lessons and engage in discussions.
Emphasis on understanding oneself, respecting oneself, and following spiritual teachings.
Encouragement to teach children about their inner self rather than instilling fear of external forces like devils and demons.
Focus on nurturing children to connect with nature, animals, and Earth for a beautiful life.