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3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti

Jesus Christ#Steve Cioccolanti#End Times Signs#Prophecy#Last Days#Book of Revelation#Liberty#Bible#Christianity
837K views|5 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses various prophecies and visions related to political, religious, and natural events, emphasizing the need for spiritual preparedness and alignment with God's word. Topics include support for General Michael Flynn, upcoming solar eclipse significance, predictions of economic crashes and earthquakes, and the importance of seeking God's guidance. The speaker also encourages viewers to deepen their relationship with God, prepare for Jesus' return, and accept salvation through Jesus Christ. Overall, the video urges spiritual vigilance, unity among Christians, and readiness for potential disasters and persecution.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Emphasis on Support for General Michael Flynn and the Cause of America and the Church.
Urging individuals to humble themselves before God and seek justice.
Mention of Peter Navarro's situation and the necessity for a Great Awakening in the church.
Advocacy for surrendering personal ambitions and serving God in the current generation.
Belief in Jesus' imminent return and the significance of preparing for it.
Significance of upcoming solar eclipse and its connections to Jewish holidays and biblical themes.
Eclipse's path through specific U.S. cities like Eagle Pass and Nineveh noted for historical and symbolic connections.
Placement of golden statue resembling Ishtar in New York City in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg raises concerns and biblical comparisons.
Statue relocated from New York to Texas sparks protests, eventually moved to University of Houston campus.
Message received regarding acceleration of events during Passover, encompassing financial, political, and war-related aspects.
Warning of extreme weather conditions, including record-breaking temperatures and long-track tornadoes, urges individuals to take authority over storms.
Prediction of significant political doors opening for Pastor Steve, with an anointing akin to past patriots.
Vision of a new wave of patriotism in America, symbolized by Trump and the red wave in Michigan and Oklahoma.
Vision of Donald Trump surviving assassination, becoming religious, winning presidency, facing opposition, and experiencing revival and correction for America.
Prophecy includes biblical timelines and horsemen, along with a warning of a severe economic crash worse than the Great Depression.
Despite challenges, the vision ultimately leads to a period of renewal and growth for America.
Prediction of Trump winning by a landslide within two years leading to financial disaster.
Mention of pockets of difficulty and turbulence, emphasizing alignment with God's word.
Belief that events are allowed by God for a greater purpose, comparing it to a chess player setting a trap.
Discussion of signs in the heavens and significance of the 2017 solar eclipse, relating it to Trump's experiences with the court system and injustice.
Discussion on Trump's situation, upcoming solar eclipse, and potential earthquake at New Madrid fault line.
Comparison of Trump's situation to Salem Witch Trials and prediction of earthquake at New Madrid fault line.
Reference to the Book of Jonah and historical solar eclipse over Nineveh.
Emphasis on seeking God for guidance and past earthquakes in the area.
Mention of prophecy about buildings being leveled and hope for preparedness in face of disaster.
Prophetic vision of a significant earthquake in the United States.
The vision includes helicopters providing aid and comparisons to past events like 9/11.
Timing of the event aligns with transition from winter to spring, indicating it may occur soon.
Speaker emphasizes importance of heeding prophetic messages.
Preparing for potential disasters is crucial.
Discussion on potential division of Jerusalem and impact of a two-state solution.
Speaker recalls prophecy of major earthquake after division of Jerusalem.
Challenges of supplying goods to affected areas post-earthquake mentioned.
Visions related to New York Stock Exchange and America-Israel connection discussed.
Election in Israel predicted to be triggered soon, tied to events in America.
Discussion on signs in the heavens and visions of impending disasters.
Nineveh is highlighted for its child sacrifice and idol worship as reasons for divine judgment.
Warning of potential future calamities and the importance of spiritual preparedness for the second coming.
Emphasis on practical preparation and awareness of current events aligning with biblical prophecies.
Emphasis on daily devotion and seeking God over worldly desires.
Urgent call to deepen relationship with the Lord and prepare for the second coming of Jesus.
Reference to a past revival led by Pastor John Kilpatrick.
Speaker's involvement in preaching about end time prophecy.
Vision of green horse and demonic clown interpreted as persecution against Christians.
Emphasis on unity and support among spiritual leaders in the face of threats and division.
Importance of learning from the word of God and staying vigilant regardless of denomination.
All Christians seen as equal targets by those seeking to oppress them.
Interpretation of the green horse in the Book of Revelation, construction of futuristic green city Neo, and prediction of its destruction.
The green horse symbolizes Islam and the climate change agenda in the Book of Revelation.
Neo is a green city being built in Saudi Arabia, with a prophecy of its destruction in Revelation 17:18.
Pastor John Kilpatrick's dream of a frightening clown figure is linked to demonic influences in the music industry.
Faith in Jesus Christ is emphasized as a form of protection against spiritual threats.
Importance of Accepting Jesus as Savior.
Jesus is highlighted as sinless and sacrificed for humanity's sins.
Viewers are encouraged to pray for forgiveness, accept Jesus into their hearts, and seek salvation.
Joining an online church community is promoted for support, mentoring, and spiritual guidance.
Emphasis is placed on the benefits of fellowship, access to resources, sense of belonging, acceptance, and spiritual help through the online church platform.